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chapter 1

It was past 12 when Athena was casually lounging in the living room when she decided to call jack, he was Gabriel and James's son, uncle Gabriel was also the gamma, and just to put it out there jack was her childhood crush,

not to lie he was very good looking with electric blue eyes and dark hair with a lean built, it was when she turned 13 she realised he was more like a brother than someone she should be crushing on,

fast forward, jack, Abel and Grace who was also her best friend, daughter of of beta Knox and Sophia, the most bubbly girl you'd ever come across, with ocean blue eyes and blonde hair with a long slender model like figure, she was the spitting image of her mother, uncle Knox also had a hard time keeping the boys away from her,

(they aren't related she calls them all her uncles and aunt because she's grown up with them)

the 4 of them were inseparable, jack was 23 and grace 22, they'd quiet literally been together since the diapers,

'hi jay, whats up, why did you and Abel ditch Grace and I last minute, I thought the plan was on?' Athena asked,

pressing her phone to her ear with her shoulder while she propped her boots on, since their plan was off she decided to go to uni to grab a few assignments she had left.

'ugh i know I'm sorry Abel and i have to go with your dad and mine to go meet someone for pack business, uncle Knox said it was important and he wanted us there on time,' he groaned,

from the other side of the phone, hearing ruckus at the back, she chuckled and ended the call after saying her goodbyes.

'every meeting is important,' Athena grumbled grabbing her bag to leave the house and dialing Grace,

'hey grace- so you know the plan is off right?' Athena asked

'yep I'm just gonna stay home now why whats up?'

'i needed you to go to uni w-'

'sorry sis thats on you I'm not going I'm already avoiding professor Notom as it is, my accounting assignment is a week overdue,' Grace said, mumbling through the gummy bears in her mouth,

'oh but Dimitri is going out to get some things too so you both can go together,' Grace suggested, Dimitri was her younger brother of 18 who like his father had tan skin and dark inky hair,

but what made his features so striking was his mother's blue eyes that he inherited, yes he was a playboy. After a few minutes of bickering, Athena went with Dimitri to get her things.

While back at home a tense Dante was pacing in his office while Abel was going through some files with Gabriel helping him,

Knox was on call with some royal authorities and Jack had his shoulder propped against the wall as he stared out into space.

'uncle Dante relax its not that big of a deal,' Jack said, trying to simmer down the tense environment in the room,

it was odd, very peculiar that Azarious had requested to enter their pack on such short notice and the reason for this abrupt meeting was unknown.

Abel knew his father was on edge as the last time some royal came into the pack it was from the day court and mingling with celestials brought problems,

they looked down on their kind as if they were nothing more than a mere smear of dirt,

given Dantes temper he did not like their attitude one bit and asked them- no more like barked at them to get off his land, and ordering royal celestials around wasn't exactly on anyone's bucket list,

safe to say it almost turned into a blood bath had his mother Venus not been there to calm his father down.

'if he's coming to buy off the borders of the pack land like the other asshats had done I'm gonna throw the contract in his face,' Dante growled,

when day court had come to buy land off Dante he had blatantly refused after which a fight broke out but after a lot of cajoling and mediation from third parties they had signed a contract with Dante where it stated that his pack land was to be remained untouched.

'wheres the damn contract,' Dante asked through clenched teeth, his body humming in anger,

'i don't know dad i can't find it,' Abel mumbled, rummaging through drawers,

'i believe we gave it to Knox last if I recall, no?' Gabriel asked cooly, quirking a brow at Knox in boredom,

whipping his head around Dante glared at his idiot of a beta and best friend,

'ummm don't look at me I don't- oh wait I remember its at my house I had to print copies of it-'

'Alpha, his highness Azarious is here,' said a warrior who was to escort Azarious to them,

'just great,' Dante growled out in agitation, throwing his hands up,

'wait-wait i'll ask Sophia to get it,' Knox said, hurrying to dial his mate, while everyone in the room glared at him for leaving this to the last minute,

'hey baby- no I just called to ask if you could drop something off- oh you're not home shit i forgot you went out with Venus and James never mind later-yes okay bye,'

Knox blew out a breath and was about to say something when the large doors to the office opened and in walked two men,

one of them was carrying a brief case and had files in his hand, he seemed to be an accompany of the sort but the other, there was no missing that he was the man they had business with,

the men in the room straightened, all of them dressed in sharp suits, keeping their eyes steady on the man who had just walked in,

all the way from his black polished loafers to the tips of his inky hair you could tell there was no missing that he was a celestial being, a royal.

his 6'3 frame clad in a deep charcoal coloured suit that was tailored to perfection with a white dress shirt, deep rooted footsteps echoed through the marble floors,

walking with poise and powerful long strides, you'd just know this man was here for business and he wouldn't walk out without winning a bargain.

'good afternoon gentlemen, I am sir Nathaniel, I forwarded the message to you in regards to our meeting on behalf of his majesty,' Nathaniel said, trying his utmost to sound authoritative in a room full of powerful adonis's.

'good afternoon, Nathaniel, do you speak for your majesty or can he speak for himself,' Dante mocked,

raising his brows in question at Azarious who gave him a mocking smile in return, as he stepped in front of Dante,

the room thick with tension as Azarious raised his hand up between Dante and himself.

giving the royal a sinister smile Dante grasped his hand in a tight hold as they both shook hands in a manner that seemed casual to the on lookers,

but only they both knew the force with which they were grasping onto the others hand.

