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Happy Ebi
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“No, stop it, get away from me, please I'm begging you to stop!” I wailed, as I trembled underneath a stranger, whom I c...

SuspenseSad loveSecond ChancePossessiveWerewolfbxg21+EmotionUrban

Kara Nox

Chapter one

The heavy downpour from the sky flooded the streets causing tight traffic on the main road, it was past 8 pm and Kara checked her watch continually, it was a Friday night, and she merely just finished her recent case she had been working on for weeks.

Her phone beeped again, and she shrugged seeing another message from Kelly,

“You better not be late for my party, Kara, and please wear the dress I got for you. I love you, see you soon. Your best friend Kelly.”

Kara rolled her eyes at her best friend’s statement, Kelly can be dramatic, she thought.

As Kara drove down the road her mind wandered back to the new case her boss Zach Bills handed out to her to handle. It was about the recent deaths of humans who went missing while hiking, their bodies were found two days later around the mountains and the gruesome bites on their bodies raised some suspicions about the shape-shifters in the city, werewolves to be precise.

Kara got home quickly took a shower and got dressed for Kelly's party, it took everything in Kara to stop herself from jumping on the soft mattress that called unto her; however, she had to come out for Kelly her best friend and the only family she had.

The club was filled with people, some drunk, some dancing to the high music. Kelly felt unwanted here, the club was never a place for her.

After a few struggles, she was finally able to reach the VIP lounge where the celebration was being held,

“Karaaaa! Darling you made it, you're late, but I'm glad you are here, come on!” Kelly screamed with joy upon seeing her best friend,

“Of course, I made it Kelly, I can't afford to miss your birthday party after all your threats of me not coming,” Kara says while rolling her eyes,

Kara allowed Kelly to pull her toward an empty seat where she sat down, her eyes roamed the area, and she cringed inwardly at the type of outfits most girls wore, even though hers was a simple dress with a slit on the right side she still felt uncomfortable in it.

The party went on while Kara sat in the corner alone scrolling on her phone, when her eyes caught the structure of a man she knew too well at the bar, he had been on her wanted list for a year, and she never imagined seeing him here.

Without thought Kara fearfully walked over to the bar counter, “A glass of any fruit juice,” she spoke softly to the bartender who smiled at her and quickly made her drink.

The man next to her turned in her direction immediately hearing her voice, “Fancy seeing such a beauty like you here,” he said in a calm voice,

Kara glanced at him with a half smile on her face, she slowly seeped on her drink before saying anything to him.

“So sorry I cannot say the same to you, Rodrigo,” Kara blurts out staring back at the man who simply ate her up with his lustful glares,

“Oh come on, sweet Kara, you and I know you don't mean that,” He says with a smirk on his lips,

“What are you up to this time Rodrigo? Do I have to observe you to make sure we all are safe in this room?”

Rodrigo laughs hard at her expression, “If there is one thing that I admire about you lady is your guts. You are not scared of anything at all, nice one, sweet Kara.”

“Don't call me that! My name is just Kara,” she corrected, with gritted teeth.

“Okay, sweet Kara, I'll catch you later,” Rodrigo replied laughing as he walked away.

She snorted at his silhouette as he walked away, Kara finished her drink in a go, she ordered another glass and just then a group of people walked into the club. Their aura was so opulently it made the entire room stuffy, merely looking at them one could tell they were not ordinary individuals.

Kara looked closely and in a second her eyes caught a glimpse of the man in front, There were two men in front, yet one caught her attention. He was tall, his jaw chiseled with his pointed nose sitting beautifully on his face, making him attractive to the public. Kara swallowed hard as she stared at the group,

“They are the Gaspers. Thiago Gasper and the younger one Dylan Gasper.” the voice of the bartender brings Kara out of her deep thinking.

She nodded her head to his words, her eyes still on the brothers, she had heard of the Gaspers family, one of the richest lineage in the country. Never imagined seeing them here.

Her heart seems to skip when Dylan the younger one looks in her direction and stares deep into her eyes, Kara gapes back at him and for a moment, she felt as though she was being sucked into his mind, like he could see and feed on her soul.

“Don't stare for long darling, those dudes are not the one for a pretty innocent damsel like you,”

Kara broke her eyes off, she turned to the bartender a bit irritated with his words, “Why would you think I'm innocent?” she questioned with a furrowed brow.

“It is written all over you pretty girl, you seem uncomfortable in that dress, only an innocent woman drinks juice at a club, and no lady wears a dress with sneakers to a club unless she is a novice.” Kara felt embarrassed by the man’s words but at the end of the day, he was right, without letting him spill another word Kara hurriedly left the bar.

She quickly bid goodbye to her best friend after much persuasion from Kelly for her to stay longer, Kara had to leave eventually using work as an excuse to run along.

“Kara you work too much, please have some fun,” Kelly voiced in a drunk voice, pleading with her friend.

“I will have some fun next time, Kelly you are so drunk,”

“No, I'm not!”

“Yes, you are drunk, now please send a message when you get home. I love you,”

Kara walked out of the club to her car. However, she had this weary feeling of being watched, she looked around and found no one, so quickly she got in her car and drove back home.

The next day. The room was filled with people both men and women sitting in their respective positions as the meeting went on, Kara was focused on the files in her hands,

“Kara, What have you found so far?” a voice hauls her out of her review,

“Mr. Bills, I am still in the investigation, these fortes do take time, however, once I have vital news I will reach out,” Kara explained to the group,

The meeting finished yet Kara was still seated on her chair waiting, Mr. Zach had asked her to stay back. Just then his eyes moved to hers from where he was seated opposite on his desk.

“I asked you to stay behind because I have something for you,” Zach tells her and Kara furrows her brow, wondering what it might be.

“Here” he hands her his phone, “That is a message I received from my Intel, I am giving it to you knowing it'll be of help,”

Kara read the message and turned her head to face Zach with eyes wide open and parted lips,

“How?” she asked confused,

“I got my eyes and ears out on the street, Miss Nox,”

“I'll go tonight then sir.”

Zach glanced at her with an unsettled look on his face, but immediately shoved it off. Kara quickly stood up and thanked Zach before taking her leave, however, Zach's voice halted her before she could get to the door, “And Miss Nox,” Kara tilted her in his direction, “Yes sir?”

“Try to be careful,” he mumbled more to himself, “As Always, Boss!” Kara chimed with a smile on her face before walking out of the office.

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