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Bunny entered the tattoo parlor, pulled by the sight of bright, rainbow-colored hair and pretty, feminine smiles. He looked around and smiled. This place was pretty nice.

The tattoo parlor had that feminine touch to it without being the homage to estrogen that Wallflowers place had been. The walls were a bright aqua color, displaying the flash to advantage. The women had hung a nice, big art piece behind the counter that was rather more than flash. It looked like a giant, full-color pair of dragons, one red, one blue, circling together in a yin-yang, but was obviously a full-color tattoo inked onto someone’s back. The counter was made completely of glass and housed more flash in one section, both black-and-white and color, and jewelry for piercing different body parts. He eyed the Prince Albert and shuddered, resisting the urge to cup himself protectively. The flash in the windows and on the walls was in silver frames, making it look even more like art. Two large books lay open on the counter, bound in brown leather and containing more tattoos. The floor was wood, a dark ebony stain that would hide spilled ink. Looking down the long length of the corridor, he could see four curtained- off cubicles, probably where the women worked. At the very end was a last curtained-off area marked “Employees Only”.

The women, if they were the owners, had made the place look both welcoming and classy. He could see both men and women coming in here and being comfortable.

The tan-colored chairs near the window looked soft and inviting, but he had no interest in them. What he did want was down the aisle, behind the employees-only area. He could smell her, and she smelled wonderful. It was the same scent that had tickled him when he’d opened the door to Living Art Tattoos; a sassy, succulent scent that drew him like nothing else ever had. He’d almost barreled into the back room to find the owner of that scent when a blue- haired girl stepped out from behind the curtain and intercepted him. She brought with her the scent of the three women, but the citrusy scent that was hers alone was strongest, and not the one he was looking for. Curly, pale blue locks fell almost to the woman’s waist. Bright blue eyes almost the same shade as her hair watched him with a mix of desire and sweetness that would have attracted Bunny on any other day. She was looking at him like he was a tall glass filled with chocolate mousse and she happened to have a very long spoon.

“Welcome to Living Art. I’m Glory. Can I help you with anything?” She batted her lashes at him, but Bunny wasn’t interested. It was disappointing, too. She looked just like one of the heroines in the manga he liked to read, all big eyes and hair and sweet, innocent smiles. He could see himself spending a pleasant evening or two in her bed and finding out just how innocent she really was.

But that tantalizing scent tickled his nostrils again, sending a definite message to his cock to rise and shine. The gleam in the blue-haired girl’s eyes said she’d noticed

and approved. Bunny backed out of pinching reach. “Excuse me, but the other two ladies who were in here. Where are they?”

The woman made a face, disappointment lighting her features. The flirtatiousness disappeared. “Cyn and Tabby are in the back. Cyn owns the shop. Would you like to speak to her?”

He had to come up with something plausible. “Actually, I was thinking of getting a tattoo.” He had a few already, so another one would be no big deal. A lot of women seemed to enjoy tracing the spiral triskelion design on his left biceps, the dark angel on his right shoulder. He had a black-inked, woodcut-style tailed bear with colored stars for the constellation Ursa Major on his lower back.

“What kind?”

A sudden image flashed before his eyes, so strong it startled him. “A bear and a wolf, I think.” Wolf? Is that what I’m smelling? He didn’t know there were any Wolves living in Halle. The only non-Puma he was aware of was his cousin Chloe, and she was Fox.

She blinked. “I think we can do that.”

“The bear will need to be pretty specific too.” He wasn’t about to go into details, not until after he’d met the owner of that scent. He was pretty sure that was his mate behind that curtain and he didn’t want to scare her off.

A Wolf? Really? He almost laughed. It seemed he was carrying on the family tradition of non-Bear mates. Ryan and Chloe’s mother was a Fox, and his Uncle Ray had also

married a Fox. Bunny’s mother had been human, but despite that, his father had still caught flack in his mostly human community for marrying a black woman. His relatives had known better, and welcomed his mom with open arms. Fighting fate on your mate never worked out the way you expected it to, and you usually wound up in your mate’s arms at the end anyway, so why give yourself the grief?

“Oh.” She bit her lip. “Well, I do mostly piercings, but I could see if Cyn is available.”


She nodded and headed for the curtained-off area at the back. He could hear the murmur of voices, but neither one set off his senses.

“I wonder which one Cyn is,” he muttered. “Green or pink?”

“Pink.” He turned to find the woman with striking dark hair with broad pink streaks smirking at them. “I’m Cyn.” She held out her hand. “So, you want a tattoo, big guy?”

