“I'm wearing to escape into that glorious world, and to be always there: not seeing it dimly through tears, and yearning for it through the walls of an aching heart: and really with in and in it.” — Catherine Earnshaw.
I had my duffel bag with me, which was thoroughly packed with all essentials which I needed for my stay in Jacksonville. Two plaid t-shirts, two pairs of ripped jeans, a packet deodorant (because one had to smell good throughout the stay), four boxes of condoms (they were a necessity, because Jeremy) and a spare toothbrush along with a small tube of toothpaste.
Niall had plenty in his schedule today too. He'd been single for months now, and he kept ranting about how he needed to get laid. Normally, I would've accompanied him to a bar or club, whichever he preferred, and brought someone along with him, but I had somewhere else to go. The sad puppy dog eyes would've convinced me to stay if the trip had not being the much needed break which my body and mind ached for.
“Wow, man, like you really gotta go today? You could've being my wing man.” I heard him whining, hands crossed over his chest while I was going through the items in my duffel bag to make sure everything was there. No harm in double checking.
“Dude, I've been wing man-ing for you ever since I was born. Because you can't get no girl without me.” I looked up at him with a smug grin plastered on my face, when he pretended to puke. Hah, melodrama.
“Rude. I get why boys and girls like you, but what I don’t get is, how you manage to get your hands on so many of em without even putting much effort.” He cocked his head over to the side, faking a frown while I threw my head back, laughing.
“That's ‘cause you haven’t had sex with me.” I replied in a snarky tone, throwing the duffel bag over my shoulder, straightening out my outfit. I was wearing a black cotton t-shirt, along with white trousers. I had took special care of my hair, neatly giving it a slight tousle with some hair gel to keep it intact. Hair mattered.
“God, I wanna puke now, really!” He scrunched his nose up as if he had smelt something really awful, and I threw him a bored glance. I didn’t how how I put up with this idiot from day to day. His comebacks were so lame. Ignoring his earlier comment, I shrugged my shoulders, opening the fridge to take out a coke can.
My fingers cracked open the can, raising it to my mouth when the cold liquid flowed down my throat, leaving a refreshing after taste as I smacked my lips. My ride wasn’t here, and I wasn’t the one to stand outside for that asshole to arrive in that sizzling, intolerable heat. No sooner had I picked my can up for a second sip, the front door flew open with a huge thud, making me and Niall jump from our resting position.
“What in hell is this?” The angry intruder growled, glowering at me with a strange intensity in his gaze. What the fuck?
“What new phase of his character is this?” I asked my best friend, utterly annoyed and surprised at being walked on like this, gesturing at Roulette while he stomped towards me menacingly, snatching the can of coke from my hands. I watched his gaze linger on Niall, while the other person forced himself to look away.
“Can you stop talking about me as if I'm not here, Tobias? Now drag your ass out of this room and get in the fucking car else I'm leaving you.” Without even giving me a chance to reply, he stormed out of the door, slamming it shut with a huge thud.
“Going to club with me seemed to be a better option. But you do you.” He squared his shoulders at me, looking apologetic when I muttered a ‘fuck you’ before leaving the apartment. As usual, his blue mustang was pulled infront of our building and he was slouched over his driver seat, and he kicked opened the door for me.
I was angry at this barbaric behaviour, but now was no time to show it. I stepped inside the car with my duffel bag clutched in my hands, shutting the door behind me as I adjusted myself in the seat beside him. Glancing at him briefly, my flickering eyes noticed how handsome he looked. Full sleeved grey shirt which was pulled up to his arms, and casual black jeans that hugged his legs. His jaw clenched for some reason, his feet pressing the accelerator and the vehicle started to move.
His cold grey eyes were fixed on the road, while mine were hovering over him. Noticing how strong his hands appeared clutching the driving wheel, the exposed part of his toned chest and the base of his neck, and his sculptor perfect lips which he kept running his tongue on. Let’s not forget how passionate a kisser he was. That mouth could work wonders.
“Stop checking me out. It’s disgusting.”