Logan is dressed in simple blue jeans and a red t-shirt will his leather jacket hanging off his arm.
We enter Peter's and we immediately draw attention. We look like a couple and this bring a small town where almost everyone know each other, I know we're going to be the town's newest gossip.
“Table for two.” Logan tells the waitress. She smiles warmly at us and leads us to a two seater table. The place is packed and the amount of bodies make the place warm.
The loud chatter of customers and staff makes it hard to hear whatever the other is saying.
Logan pulls my seat and I sit down and stare at the menu blankly, already knowing what I want to eat.
“I'll take a glass of wine. Any Cabernet Sauvignon to be precise?” I look up at him in surprise. He catches my look and chuckles.
“A tot of whisky.” I say. He shakes his head smiling as the waitress takes off.
“I didn't take you for a wine drinker.” I say, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
“I knew you were a whisky person.” He counters and I stick my tongue out at him.
Our drinks come and shortly after, we order more.
Later, our food comes. Our small talk is pleasant and I enjoy Logan's companionship.
His deep bellow of a laughter brings many eyes as I devour my drumsticks like an animal. I can't help it. I'm hungry and I've been craving chicken the past couple of days.
He has ordered some lasagna and it smells horrible and I tell him as it is point blank. Like he cares?
We order more drinks and I'm already getting tipsy by the time I finish the sixth tot.
“We should get going.” Logan suggests. I agree and almost fall over as I stand. He catches me before I fall and he secures my waist as we head to the car. It doesn't feel awkward at all.
He helps me sit on the passenger seat and goes round to the driver's seat.
The ride home feels so slow. I feel like I've been sitting in the car for hours.
When we finally pull up, I spring out of the car and land flat on my face in the grass. I can hear Logan laughing and upon turning to look at him, he's lying in the yard holding his stomach and that's when I start laughing.
“Shit! I'm going to pee!” I say, teetering to my feet.
“Do you have a second bathroom?”
He asks and I laugh even harder,clutching my legs together in a desperate attempt to hold my bladder.
I make it to the front door and I've just managed to unlock the door as I hear the sound of a small stream. Looking over, I gape at Logan who's standing with his legs, bracing his hand against the siding of the house and a stream of piss coming from between his legs pouring to the grass.
Normally I'd be grosses out, pissed off or offended but at the moment I find it to be the funniest I've ever seen. I rush to the bathroom before I get tempted to pee on my doorway.
When I'm done with my business, I lie on my bed and Logan follows suit. Tangling our legs together, we lie side by side looking up at the white ceiling.
“Yeah?” He burps. It's gross, yet still I laugh.
“Will you be my fake boyfriend?”
“My parents want me to get married.”
I say simply.
I feel him turn and he brushes his lips at the corner of my mouth.
“Sure." He breathes before we both pass out.
A low groan pulls me from my dreamless sleep. Cracking an eye open I glance around and settle on the form beside me.
Both eyes open in shock and I watch breathless as he stands from the bed and runs to the bathroom.
A low moan comes from behind the closed doors and the sound of him peeing is heard.
I lie there, not sure of what to think.
I remember everything from the dinner to falling off the car to him peeing on my lawn then lying on bed together then asking him to be my fake boyfriend.
What if Ryan finds him here? But he broke up with me so there's no any big deal. I console myself, however, deep down, I'm hurting....I love Ryan with all my heart and I'm not ready to lose him to that lose Isabella!
I rise from the bed, adjusting my dress.
My tongue feels thick and dry, my head is pounding and my stomach churns. Throwing a hand over my mouth, I deeply breathe and push back the vomit threatening to come out.
The bathroom door opens and Logan walks out, his brown hair sticking out in all directions and his clothes are wrinkled.
“Hey” he murmurs, sounding still half asleep.
“Hi.” I groan, rushing to the bathroom to relieve myself.
When I come out, he's looking a little better and he's wearing his shoes.
“Thank you for dinner, I needed that.” I thanks him sincerly. I really did. It was probably the most fun I had in a long time. It's rare to let myself go like that.
“You are welcome. I'm looking forward to doing it again and again.” He smiles slyly.
“Next tome, how about you don't water my lawn.” I smile as a small blush goes up to his cheeks.
“I was hoping you wouldn't remember that.” He mutters as he looks up at me curiously.
“Were you serious about me being your fake boyfriend?”
I flush red and my body feel in fire...I feel so embarrassed.
“Would you think bad of me if I say yes?”
“It depends.” he says, coming to stand in front of me.
“On?” I question.
“If you can control yourself with falling in love with me.” He smirks.
“I think I can manage.”