Harry's green eyes were still staring at me, they look ease and calm but fierce and I wonder if he remembers me or the thing we did seven years ago.
Relax Miranda.
Don't freak out.
I'm sure he doesn't remember you. It has been seven years after what happened to the two of you. I'm sure he won't remember any of that night cos I think both of us got insanely drunk. I thought to myself.
I smiled away my nervousness. "Good evening sir."
I guess we could call it that it was the first proper conversation I had with Harry, after what we did seven years ago.
I cleared my throat and looked away from his gaze. "Im nurse Randy." I say to Anne. "I'm here to change your IV bag mam and there's meds for you to take too."
"Oh sure. I'm in dire of leaving the hospital already. Harry here doesn't want me to. He still thinks I'm sick."
I started changing her IV bag with a new one and even though I was being careful of not showing my emotions, my hands were failing me. They were shaking cos I was really nervous as hell. I tried to keep my composure and the thought of Harry staring at me while I was doing my thing here is making it even more awkward for me to move around. I was stopping myself from fangirling even though my most favorite boyband had split up years ago, I still can't help it. I was such a huge fan of One Direction when I was younger and most especially of Louis and Harry.
"How do you feel now, mam?" I asked but still avoiding Harry's eyes.
"I'm a-okay." She smiled.
Anne is still pretty even though she aged. There were wrinkles on her face and some part of her hair were grey but she was still as beautiful as before.
"My fever has gotten down and I don't feel sick anymore. Has the doctor said anything when I can leave?" She asked me back.
"We still have no confirmation from your doctor mam but I'll get to it in a while." I smiled at her.
"Thank you."
I smiled at her.
"You're such a smiling nurse." She complimented. "The last one who came in here before you was so grumpy. Don't you think Harold?" Anne gazes at his son.
I glance at him and he was sitting on the couch with crossed legs and his emerald eyes were darted at me.
"Yeah." He answered monotone.
"Sorry about my son being cold. He just got here. He's always busy with work and he's probably tired." Anne looks back at me with a warm smile.
"Oh. It's okay mam. I understand. Time to take your meds." I say with a smile.
I handed her the tablets she needed to take before she sleeps tonight and helped her sit on top of her bed while my eyes gazes at Harry. He's now busy with his phone, he's probably texting someone. I wonder who he's texting with right now. Goodness, his legs are always so long and his hands are so big.
He stares at me under his lashes and I was slowly bending my head down to cover my face. He's making me feel guilty when he's looking at me. I feel like I've hid a huge part from his life.
But the fact that he's here is unbelievable. I still couldn't believe I'm in one room with the famous Harry Styles. I know I've had sex with him but that was a couple of years ago, and I wasn't conscious when we did it. I lost the chance to feel him.
But we're this close. We're breathing in and out the same air. Shit, I want to take a photo of him or even a fan sign. I know he's no longer a celebrity or part of One Direction but I still can't help it not to fangirl when I see him. I wanted to tell him about Ben and I feel guilty for hiding Ben from him all these years. But will he believe me that my son is his? Does he even remember me?
The moment he pulled his head up and caught me staring, I quickly looked back down on his mother and helped her settle back down on the bed. Suddenly I see a cast on her right foot.
"May I ask what happened to your foot, mam?" I asked her out of curiosity.
"I had an accident before this." She speaks. "I think it's healed now. It doesn't hurt like it did before but my son wanted to make sure so the cast stays." She adds.
I nod. "Well check up on that."
I wrote some things down on her medical records and checked the part where she finished taking her meds for the night. I pulled my head back up and smiled at her. "You're all good mam." I say.
"Thank you very much." Anne replies with a beautiful smile.
I gazed at Harry and nod at him as a form of goodbye but he didn't seem to respond back to me. The Presidential Suite was spacious enough and the door was quite far from the hospital bed so I had to jog a little. I seriously wanted to get out from this room and leave already, I could even hear my own heart beating ridiculously fast right now.
Suddenly, someone from behind grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Excuse me."
