It was the wee hours of Saturday Morning. The habitat was still dark and people did not wake up till yet as it was a holiday. Alexa looked around peering outside the window. She found the path clear. Her bodyguard stayed outside her room 24/7. So she had no option of walking through the entrance. She hated Aztec and wanted to escape from his sick of a rule. She wanted to leave his home, this place forever and go to her father.
Since the time she left the house, she has been worried of her father. Did he have his dinner, did he take medicines, did he visit the doctor were many of the questions that occupied her mind.
Jumping through the window she went through the left side of the forest where there were no houses and thereby it was difficult to get caught. Aztec had warned her not to move through the left side even for a morning walk as it was full of black magic and witches.
But we are close to the end of twentieth century, in the year 1998. Do black magic and witches still exist? He is an engineer educated and still believes in these sort of blind practices? Alexa wondered at Aztec's baseless statements. Stealthily yet in hurried steps she walked through the left side praying God to give her strength.
The more she walked the greater was her depression. She could hear a loud howl of the owl and her steps went to an abrupt stop. Alexa looked around and closed her eyes for a second in a silent prayer. Jesus help me. I need to get rid of that predator and reach my father. Her heart was thudding so hard against her rib cage because of fear and anxiety that Alexa thought it would come out of its box. But she wasn't going to step back. Alexa you are strong and you can do this. She repeated the mantra to her ears and walked forward.
Aztec as usual waited for Alexa at the breakfast table. He looked at his watch and it was past nine. Alexa was a girl of punctuality. In their little relationship Aztec noted quite a few important things about Alexa. The most significant being she was always punctual on her chores. Starting from the time she woke up to the time she went back to bed, Alexa did not allow the tick on the wall clock to go the other way. The witch Catherine's influence.....He sadly thought. Aztec wanted Alexa to stay free with him in his house, he wanted her to relax and enjoy life but the sorceress made an imperishable effect on the innocent little girl since she was hardly four.
Going worried about Alexa's health Aztec took to the stairs hurriedly to reach her bedroom. Yesterday she had skipped breakfast and lunch. Alexa was a girl with very fragile health because since the beginning she couldn't afford to take food comprised of nutrition. In an agitation he hastily pushed open the door of her bedroom and his eyes went blank staring at the empty bed.
Sniffing her scent at the open window, he understood Alexa jumped down from the bedroom window and went towards west side, the place he had warned her several times not to go. Aztec had to learn his lesson the hard way. He always needs to expect the unexpected from Alexa. How would innocent Alexa protect herself from black magic and witches? Aztec was angry, worried and at the same time tensed about Alexa. So many feelings blocking his mind together and he was a turmoil of emotions.
He got down the stairs two at a time in a hurry and snarled at Alexa's bodyguard almost making him jump in his seat. He lifted him through the collar punched on his face and threw him on the table like he was some kind of popcorn for children to toss and play. "You couldn't look after a naive girl of just eighteen years, a sorry figure to be a bodyguard that you are." He yelled at him outrageous. "Get out of my house before I kill you." Aztec roared at Roxy and ran through the forest shifting to his werewolf form. He hadn't expected Alexa would run away from him. He would give the complete world to her if she wished. Where did he go wrong? What fell short in his proffers to her? Aztec couldn't go crumbled for more to what Alexa did to him.
Let her be safe....he prayed and ran through the deep forest covered of huge trees.
Continuing on her steps Alexa could see a huge rock out of nowhere in a weird shape. She was curious and attracted by its mysterious beaut. Coming closer she found the rock beautiful and fascinating in different colors. Her lips spread to a smile amazed at its beauty. Looking down at the some what flat and large stone she whispered - if you were small I would have taken you with me.
Alexa's feet were already aching. She had been travelling for almost two hours by then. Sitting beside the colorful rock she relaxed for a while before she continued on her further journey. Squatting on the floor beside the rock, she opened her back pack and took out a bottle of water. Gulping the liquid she wet her parched throat and took out the box of sandwiches she packed earlier for lunch. She felt something itchy on her leg when she turned beside, her eyes fell on the rock again. It had a magical power of attraction. Alexa thought and smiled. Just as she was about to touch the rock and feel its beauty a huge vulture flew just above her head making a deadly sound.