Bunny hid his grimace. Damn it, he wanted to see his mate, and pink Cyn wasn’t her. Cyn’s scent was sharper, harder. More lemony. “Yes, actually I do. The other young lady, what does she do?”

Cyn eyed him with suspicion. “Tabby is an apprentice tattoo artist.”

Bunny coughed. Nah. He could not have just heard that his Wolf mate was named after a kitty cat. No Wolf parent would be that cruel. Maybe it was Gabby or Darby or—

“Whose hair is about to fall out if you don’t get the bleach out now!”

Bunny shivered as that deep southern drawl prowled over his skin. His dick had gone from zero to hero in two seconds flat.

Oh yeah. He’d found his mate. Now he just had to claim her.

Oh shit. Oh, fucking shit. Tabby waited as Glory rinsed her hair out. My mate is out there. My mate. What’s even weirder? Bear. My mate is a Bear. And I have orange roots.

She was damn near hyperventilating. When she’d called dibs on the dude, little did she know she’d actually get him! And now she was going to wind up meeting him for the first time with orange roots. She was going to look like a half- melted Skittle. She grabbed Glory’s arm. “Y’all tell him I’m dead. Please?”

Glory grinned. “What is wrong with you?” “Remember the whole woof-woof thing?” “Yeah.”

“That guy out there?”

Glory’s eyes widened. “He’s a woof-woof too?” “Er, no. More like grrr-grrr.”

Glory blinked.

Tabby shook her head. “Never mind. That whole werewolf mate thing in romance novels?”

Glory’s mouth did that really wide “O” thing. “Really?

He’s your mate?”

“Yes! And I am having serious hair issues.” She put on her best pleading look. “So, tell him I’ve been killed in a horrible vegetable-dye accident.”


She held up her hands in mock-prayer. “Pleeeease?” She blinked, trying to look desperate. Hell, she probably did look desperate.

“Excuse me.”

Tabby quivered. That deep, rich voice rolled over her, making her think of wicked things involving dark, melted chocolate and lit candles. “No customers allowed in the back room!”

Glory, bless her heart, threw a towel over her face, hiding her hair. “Sorry, you’ll have to wait out front.” Of course, now the towel was soaking up the still-running water. She was going to be drowned by a towel.

“Is everything all right in here?” The man’s voice was pure sin, deep and slightly gravelly. “Why is her head covered in a towel?”

“Please. Tabby will…be a while.” She could hear Glory clap her hands and tugged on her shirt, desperate to have the water turned off. She was spitting water back out onto the already-soaked towel. “Why don’t you hit one of the diners in the area for lunch? Maybe do a little shopping? Um, oh! Frank’s Diner has the best burgers in town!” Finally, someone turned the faucet off, saving her from a watery grave. She could just see the obituary. Woman Drowns In Towel With Horrible Hair. Film at Eleven.

There was a deep, happy sigh. “All right, if…Tabby, was it?…will be more comfortable.”

He sounded like he was choking back a laugh when he said her name. Tabby snarled, knowing he’d hear it even if he couldn’t see it.

Mr. Melted Chocolate coughed. “When can I return?”

“Uh…” Glory was obviously at a loss. Cyn was the one who usually took care of Tabby’s hair.

“Try around seven.” Cyn sounded amused, the bitch. “You can take her out to dinner. In fact, Tabby has the rest of the night off.”

I do?

“But she has to be back at work by two tomorrow afternoon. Oh, and the lady loves steak.” Tabby groaned behind her towel. That’s an understatement. “Glory, see to it he has our address, okay?”


“Trust me, just do it.”

“Okay, boss.” The curtain swished, but the scent of Bear remained. Glory must have stepped through the curtain.

“Ladies, it was a pleasure meeting you.” The curtain swished again. The Bear was gone.

“Oh, honey. You are so screwed. Literally.” “Cyn.”

The towel was whisked off her head. Glory bunched it up, wringing the water out over Tabby’s face. “You always were a greedy bitch. I should get Cyn to leave you with orange roots.”

Tabby sputtered and wiped the water away from her eyes. “Don’t worry, Glory. Some day your prince will come.” Glory blinked her big blue eyes, trying to look innocent.

Tabby had seen that look more than once just before something outrageous came out of Glory’s mouth. “God, I hope so. What would be the point otherwise?”

“You are so bad.”

Glory smiled her sweet, happy smile. “I know.”