I quickly turned around and noticed Harry holding me. I gazed at his hand on my arm and then pulled my head back up to him. I was hesitant to pull back my hand, since he's the patient's watcher. It won't look nice if I pull myself away from him.
Oh gosh, my heart can't contain him being this close to me. Stop this heart.
He looks at me eagerly and I think he's trying to remember who I am. Oh lord, I wish he doesn't remember me. Don't remember me. Do not remember me!
"You look familiar." He snaps.
I feel my eyes dilating after what he said but I quickly recovered from it. He meets millions of people day by day but then hearing him say that I look familiar makes my heart leaped. I slightly pulled my arm away and he releases me.
"Sorry for grabbing you." He says, while he puts back his hands into his pockets.
"It's not a big deal sir." I answered.
I gazed at my feet and his shoes were shiny as fuck. I pulled my head back up and stared at Harry's luring green eyes.
"Have I seen you somewhere else before?" He asked while furrowing his eyebrows.
I slightly gaped. "W-well... Some people always have mistaken me for someone else." I lied while my voice shakes.
He nods briefly.
"Do you want anything sir?" I asked.
"Yes. Right. I do." He snapped himself out of something he was thinking.
"Can you watch over my mum for me? I have a lot of paperworks to finish, I need to grab a coffee and I need a nurse to guard her for the night." He asked.
I grew silent. Your sister?
"And my sister Gemma is still in England. She's on her way here I think." He adds, as if he's reading my mind.
Both of us got quiet and I was just looking at my hands. I can't date to look at him in his eyes, it's very risky. I don't really want to stay here for the entire night with him around because it will be totally awkward for my part. Seeing Harry Styles walking around here, just reminds me of that sinful night when him and I were wasted. I thought I won't see him again but he's actually here right before me.
"I called the nurses' station a while ago and told the head nurse about it but they still haven't sent one here." he continues.
"Well.." I can't cos my shift is about to end and I wouldn't cos I don't want to. "I could follow-up the head nurse about it then." I snapped a reason.
The door suddenly opens wide and I quickly stepped aside to let that someone in. I thought it was another One Direction member but I guess I was wrong. It was Nurse Mara, my arch nemesis here at the hospital. She starts walking closer to where Harry and I was. She pushes her hair behind her ears and smiled at Harry but never acknowledge me standing here.
She glares at me and she obviously rolled her eyes at my direction before she stared at Harry. "Good evening Mr. Styles." she begins to flirt.
"I'm really sorry it took so long for me to come here sir. I'm the nurse that is sent here." Mara smiles.
It was so obvious Mara had prepared herself before coming here. I mean, the obviously painted rosy cheeks and her red cherry lipstick is evident. Is evident that she painted her face.
"I'm nurse Mara." She adds.
Harry looks at her sternly and I know how Mara always gets the men she wants. She's a newbie here, almost working here for a year and she works her way up to the top by doing anyone just to get a high position. I heard she's eyeing on a certain doctor around here. Talk about a bitch.
"Well I guess I'll have to get going now, sir." Harry quickly moved his head to me when I began talking.
"Good evening and have a good night Mr. Styles." I added.
I start leaving the room right away but I still feel his eyes following me as I leave. Just when I was about to reach to close the door behind me
"Nurse Miranda." Harry calls out to me.
I halted and quickly turned around to face him. I faked a smile. "Yes Mr. Styles?"
Beat, beat, beatbeatbeatbeat...
Shut up heart. Shut up.
He looks at me very carefully, as if he's looking for some defect from my face. I'm cursing at inwardly, hoping he won't notice or recognize me. That was seven years ago, I was only seventeen when I met him and he was twenty-one. Maybe he's thinking when and where could he have met or saw me.
Now I feel Mara looking back at me and Harry but I try to act as innocent as possible so I won't get noticed.
When suddenly Harry begins to walk closer to me but my feet isn't pulling me back. He hands close to me and smiles at me so handsomely. Damn it.
"I forgot to say thanks. So thank you." He says to me.
"Nurse Miranda." He says as a goodbye.
Take it easy heart. Take it easy.