'i assure you ill be doing all the speaking alpha,' Azarious said,

mocking his title with such subtleness that had Dante grinding his molars into each other in anger, had they been in a cartoon steam would've been coming out of his ears,

'I'm glad to know you can, your highness,' Dante hissed out, sneering at his title.

after what seemed like an eternity when the others in the room were introduced, they all seated and got down to business, Knox excused himself and went out to call Grace who was his last hope else Dante would have his head on a platter, he directed her as to where to find the contract and asked her to immediately bring it.

'-eady discussed this with the day court, my beta is going to bring the contract,' Dante said cooly, as Knox entered the room,

'adequate but I'm aware of the contract and there's no need for it, in fact i have a copy of it right here, I'm here to negotiate instead,' Azarious said,

signaling at Nathaniel who hurried forward to retrieve the contract from his brief case,

'What exactly do you mean by negotiating?' Dante asked

'well as you know they wanted your lands for trade, your two north territories are exceptionally important to us,

as you must know they are the trade route for royal weaponry, we're not here to take the lands, our guards only need approval from you to be able to work in that area,

no need to worry about the safety of your pack members if anything we're offering double security to them,

they'll have your protection and ours in that area, lets say if anything illegal were to happen for argument's sake, all trade happening in that area from our side shall cease and we'll retrace our guards back,' Azarious explained as everyone in the room listened intently,

Dante was just about to open his mouth to ask the royal bugger to fuck off with his fancy British accent when a knock was heard, and a few seconds later Grace walked in holding a file in her hand,

she turned around to look in front of her after thanking the guards who opened the door for her when she stopped short, when 7 pairs of eyes were staring at her, two of them seemed to be glaring daggers at her and no doubt it would've been her father and jack,

'umm hi,' grace said, waving awkwardly at them,

Azarious regarded the girl in silence, this was Knox's pup he realized and his lips curved into a smile,

'hello,' he greeted back,

watching her gulp as she openly stared at him, chuckling internally he turned back to look at Abel who rolled his eyes,

Grace was star struck, WHO WAS THIS DEVILISHLY HANDSOME MAN, she screamed internally,

oh, she couldn't wait to tell Athena about the adonis she just seen. And goodness his eyes, they were pitch black, so so dark she was lost,

The clearing of a throat caught her attention when she turned to the source to find her father glaring daggers at her, as she caught herself and realized she had been gaping at the unknown man this entire time, to say she was mortified would be an understatement.

'Grace ... the files,' Knox drawled out through clenched teeth,

'o-oh I'm so sorry,' she rushed, dumping the riles into her father's arms and practically running for the door,

'thank you- uh bye,' she stuttered out and left the room in a rush,

'well that was interesting,' Abel mind linked to the rest of them, as Gabriel rolled his eyes.

what they didn't know was that the man in front of them was a demi-god and let's just say he had a few tricks up his sleeve,

despite him not being a werewolf mind link was one of them, as well as how they all were related,

he knew everything about every person in the room, he knew about the doing of every single person in the room, after all, he was the ruler of the night court, naturally, he was aware of everything everyone did after sunset, smirking at the men in the room he raised his brows,

'shall we continue where we left off?'

A few hours later Athena walked through the door, dragging her feet behind her, what she thought would be just a quick run to get her papers turned into a 2 hour long shopping spree for Dimitri who wanted to- no demanded that they go sneaker shopping,

Athena was so tired she was ready to wring his neck.

Groaning and moaning in hunger she made her way to the kitchen and started eating the first thing she found, a box of pizza, midway into eating it she heard a gasp and turned around to see Corbin staring at her with wide eyes,

'that was my pizz-' he cut off after receiving a death glare from his sister,

'never mind,' he grumbled and stomped away in anger.

Just when she was about to continue eating her pizza she heard a loud shrill and turned around to see Grace charging towards her like a crazed bull,

'AHHHHH ATHENAAA,' she squealed and wrapped her in a tight hug,

'you wouldn't believe who I saw today,' she gushed

'who,' Athena coughed out, sipping some water to push down the bite Grace almost made her choke on,

'so apparently he's a royal- oh Athena he's BEAUTIFUL, he's sexy and handsome and ugh, oh and his eyes they-'

Grace got cut off when Athena stuffed a slice of pizza into her face and she motioned for her to sit,

'continue and talk slowly,' Athena said

'there's this royal that had had came today to have a meeting with our dads, apparently, its very top secret dad wouldn't say anything about it,

not even to mom can you believe it, anyways I went to give dad the files he asked for, and as I walked into the room and I literally froze,

oh Athena he was beautiful, it was as if he was chiseled out of granite and sculpted to perfection, he put Michelangelo David to shame,' Grace sighed dreamily, as Athena looked at her best friend weirdly, what had gotten into her she thought,

'you sure he wasn't your mate with how you're talking,' Athena asked

Grace sighed, 'sadly no but I'm telling you, girl I was deadddd, and even quite literally dead when I came back home dad boxed my ears for being caught red handed ogling the man,'

'whats his name,'

'Azarious, sounds very greek, anyways I just came over to tell you this, I have to go now got some work to finish later babe,' Grace said as she skipped out of the house, leaving Athena with her own thoughts,

'Azarious,' Athena whispered, trying the name out, how peculiar she thought.


hello everyoneeee,

2250 words plus ooffff, I'm so glad I'm able to update on time it's such a relief istg, anyways thought on this chapter, and Azarious mmmmm hehehe anywaysss.

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peace out.

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