Bunny stood at the diner, wondering why he was here instead of back in the tattoo parlor waiting for his mate. He hadn’t even gotten a good look at her face. How screwed up was that?

It had been pure impulse that made him wander the town. Ryan was off looking for his sister again, but Bunny had decided he needed some time on his own. He’d felt the urge to roam, discover the town his cousins were planning on living in, maybe visit the comic book store Ryan had pulled him away from the day before. Hell, if he liked it enough, maybe he would move his business here. The Alpha Puma appeared pretty open about other shifters living on his territory, and his father had been looking into the area anyway for Ryan and Chloe’s family.

If the Alpha had been a Wolf, they wouldn’t even be thinking about it. They’d have avoided Halle and looked for another place to live. Wolves hated having other shifters in

their territory, even Bears who didn’t give a rat’s ass about that kind of thing.

He’d found the tattoo parlor almost by accident, the sound of feminine laughter faint through the picture window. He’d caught a glimpse of three women and gone in expecting to find three lovely ladies, perhaps even a date for the night.

Instead he’d found his future. “Can I help you?”

Bunny turned around to find a tall, dark-haired man in a sheriff’s uniform staring at him, a hard expression on his face. He nodded to the other man, taking a surreptitious sniff. Puma. “Sheriff Anderson?” Bunny held out his hand when the other man nodded warily. “Alexander Bunsun. You’re dating my cousin, Chloe.”

Sheriff Anderson winced, but visibly relaxed. “No, actually, I’m not. Never was. Chloe and I are just friends.”

Bunny frowned. “That’s not what it sounded like when we talked to her.”

The sheriff sighed. “Common problem. Trust me, we’ve never dated.” He shook his head. “Are you here to see Chloe?” He led the way into the diner and guided Bunny to a table. He settled in and laid his hat on the table next to them.

Looked like he was having lunch with the sheriff. Now to see if the man would try and run him off. “Yup. Her brother is heading to the university as we speak.” He’d have to ask Ryan to find out what had happened between Chloe and the

sheriff. Why had Chloe made it sound like they were together if they weren’t?

“That sucks, because she’s here right now.” Anderson pointed toward a bright red ponytail bopping behind a counter. “She always works Monday afternoons.”

“Oh.” Bunny turned back to the sheriff, trying to keep his expression blank. “So what’s this about you not dating my cousin?”

Anderson grimaced. “Long story short, Chloe and I are friends. Just friends.”

“Really?” One of Bunny’s brows rose questioningly.

Anderson winced again. “Let’s just say my wife wasn’t happy with the amount of attention I paid to Chloe and let me know about it. It took me a while to prove that Chloe doesn’t mean nearly as much to me as Sarah does.”

Ouch. He hoped the man’s mate hadn’t given him too hard a time. A jealous mate on the warpath was nothing to sneeze at. “I’ll call Ryan and let him know Chloe’s here.” He pulled out his phone but hesitated. “Do you know anything about a woman named Tabby? She works over at the tattoo parlor.” She’d carried the vague whiff of the sheriff’s scent. Getting some information from the sheriff seemed like a good idea.

“Tabby?” Anderson eyed the triskelion tattoo on Bunny’s arm. He sat back, the edges of his lips curving up in a knowing smile.

Bunny grinned. Just the thought of his mate made him feel like his heart was filled with sunshine. “Yup.” He

leaned in close, barely whispered the words. “She’s my mate.”

“Oh? Oh.” Bunny growled. The blank surprise in Anderson’s voice was shadowed by a tinge of concern. Just because he’d be mating a Wolf instead of a she-Bear didn’t give the sheriff the right to say anything. Anderson nodded, his expression turning grim. “Then there are a few things you’ll need to know before things get too serious between you.”

Bunny nodded. Why do you think I asked, dumbass? “Do you think the local boss will have any problems with us living here?”

Anderson’s brows rose. “Live here? In Halle? I knew Chloe’s family was coming, but I didn’t know that included her cousins.”

Bunny shrugged. “Tabby’s here.” Bears didn’t mind moving to where their mates were happiest, and Wolves were, well, territorial. Odds were good Tabby would want to stay, so moving to Halle was Bunny’s best option. The last thing he wanted was a grumpy Wolf chewing on his ass all the way back to Oregon.

Anderson opened his mouth, but before he could respond there was an ear-splitting shriek.


The sheriff nearly got bowled over by a pint-sized redhead hurtling toward Bunny at top speed. Bunny laughed, standing just as Chloe reached them. She hurled herself into his arms, giggling like a schoolgirl, her legs

wrapping around his waist. Bunny took it, giving her a bear hug that had her gasping to be put back down.

