—Get to work, assholes! — the men speed up their push-ups —. The time for laziness is over, so move your sorry asses.
Some of them are giving me killer stares, and I can tell that they are holding back from answering me. But honestly: I don't give a shit. I'm the boss here, and if any of these Alphas have a problem with having an Omega in charge, giving them orders they have to follow, I'll have no problem showing them my capabilities.
I didn't get this job because I am exactly a delicate flower. I had a hard time climbing up to this position and showing Magnus that, no matter what my nature is, I can be as strong or even stronger than any of these sons of bitches. Fortunately, he realized my worth shortly after I arrived at The Mansion, but that didn't mean he was going to make things easy for me.
He made sure that my physical and mental training was twice as demanding as everyone else's, but I proved to him, and everyone involved, that I stand on my feet and raise my head, no matter how difficult the situation may be. So here I am now, passing on my knowledge to this bunch of ungrateful bastards who are more concerned about the Alpha pride bullshit than trying to earn a place in the organization. Well, they're wrong, and I'm the right man to make them understand that for once.
—Adrik — speaking of the devil. Alexei enters the gym, saturating the air with his presence —. I need you to assemble a group of ten men and send them back to Oriol's base.
—For? — grimaces but still ignores me, getting used to my short answers long ago. Doesn't mean he likes it, though.
—There are a few boxes of weapons left over there and I need them — signals Nikon to approach us.
—If it's today, perfect — Nikon walks over, gasping for air because he's been boxing with one of the henchmen, a towel hanging around his neck —. I have to go out for three days — says, running a hand through his hair, seems exhausted —. I need you to leave protection for Xander and Fredek, since Derek and Angelo are coming with me.
—Of course, chief — Nikon nods, a few drops slip down his neck and unconsciously my eyes follow the course —. I guess Xander didn't take the news very well — adds mockingly, pointing at Alex's face. It's not until that moment that I notice the swollen bump on his forehead.
—Don't even mention it — Alex warns and Nikon pretends to close his lips —. Just do as I say.
—When are you leaving? — one of the men stops, but starts again quickly because of the murderous glare I give him.
—Early tomorrow. Do you know where Yaakov is? — crosses the arms and watches the men exercise —. I haven't seen him since this morning and the idiot doesn't answer my messages.
—A noisy peacock is keeping him busy — Nikon laughs, reaching behind my back, wrapping one arm around my waist.
—You better not stop again or I'll kick your whiny ass! — I warn the same idiot who stopped a few moments ago, and grumbling proceeds to exercise again. Nikon's giggling in my ear gives me chills.
—What do you mean? — Alexei asks Nikon, ignoring my temporary rage.
—Don't you know?
—If I knew, I wouldn't be asking, 'Captain Intelligence' — Alexei ironizes and Nikon rolls the eyes in annoyance.
—Lev's in heat, 'Captain I am the Almighty and All Must Succumb to My Incredible Superiority' — I laugh, though I immediately regret it.
—Fuck, really? — Alex frowns, irritation all over the face —. I needed him to come with me tomorrow.
—Well, you see, that's not going to happen — I snort —. There's no one in the whole Mansion, no one in the country, no one on the continent, no one on the fucking planet who would bear Lev if he had to go through the heat alone.
—Please, candy. Don't even speak of it — Nikon moans, pretending to beg —. You'll give me nightmares.
—I'm the one who'll have nightmares if you call him "candy" in my presence again — Alex rolls the eyes and pulls the phone out of his coat pocket —. I have to go or I'll get another hit from the Millennium Weapon.
—Millennial Weapon? — Nikon asks, puzzled and curious.
—Stop asking questions you don't want to know the answer to, Nikon — Alex grunts and walks away from us, leaving the gym.
—How do you think the whole thing with Lev's heat works? — Nikon puts a hot kiss on my neck and I hold breath —. If he gets pregnant, will he have eggs?
—You should ask yourself the same question about me — I chuckle, though it quickly dies when I see the same fucking guy stopping —. I warned you, you sack of shit! — I try to move away from Nikon, but he stops me.
—I'll take care of it, sugar — kisses the same spot on my neck and the replica disappears in my throat.
—Okay — I mumble —. Just make sure it doesn't happen again.
—You don't have to say it twice — smiles mischievously, takes the towel off his neck and hands it to me.
His steps are slow and confident when he addresses the henchman, whose uncertain and cautious gaze falls between Nikon and me.
He wasn't expecting him to be the one to punish his indiscipline, but I'm quite sure it won't happen again after this. Nikon stops in front of the other men, who also cease moving, in anticipation of the scene that is about to unfold. Good, I want them to watch.
—Come here — Nikon points to the ground in front of his position and the man advances with the jaw up, defiant —. What's your name?
—Oleg, sir — tries to hide it with courage, but the nervousness is notorious.
—I see. Now listen to me, Oleg. That man over there... — points at me with a thumb over the shoulder —. He's your boss, so you must obey every order he gives. No complaining, no fuss, no hesitation. Do you understand that?
