Given away to another Dom.
Of all the things Sejal expected from the letter G, having her Master give her away was neve...
Chapter 1
G is for…
A good submissive would be waiting patiently, but Sejal had never claimed to be a particularly obedient submissive, and waiting made her itchy—time spent waiting was time wasted. When she wasn’t at Las Palmas, the exclusive and expensive BDSM club in the canyons of Malibu, she had every minute of her day carefully planned and plotted.
As her career had progressed over the past few years, she did less and less of the plotting and planning. Her nurses and the hospital admins handled that.
She shook back her hair, as if doing that would help her shed thoughts of work.
Coming to Las Palmas was her break. A chance for her to not be in charge. A chance to practice giving up control.
A chance to see Hachiro, better known at Las Palmas as Master Sato.
Is he really your master?
Sejal placed her fingers on her bare throat. Last year, Hach had collared her, and more importantly they'd been declared bonded. Normally that didn't particularly matter, but earlier today the overseers of the club had dropped a bombshell, announcing a new "game." Every member was assigned a partner and a letter of the alphabet. With their partner they had to work through every kink and toy listed on the club’s extensive BDSM checklist.
Sejal had been a member for two years, and had only the vaguest memory of the checklist. She'd paid more attention to the membership contract, and grilled the overseers about the privacy policy, the NDA everyone filled out, and a variety of other things. At the time she'd been reluctant to join. It had taken Hach’s gentle encouragement, and a few reminders about what they'd learned about managing stress, to get her to agree. Once she'd signed, and committed to being a submissive, she'd strived to be the best submissive she could be.
Then, a few months ago, when Hach demanded she top him, she'd strived to be the best switch possible.
Sejal paced the dressing room the submissives used. The club was housed in an expansive mission-style estate, comprising a series of buildings with rooms that faced into small courtyards. The subs' dressing room was in the Subs' Garden. After the announcement of the game, which had taken place in an all-member meeting in the Conclave—a rather pretentious name for the equally pretentious horse-less stable building, most of the subs had come back here. One by one they were called over the loudspeaker system as their Doms summoned them to the various areas and playrooms.
Sejal watched as the lovely dark-skinned woman whose corset she had just tightened walked out. It was the poor thing’s first day, which meant she was about to have a very dramatic, intense introduction to at least one if not more of the Doms of Las Palmas. On the plus side, since she was new, she’d only recently filled out the checklist, and probably remembered what was on it, unlike Sejal.
Unfortunately, the corseted woman, Katrina, was called away before she could recount more than a few of the things she remembered from the checklist.
What letter did they have? She’d tried to watch to see what letter Hach had been handed, but two other Doms had blocked her view. Sejal resumed pacing.
“Nervous?” Sarah was blond, and wearing high-waisted leather panties.
“Not particularly,” Sejal said. It wasn’t a lie. She wasn’t really nervous. Her time here, her scenes with Hach, they were…predictable. She’d been thrown for a loop when he’d demanded she top him, but within a matter of weeks she was comfortable with that.
Disappointed, but comfortable.
She pushed that thought aside.
“Oh wait, you’re bonded, right?” Sarah asked.
The overseers had arranged the pairings for the games, and based on their explanation, their accusations that the members had become too comfortable and weren’t pushing themselves, she was sure they were deliberately creating new or mismatched pairings.
That idea excited her. Something, someone new. That thought made her wince. She and Hach had been through so much together that her stomach clenched at the disloyal thought.
It didn’t matter if she liked the idea of being with someone new, because the one exception to the rule was members who were bonded. The overseers would not split them up.
Still, she would get to try new things. Surely there would be items beginning with their letter that they hadn’t tried before. Maybe for the sake of the game Hach would go back to being the top, and she could actually give up control for a little while.
The feminine voice came over the loudspeaker, calling her name, and Sejal stopped pacing. Time to start. Good. She dashed to the mirror, checked her appearance, and then walked out the door.
* * *
“She has to be okay with this,” Cortland said for the third time.
Master Sato and Master Khan both looked at him. Khan looked patient and a bit enigmatic. Hachiro Sato looked excited. He thrust a small packet of papers at Cort. “Here is her list. She agreed to this particular item.”
“She said she was willing to try,” Cortland countered.
Master Sato kept holding out the checklist. Cortland had already looked at it, but he took it again, deciding to hold onto it. He’d need it.
He'd been late to arrive to the mandatory meeting, and stood in the back of the Conclave, blinking in surprise as he heard the tail end of the overseers’ explanation about the game. He'd been excited once he got over his shock, and when he'd retrieved his assignment—in the form of a large envelope with the letter G on it—he'd taken a moment to savor the anticipation.
That had morphed into confusion when he'd pulled out not one but two checklists, one of them belonging to a fellow Dom.
It had take awhile, but he'd found Master Sato, and they'd gone to the library to discuss. That had led to possibly one of the strangest conversations he'd ever had, made even stranger when Master Khan, at Master Sato's request, joined them. Master Khan wasn't assigned to G, but had agreed to help Master Sato complete one of the items on the checklist.
"I'll call them." Master Sato rose and walked out of the library to request that the submissives they needed be called to them.
Cortland shook his head. This was not how he'd thought this was going to go.
“You’re going to top him?” Cort asked Master Khan.
“I am. He’s evolving, as we all do.”
“So do you and Luscious have G, too?” Luscious was the name of Master Khan’s regular sub.
“No. Actually I was assigned the letter H. As were several others. I’ll be meeting with them after we’re done with this.”
“H? All I can think of is hand jobs and hair pulling.”
“The letter H is rather extensive, hence there being so many people assigned to it. One item is ‘harem.’ Hachiro—formerly Master Sato—will be serving in my harem for the next few weeks.”
“Ah, that makes sense.”
“It does.” Master Khan took a sip of his drink. “Tell me, have you met Master Bland?”
“Bland? The guy’s name is Bland?”
“That is what it says. He and his sub have been members for only a few months.”
“And they’re assigned to H with you?”
“Yes. That’s who I’m waiting for. I’m guessing that I will also be getting a sub. Another addition to my Harem.”
Cort pursed his lips, but didn’t actually whistle. This game was going to make major waves in the club. Subs were being traded like baseball cards.
He didn't care what Master Sato—no, Hachiro—or the checklist said. The woman, Sejal, had to agree to this. It was the only way he was going through with it.
Hachiro returned, relaxing into a chair. Master Khan smiled possessively at him. If Hach was back, that meant the sub whose file he held—Sejal—was on her way. Cort leaned forward. “If we’re going to do this, we do it my way.”
Hachiro looked over. “What do you mean?”
“Get her collar.”
Hachiro, face inscrutable, nodded and left the library.