“When did you get here? Where’s Ryan? Did Mom and Dad come too? Where’s Uncle Will and Aunt Barbra?” Chloe was practically bouncing in place, her ponytail waving gaily. Bunny watched his little cousin with an indulgent smile, his heart singing at the happiness in her face.

He’d missed the little squirt.

But there was something behind her eyes, a sadness that hadn’t been there before. If it turned out that the sheriff had broken Chloe’s heart, he’d have to have a few very private words with the man. “We’re staying at the Holiday Inn, checking out the town. Ryan’s on his way here to see you, Aunt Laura and Uncle Steve are still in Maryland with Mom and Dad, but they’re thinking of visiting soon if we all decide to stay here. And we got here yesterday.”

Chloe bounced again. “It will be so good to have family around again.” Her smile turned wistful for a brief second before her innate sunshine came out once more. “So, what’s new with you?” She nudged Bunny’s arm.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear. The joy of finding the one woman who could complete him still rode him. “I found my mate.”

Her jaw dropped. “No shit! Since when?”

Bunny was struggling with a smile. His cousin’s bubbly personality was infectious. “Today. She works in the tattoo parlor.”

“Living Art?” When Bunny nodded Chloe’s eyes went wide. “Does she have blue hair?” Bunny shook his head. “Okay, not Glory then. Pink hair?” Bunny grinned and shook his head again. “Not Cyn, either. Oh! Tabby? Cool!”

Bunny started to laugh. He still couldn’t get over his mate’s name. He planned on having some fun finding out what in hell her parents had been thinking.

“Chloe! Order up!”

“Be right there, Frank!” She turned to Bunny, giving him a quick hug. “Get the fruit salad, you’ll love it.” She laughed and waved goodbye as she headed back for the kitchen.

“Bunny?” Anderson was hiding a smile behind his coffee cup. “Seriously?”

Bunny gave Anderson the one-finger salute. He still wasn’t certain he shouldn’t rip the good sheriff’s arms off just to be on the safe side.

Something was bothering him, though. That look in Chloe’s eyes was so wrong. His cousin had always known who she was and where she was going in life, and today she looked like she’d lost her way. “Is she having problems with something?”

Anderson shrugged. “I’m not certain what’s going on. She’s not talking, but I think the man she’s…interested in is giving her fits.”

Huh? Bunny stared at Anderson, startled. At Anderson’s nod, he damn near reeled in his seat.

Chloe’d found her mate? Since when? Bunny took a deep breath, but couldn’t detect anything other than Chloe’s lingering scent. Ryan was gonna love that. His little sis, still in college, and already mated? The man would go ballistic. “Why? What’s wrong with him? Chloe’s cute as a button.”

Anderson shrugged. “I’m not sure. But I wouldn’t worry too much.” He smiled tightly. “I’m sure she’ll help him figure it out. And if she doesn’t, I’ll rip his head off and give it to her wrapped in a bow.” And he sounded like he’d relish the opportunity. The kind of eager happiness on the sheriff’s face was usually reserved for kids and Christmas presents.

Bunny snorted. The only way Anderson would lay his hands on Chloe’s mate was if he beat Ryan to the man.

Pumas might be fast, but Bears, when motivated, were faster.

“Ohmigod, ohmigod.” Tabby pulled her hair, staring into her closet. It was six forty-five and her mate would be here any minute, she didn’t know his name and she had nothing to wear.

“Little black dress.” Cyn stuck her head in Tabby’s bedroom, grinning at the pile of clothing around Tabby’s feet. “Can’t go wrong with a little black dress.”

“Guh.” The panic was threatening to tear Tabby apart. She stared at the three black dresses hanging in her closet, her hand moving between them like a demented butterfly.

Glory’s head peeked in from the other side of the doorway. “The sleeveless one.”

“Uh?” She held up her sleeveless black dress, the one with the red belt and matching shoes.

Two heads bobbed in agreement.

Tabby stripped, more than used to being naked in front of her roommates. Hell, when she’d first moved in with them, they’d been shocked at how easy she felt being nude. Glory had actually asked her if she was gay and trying to tempt them to “the dark side”. She’d giggled and said that she might be susceptible to temptation if the dark side had chocolate. Tabby had just shaken her head and put some clothes on. She’d spent so long as a Wolf, she’d forgotten some of the basic parts of being human, like pants. The first time she’d used a toilet after so many years had been an interesting experience, something Mrs. Anderson still chuckled about.