Alexa went frightened and prodded was it an effect of some evil power? There are no witches and evil powers in real life. They exist only in fairy tales. She self taught and reiterated the words in her mind. Her stomach growled in hunger on time and she took a bite of sandwich closing her eyes, moaning at its delicious taste. Alexa was too hungry immersed in her own world that she did not see the mysterious rock move from beside her to settle in front of her just a few inches away. After finishing three sandwiches when Alexa wanted to lean to the rock for a little rest, she saw it disappear. Looking around she was flabbergasted when she found it in front of her unlike besides.
Horror triggered inside Alexa. It felt like it staring at her like a hawk. She wondered.....did she move the rock? But she wasn't capable of moving such a heavy object. Shutting away the fearing voice and marking it as her illusion Alexa got up from her place, went ahead and sat beside the rock once again. Suddenly she could hear a resonating monstrous laughter around her. Alexa looked around in fear but there was no one around. Just as she was about to touch the rock again there was a fierce roar of thunder. What is this untimely gesture of the nature? Till a few seconds ago the Sun was shining bright in the sky? She wondered.
Alexa wanted to lean and rest against the rock for some time before she could start her journey again. But no sooner she laid her fingers on the rock Alexa shook appalled, her feet quivered and she pushed herself back to the tree to which she was leaning. She wished it could swallow her of this danger. The rock transformed to a snake. Alexa was unable to decipher the power of the evil magic. She fell aghast and began to run but the snake hissed and followed her closely behind.
The moment it was about to bite there was a loud thundering in the sky. The azure suddenly fell dark like it was night time and the wind began to blow suddenly. Feeling the violent change in the nature the snake crawled away from her and looked around. The leaves scattered away and the trees shook by force by the sudden gale. Suddenly there was a lightening and a loud thunder followed.
And then from the sky she could hear a Celestial voice. "Akira, leave her out of your ashen magic. She is Aztec's Luna. My son's 'wife to be' and my daughter-in-law. You cast your ghostly power on her, then I will have to emit mine on you and you will not be able to withstand it. So be careful. Go away from her."
The huge snake heard the voice going silent and motiomless, crawled around itself in a circle and bowed her head to the ground. In course of a few seconds it transformed to an old woman covered in black clothes from head to toe. She had a long nose and held a stick in her right hand which had a face of a snake in its beginning. Her skin was wrinkled and at the ends of her lips on both sides there were canines coming out. Her nails were very long covered in red paint fierce and pointed at their end. They felt like that if she pounced them in any person's skin he would be dead in a matter of few seconds.
Alexa stared at her spectral form in fright and dragged herself behind falling on the ground. The witch gave her a devilish laughter and suddenly roared in anger. "You will soon be under my clutches and then the Moon wouldn't be there to protect you." Alexa looked upwards in a silent prayer to God when she could see a clear blue sky and a dark cloud in between. On the snow covered white surface was a bleak sketch of a spiritual figure looking down at her in a silent consolation.
Alexa felt a shiver run down her spine at the heavenly power. Hairs stood up on her skin and her mind went blank unable to believe her eyes. Does such magic still exist in the nature? The witch disappeared waving her stick and the sky cleared. The sun re-appeared shining in the sky as if nothing happened, like it was just her dream.
Suddenly a big black wolf ran towards her out of nowhere. Alexa gave a tycondo pose in an attempt to frighten the lethal animal and accidentally looked into its eyes inviting her own fright. On the opposite the wolf felt least bit afraid and Alexa could see fun, amusement in its orbs. A familiar she has seen those eyes many times encapsulated her. That scent....its scent... felt intimate too. Where did she smell it?
She was supposed to feel the panic and horror but Alexa to her utter astonishment felt secured and protected. She did not feel any sensation of fear. The wolf did not move like it going to harm her. On the contrary it held her so soft yet so firm as if like a shield and engulfed her in its arms. A voice inside told her that the wolf wouldn't harm her. Before she could process, her eyes closed away and the mind shut off.