Pallas woke up delighted for the new sunrise. She bounded over the combat practice field, excited to see her friends and sisters as usual. But this time, she saw Athena waiting for her. She knew the goddess was waiting for her because those burning gray-eyes never left the nymph as she entered the temple compound.
As soon as Pallas was already equipped with battle armor and weapon of her choice. Athena came straight to her chosen companion. One of her hands was poised firmly on her hip while the other gripped her long spear. The other nymphs clustered around them, whispering to each other.
"Pallas," Athena said so devoid of emotion only the Oracle at Delphi could have devised her thoughts. It took a short moment for Triton's daughter to register Athena's call.
"Goddess." Pallas turned and gave her a bow.
Athena's lips curled ever slightly that hardly anyone noticed except Pallas. She regarded Pallas a moment in silence.
"I assume you shall be my opponent for a drill today."
The nymphs gasped and looked at each other with a mixture of confusion and excitement. Athena had never requested a spar in public, especially not with a nymph. But since she had chosen Pallas as her companion, it only made sense that they were bound to test each other's strength.
"As you wish, my lady," Pallas said, not wanting Athena to see through her emotions. The nymph's heart fluttered at the unexpected honor but she also dreaded the challenge. After all, everyone knew who was the strongest.
Pallas then took up her position as did Athena. She could feel the tautness in her muscles and the weight of her sword steady in her hand.
When the gong was struck to signal the fight, Athena flew at Pallas without delay, her trusty spear an extension of her arm. Pallas's eyes widened in shock from Athena's swiftness. She moved like a bird through the wind, her feet danced like the muse. Athena thrust her spear at the nymph, who dodged it as quickly as if it were by instinct.
Pallas then rallied her body strength to clash into the goddess in a defense. Their shields pounded against one another. Athena swung her spear in a wide arch, but Pallas pulled back with a spinning leap into the air. The other nymphs gasped again at the intensity.
As both women lunged at each other, Pallas caught Athena's eyes sparkled with heat. Her armor glinted in the morning sun and scattered light as she turned.
It was obvious that Pallas had mastered the art of the fight. The warrior nymph had trained for years each day with her sisters, learning how to turn her body into a weapon. She knew what moves failed, and what succeeded. She could hold her own with this knowledge which her opponent lacked.
But despite this, Athena was still a goddess and her blood was golden with power. Her lunges and darts were seconds faster than anyone's mind could predict. It was only a few moments for Pallas to realize that while she could hold her ground against the might of Zeus's daughter, she wasn't so sure she could beat her. Or at least not like this.
Pallas thought of a trick she had been a victim to in other fights. She smiled to herself as her mind begin to plot a mischief. Pallas started to move a little slower than she had before. She wanted the goddess to get arrogant and start making riskier choices. Soon Athena took a decisive jump at her. Pallas, in turn, bent herself backward to avoid the tip of Athena's spear then knocked it out of her hand with her shield. Pallas grabbed Athena's arm and tossed the goddess over her shoulder with all of her strength. The goddess was sent to the ground. Pallas landed on top of her stomach, her bare thighs pressed against Athena's sides to hold her down while bringing out her sword. The bronze edge was poised at the flesh of her neck. It was a thrilling moment knowing that she had overpowered Athena.
Unknown to them, it wasn't only the nymphs who were watching, for Triton had been witnessing the fight from the start. He noted how they were both like two sides of the same coin. Though Triton admired his daughter's cleverness, the river god was somewhat troubled by the consequence his daughter might cause. After all, Athena was Zeus's favorite child.
Pallas then sprung off the goddess. She reached her hand down, offering to help her up. But Athena rejected the offer with a stern look. The pink flush of exercise on her cheeks deepened to embarrassment. She rose herself up from the ground and looked around at the people who were watching them. Without another glance at Pallas, Athena turned and stormed off towards the palace.
The feeling of guilt wormed its way into Pallas' heart as she realized what she did. The nymph decided to go find Athena and make a proper apology. After a little while of searching, Pallas eventually found the goddess standing in one of the hanging gardens where they met the night before. Her fingers flirted with the petals of a little blue nightshade.
"I'm sorry for tricking you," Pallas said, her voice low. "It truly wasn't fair."
Athena kept her back turned as she withdrew her hand from the flower. "I doubt you would have done it if you had known the punishment for deceiving an Olympian."
Pallas' blood began to boil. The need to apologize dissolved in the heat of her veins.
"I beg your pardon, Goddess, I only taught you a good lesson if I dare say so myself," Pallas said.
"A lesson?" Athena turned around to face the nymph. Her brows knitted together in disbelief.
"Yes, you will not carry your royal name with you to the battle," Pallas continued. "You could be slain in a real fight for there are many tricks and strategies you have never seen. Your enemies don't care what noble house you came from. Clearly, you're only angry now because you weren't wise enough to see that."
Athena's chest burned with a sting she'd never known. It was the first time someone had put the goddess in her place. Athena was never used to hearing such perfect thoughts coming at her. For a moment, the maiden remained silent, slowly checking her emotions. Then she walked over to Pallas, her mood cooling with each step. The nymph stood still, trying not to move as Athena approached. The worst that could happen would be the two got into another fight, and Pallas was prepared for that. But Athena stopped before her and only looked squarely into her eyes. The intense stare almost made Pallas stagger back.
"You're right," Athena said at last. "I shall let this go. But from now on, we only practice in private."
Pallas didn't respond but she nodded to Athena. The goddess waited for a while as if to let the words sink it before she turned away.
"One more thing." Athena paused on her track. "You must move into my chamber as my true blood companion, and you shall teach me everything."
Then she strode off.
Pallas stood there, entirely shocked. Her mind was frozen, her body overtaken with surprise. She hadn't expected that from the stern iron maiden, but a little smile carved itself on her face regardless.