When Cyn and Glory had found out what she was, they’d freaked a little. They hadn’t accepted her immediately. In fact, there’d been another girl, Brit, who’d worked at Living Art. Brit had left, refusing to believe what she’d seen the night Tabby, drunk off her ass for the first time in her life, let her Wolf loose in the middle of the apartment. She’d gone so far as to quit her job when Glory and Cyn refused to fire her or kick her out of their apartment. But Glory and Cyn, after the initial shock had passed (and after, they claimed, they wiped up the dog drool), had accepted her without reservations. Hell, they’d mocked her once the

hangover had passed. There was still a huge bag of Kibbles N’ Bits in the pantry the bitches refused to throw away “just in case”.

If she thought they’d take it, she’d make them Pack in a heartbeat. She missed having that connection, the knowledge that there were others for her to rely on without a shadow of a doubt. Part of her wondered if her dipshit ex had ever told his father the truth, or if he’d shrugged and let it go. Let her go.

Tabby shook her head and reached for her hairbrush, smoothing down her hair. That didn’t matter now. Her mate would be here any minute. She slicked on some berry gloss and stared at herself in the mirror. Then she stuck out her tongue and made a face. She was so nervous, her Wolf was whining. She slipped her feet into the red high heels, grabbed her favorite purse and headed for the living room. “Well?”

Cyn circled her finger. “Twirl.” Tabby twirled.

Glory wolf-whistled. “See you at work tomorrow.”

Cyn snickered and threw a bunch of condoms at her. “You’ll need these.”

Tabby swallowed. “I’m gonna throw up.” Nausea roiled in her belly. She bent and picked up the condoms just as the doorbell rang.

Glory had the door open before Tabby could hide the packets. “C’mon in!”

In stepped the hottie from the store. He wore a green shirt that really emphasized his hazel eyes, dark wash jeans that looked painted onto his thighs and thick-soled black boots. Now that she was upright, she could see how tall he was. He towered over her, the top of her head barely reaching his upper lip, even in her four-inch heels. She’d hit his chin in her bare feet. His bald head gleamed, his jaw clean-shaven. She could see the tattoo that circled his biceps and her fingers itched to trace the design. In his hand, he held a daffodil.

My favorite flower. How did he know? Tabby smiled, knowing her mouth was trembling. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had given her flowers. “For me?”

He held it out, a smile on his full lips. “Hello, Tabby.” “Thank you.” She reached for the daffodil.

He coughed. “I’ll take those.” He reached over and removed the condoms from her hand, grinning at her embarrassed squawk. “It’s okay, honey. I’m just glad one of us is, um, prepared.” He eyed the condoms. “Very prepared.” He unrolled them, one eyebrow rising in disbelief. “And optimistic.”

Glory was practically doubled over with laughter. Tabby’s face was beet red. She snatched the condoms back with her free hand, snarling as one got left behind in his big paw. She could hear Cyn snuffling and snorting behind her and just knew they were practically choking on their laughter.

She turned to her two roommates with a smile. “Don’t make me forget I’m housebroken.” They stopped, but from the way they were clinging together, Tabby figured it was only a matter of time before one of them broke again. She turned back to her new mate. “And you, whose name I don’t even know.” She smiled at Mr. Chocolate. “Thank you for the flower. My name’s Tabitha Garwood.”

Mr. Sin held out his paw, the condom miraculously gone. “Bunny.” She wondered if he’d dropped it or shoved it into his pocket for later.

Wait. “Bunny,” she repeated carefully.

“Alexander Bunsun, but everyone calls me Bunny.” He grinned.

She sniffed. Nope, his scent is definitely Bear.

“Are you laughing at my name?” Bunny’s hands went to his hips, but she could tell he wasn’t pissed by the way his lips quirked up.

She blinked. “Yes.”

He coughed, but she could tell he was trying not to laugh. “Dinner?” He held out his arm.

She gave him her sweetest smile and took it. “Yes.”

“Hold on.” Glory stopped them by placing her hand on Bunny’s arm, her expression worried. For all that Glory liked to flirt like mad, when it came down to actual dating she could be a real worrywart.

Bunny chucked her under the chin. “I’ll take care of her.

My word on it.”

Glory studied him, and Bunny stood still, allowing her intense scrutiny. Glory relaxed and nodded, looking relieved. Tabby wasn’t sure she felt the same.

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