—But, sir... — stops, unsure of continuing, glancing at Nikon and me repeatedly.
—It's an Omega — whispers, though I can hear it perfectly. Just as I can feel the growing anger bubbling up inside my partner through our bond.
—Is that a problem for you, Oleg? — Nikon's tone is calm, but when he mentions that name, some of the anger is reflected. My dick is starting to grow. I've always got excited to see Nikon's displays of power, even though I'll die before I admit it in front of him.
—I... I don't know.
—I'll tell you what — announces loud enough for everyone else to hear —. I'll give you a unique opportunity, never realized before in the organization.
—«You mean, every time some son of a bitch doubts my abilities when he finds out I'm an Omega».
—«Let's keep that between us, candy», with a slightly mocking tone. I'm smiling because I know exactly what is going to happen.
—Try to hit him — the man's eyes open wide, Nikon steps away from him and returns to my side —. One punch, anywhere on his body, including the face, you're free to choose.
—But sir, I don't think that's...
—Oh, come on — Nikon snorts —. It's a simple Omega, right? —smiles and passes an arm over my shoulders. I care about keeping my face expressionless —. Besides, he's very grumpy, giving orders left and right, without measuring up to the job. Don't you think? — addresses the rest of the men, but they all keep quiet —. I'm sure you won't have any problems.
—Sir, I don't believe that's the right thing to do — I think the shitbag might be about to throw up.
—Are you questioning my word, Oleg?— Nikon grunts, his face suddenly serious, with a threatening low tone.
—No, sir, I just...
—Are you rejecting an order?
—No, sir.
—Then move the fuck up and try to hit him, goddamn it! — with a powerful scream that makes me grimace, this Oleg idiot rushes towards us, with a raised fist and gaze fixed on mine.
—«You owe me a hundred bucks, candy», I can see out of the corner of the eye the hint of a smile.
—«It's not fair, you practically forced him».
—«The order of factors does not alter the product. Now teach the bastard a lesson».
—«You owe me this one».
I feel a slap in my right buttock just before I bend over and punch Oleg in the middle of the stomach with my left fist. Air escapes abruptly from his lungs, thin strands of saliva dripping through his clenched teeth, and arms holding the affected area.
—Well done, sugar — whispers in my ear as I straighten up again.
—If you ever slap me in front of men again, the next one to be like this... — I point to the man who is now on his knees, crying —. Will be you — I warn him mumbling.
—Hey, don't be angry — bulges the lower lip and I have to make an effort not to laugh —. Besides, at the angle I did it, I assure you none of them saw it.
—Well, you'd better — I growl and he puts a hand over his heart, with a distant glance towards the horizon.
—I promise on my honor, Adrik Utkin.
—You're an idiot — smiles and winks at me.
—That's how you love me — why deny it? —. Now make your usual "I'm the master and you're my fucking slaves" speech so we can go to the showers — I don't answer, instead, I turn to face the other men. I can perceive in their faces now that the perception they had of me is gone. I'm not surprised, it always happens when Nikon does his whole show.
—As you can see... — I'm signaling the shitbag again, who is now lying in a fetal position. I think he passed out —. I'm not someone you should underestimate or denigrate because of my Omega nature. I didn't get here by praising asses or stepping on anyone. I did it through effort, dedication, discipline, sweating my guts out, crying tears of blood — I walk slowly, with hands behind my back and staring them directly in the eyes —. So my advice to you, if you want to get a position in this organization, stop with the Alpha pride bullshit and get your balls in place, because I am not willing to tolerate such nonsense every time I give you an order. Got it?!
—Yes, sir! — they all answer in unison.
—Well, get to work, damn it! — they quickly resume the —. And someone remove this shit from here — referring to Oleg's unconscious body. I turn around and let them exercise.
If they're smart and know what's good for them, by the time I get back, they'll still be in the same business. That's enough show for today.
Twenty minutes later, I'm naked and under the hot water of my bathroom inside the gym. My hands are resting on the wall tiles, my head is hanging between my shoulders and I feel my muscles gradually losing tension.
I don't know how long I spend like this, until some arms surround my waist and a hard, warm cock is pressed between my buttocks. I don't even move.
I know exactly who it is. His delicious scent of freshly cut grass and peach is unmistakable.
—I'm always impressed by how hot you look when you show them who's in charge — whispers in my ear, gently biting my earlobe —. It makes me want to lean you over one of the tables and fuck you right there, in front of everyone, Adrik.
I'd like to say that those words do not affect me, that they don't make my body start to boil in need, that my dick doesn't get erect so fast that it takes my breath away. But it would all be a lie.
—Do you want me to tell you how I'd do it? — feeling unable to speak, I bite my tongue hard and just nod —. First, I would tear off your clothes, piece by piece, until I left you completely naked — murmurs, his voice hoarse and deep —. I would delight in touching every little piece of your delicious skin.
His hands go up to my chest, very gently, wrapping the fingers around my nipples. A small gasp escapes through my half-opened lips, and I close the eyes.
