Something about him was quite intriguing and somewhat tantalising. Maybe it was the way he seemed glued to my face or the way he smacked his lips, gazing at me.
But I was not having it.
“This marriage is for your parents,” I muttered to myself as I sat underneath the shower, letting the water drip down my body.
I was living in his house now as his fiancee and the wedding plans were just about to kick off.
My face was all over the papers as his fiancee and in a few months, we would be wedded.
Whatever this thing was, I hoped to finally get used to it because somehow, it was sickening and his arrogance was not helping matters.
I had barely stepped out of the bathroom and wrapped my body in a towel when I heard a light knock on the door.
“Hold on…” I called out, hastily throwing on a dress, different from what I wore earlier.
I needed to feel comfortable and the only way I could was ro wear something loosely fitting and easy.
My hair was wrapped in a towel as I walked to the door to unlock.
Another persistent knock followed and I hurriedly unlocked it, staring at him with a smirk.
“You should come down for dinner,” his deep voice cut through my reverie and I rolled my eyes, nodding hastily.
“I will be there in a jiffy. I just had a shower.”
“That information was unnecessary,” he replied with a smirk and I felt my blood curl at the sound of his voice.
“Whatever…” the words slipped out before I could catch them.
Not very demure I thought to myself but shaking off the thoughts of guilt that crept up within me.
He turned to walk away but stopped halfway down the corridor and turned back to me.
“How long is your friend Suzanne going to be here?”
“Does her presence irritate you?” I twitched the corners of my lips.
“The question was straight forward. I wonder why it is so hard for you to supply an answer.”
I was heavily agitated at this point. All I could think of was how I would survive staying under the same roof with him, considering how annoying he was.
“Suzanne only wanted to meet the man I am married to. She isn't going to spend the night, Mr. Kyle Clark. Don't be too flattered.”
He twisted the corners of his lips. “I just needed to know if I should order the staff to get a room fixed for her but since she is leaving, there will be no need.”
I felt a pang of guilt within my heart as I just realised that I totally misunderstood him.
“Oh…” I muttered, recoiling from my agitation. He was already walking down the corridor. “I guess I will see you at lunch,” I said aloud, suddenly feeling too foolish to even speak.
His presence was subjugating and it was not intentional, it was something about him.
I shut the door gently, feeling drawn up.
I hastily fixed up my hair and my makeup once again before trying to put my lipstick on when I suddenly remembered he said something about it being smeared earlier.
I quickly put the lipstick away and put on a nude gloss before walking out of the room, my scent following along.
The house was really big and beautiful, nothing like I had ever seen.
The one George had was beautiful too but this was magnificent.
It spelt class and generational wealth.
As I approached the dining, I could hear Suzanne's cackles and her shrieking voice.
“You are such a jolly good fellow,” I heard Thomas saying to her and I smiled.
She was.
“Hey Brielle, I was just telling Thomas about how good you are with chess even though I know you cheat me most of the time.”
I laughed heartily, sitting beside Kyle.
“You just do not want to ever agree that I would beat you and your entire clan if I had to.”
“Maybe we should all play then,” Thomas suggested, a smile curling up in his lips. He looked as good as Kyle and I could tell that Suzanne seems attracted to him.
“Good! If you're that good Thomas, I'd love to see someone beat Brielle. She literally would never let me have a win.”
“Because you aren't that good, Suzanne…” I chided with a smile.
“Maybe we will find out after lunch. I am sure Kyle would not let you have that win except he gets too emotional, thinking about the fact that his fiancee is about to be defeated.”
“Then that would still be you cheating!” Suzanne shrieked and we all laughed.
We all except the Lord of the dark, Kyle Clark. As usual, his face had that stoic expression and although I was not shaken by it, I could not help but dislike him the most.
What does he even think he is? I asked myself over and over again.
He was quiet through the lunch as we all ate, our cutleries clanging against the dishes.
Thomas and Suzanne were in their element and all I could do was be a part of their world to distract myself from the unfriendly aura emanating from the man seated beside me.
“So, you two are gonna get married in a bit?” Suzanne yelped with excitement, her eyes dangling with the same.
“It does seem like it.”
“That's it!” Kyle replied hastily and I shot him a glance. I was surprised at his response. He was quite unpredictable.
“You know I have to be your maid of honour. I mean, if not me, who else?”
I twitched the corners of my lips and replied, “Lily!”
Suzanne's lips widened with shock and I laughed so hard. I wanted to deliberately annoy her and she fell for it.
“You wouldn't dare, Brielle. You wouldn't dare.”
“Whose Lily?” Kyle asked, shooting me a look of surprise.
“You don't even want to know and in fact, you aren't going to know.”
Suzanne's response was quick and I could not help but laugh a little longer.
Lily was her step sister and they were not on good terms.
“Well, I was kidding.”
Thomas smiled at her facial expressions. I could tell that he was possibly smitten by her face and her looks.
He dropped his cutleries and raised his head to her curling his lips to ask her the very question I was expecting.
“Are you gonna leave today?”
Suzanne giggled and Kyle let out a sigh. I knew he was unhappy.