—I would enjoy seeing how you respond to my touch, how your hairs stand up where my hands pass, how your body shivers — his warm breath makes me shudder —. Yes, exactly like that — I feel, more than hear, his smile. The heat in my chest and my lower abdomen increases —. Do you want to know what else?
Suddenly, the water stops running when he turns off the tap. His fingers release my nipples, they become sensitive and throbbing, and now they bury in my waist, leading me outside the shower to a countertop in one of the walls of the huge bathroom.
—I would bend you over any surface within my reach... — mumbles, and with a hand resting right in the center of my back, encourages me to bend down on the furniture. I obey — And I would show you the pleasure of surrendering to me, Adrik — slowly leans against my back. He surrounds my waist with those strong arms, sticking me closer to him —. To submit... To let you be dominated.
His hand tightens around my cock and my head falls back, resting on one of his shoulders. My eyes close and a high moan is released from deep in my throat.
—That's right — whispers, and his delicious voice contributes to the heat menacing to consume me —. Enjoy, Adrik — his other hand buries in my hair and tilts my head, even more, leaving my neck exposed, where a long tongue makes a slow, wet, and tortuous path to my ear, accompanying the rhythm of the movements on my cock —. Give yourself to me.
His erection brushes against my ass without shame over and over again, the slippery head teasing and I am seconds away from begging.
But luckily for me, I don't have to. With an agile and accurate slide towards my sweet spot, Nikon makes his way, being deeply lodged to the balls inside me.
I almost scream, unable to contain myself because of the explosive satisfaction that his action causes to my body, bringing me closer to the edge of ecstasy. Without giving me a chance to catch my breath, pushes roughly. He impacts mercilessly into that sweet spot within me that makes me delirious, and causes me to groan constantly for the incredible desire.
—Nikon... Fuck, don't stop — I try to move my hips to reciprocate, but his thrusts are so fast and powerful that I fail.
—I won't — grunts, those bright yellow eyes steal my breath —. Not until I make you scream with pleasure, Adrik — the fire and determination burning in his eyes, while I can only keep moaning in response.
His hand leaves my throbbing erection to hold one of my legs high, modifying the angle of the penetrations. At no time he stops. Continuing to charge with force inside me, filling me up to the limit with his big cock and digging the fingers into my skin. I'm sure there will be marks, but I don't give a shit right now. Now, there's only him and the incredible, delicious pleasure he has to offer me.
—You're mine — one hard thrust right into my prostate —. You can only submit to me — another thrust —. Only I can make you feel this way — and another —. Mine. Say it now, Adrik — growls, and I'm already feeling the orgasm forming in my stomach and my lower back. More. I want more.
—Yes — I groan and pant from lack of air —. Yours, Nikon. I'm yours, goddamn it — I respond as best I can, screaming as he speeds up even more.
—Fuck... — roars and his power of impact grows and grows.
—I'm close — I warn him, thick drops of sweat mixed with the water from the shower I was taking before slide all over my skin.
—Me too, sugar — smiles, but then stops just long enough to get up and rest on the knees.
His dick comes off in the process, but by keeping my leg up, he soon penetrates me again. He looks at me with lust, eyes that are crystal yellow, and wet hair sticking to the forehead. Then he moves.
His hips collide with mine, the skin of my thigh becomes red from the strong pressure of his fingers, but I could not be less interested. With a hand surrounding my erection, I masturbate at his pace.
—I... I can't, Nikon — my throat feels scratchy and my lips are dry.
—Cum, then — grunts and hits my sweet spot harder, my head falls back, a strong shout announces my imminent pleasure —. Let it out, Adrik — my cock throbs, my hand milks my orgasm endlessly.
Large, hot, thick drops of my essence staining my stomach, my hand, and my chest in the process. The sharp fangs of Nikon are exposed by roaring his release, flooding me with the warm seed. He slowly navigates the ravages of the climax, until eventually collapses on top of my body. And then, he kisses me. His agile, warm and wet tongue sweeps deep in me, testing everything in its path.
Mine responds to the command with total submission, moaning towards his open mouth. His taste intoxicates me, makes me feel as if my head were spinning, and only through his lips could I obtain the sustenance to continue living. It's wonderful and scary at the same time, but I don't care. I enjoy it as much as I can. By the time he withdraws, his warm breath in my mouth makes it tingle due to the intensity of the kiss.
—How are you feeling, candy? — smiles and I'm captivated for a long time by his masculine beauty.
—Much better now — I admit, feeling my cheeks warm, sure that a blush is fucking up my existence.
—That makes two of us — kissing the tip of my nose —. Ready for a second shower? — mocks and I pinch his side.
—As soon as you get off me — laughs again, I grimace when his now flaccid cock is released from my body.
—Come on — extends a hand and l grab it.
—«I love you, sugar», whispers to me through the bond. In the years I've been with him, we've never said those words aloud to each other, too ashamed or perhaps wary that someone else might hear us.
But I like it. It is much more intimate and even if he would never admit it, through our bond I can feel his love to the fullest. No filters, no barriers or impediments. Completely mine.
—«Yeah... Me too".