Emily's P.O.V.
"Mom! Mom! What's happening?" I cried, as I felt my vision get more and more blurry as seconds passed.
I felt an unbearable pain on my right shoulder but I couldn't turn to look at it, as my eyes were set on the chaos in front of me painted in red and blue.
Shouts from people I didn't know was all I could hear and they made no sense to me. I saw someone pulling a stretcher in an ambulance and I used all my strength to run to it but I wasn't strong enough.
I was held back by arms holding me.
"Em, no! You're hurt!" A voice said in alarm from somewhere behind me.
I kept struggling but I just wasn't strong enough. I felt a sting on my right arm.
My vision slowly turned from different shades of red and blue to black.
"No" I whispered. "I need to see him... Please"
My eyes snapped open as I sat up on my bed in alarm. I sit there trying to get my breathing under control.
I haven't had a nightmare in more than a year but it's exactly as I remembered.
I sighed turning to look at the time to see it's 6. I decided to get up and take a shower.
After a lot of thinking and staring at nothing in particular I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself.
Having no motivation whatsoever, on literally the second day of school I just choose to wear my nike tights and a loose tank top and left my hair open in its natural waves.
I unconsciously turned to the side to look at my right shoulder in the mirror to look at the scar, very much present. It sure has faded overtime but it's still there.
I shook my head grabbing my bag and phone and walked out of my room and down the stairs, to see mom in the kitchen having coffee against the counter.
"Morning mom." I grumbled, grabbing some for myself.
"Morning, my little ball of energy." She chuckled looking at my state. "You were in bed when I came home last night so I couldn't ask, but how was your first day of school?"
It was an innocent question but I could hear the caution in her tone. It was concern disguised as an innocent question.
"It was good. Well, as good as school can be." I shrugged.
She nodded with a smile. "That's good to hear."
"I'll be fine mom." I added mustering a small smile. Almost as if trying to make myself believe that.
"Goodmorning lovely people" an overly cheery voice cut us off as Alec entered the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar. "oh, you too Em."
I narrowed my eyes at him.
I'm pretty sure mom will understand if I accidentally kill Alec in his sleep.
"Goodmorning Alec." Mom chuckled, obviously at the lovely contrast, that her kids are. "You're giving a ride to your sister right?"
He nodded, tilting his head back to drink juice, from the carton.
I looked back and forth between my mom and brother who were talking, at a volume which shouldn't be legal before, at least 10 in the morning
I'm definitely adopted.
At that moment, a hunched figure entered the kitchen, grabbed an empty cup, poured the leftover coffee, and started to walk out before grumbling, what sounded like a 'morning' under his breath.
"Also, can you turn it down? You'll wake up the whole neighborhood when you're yelling at each other this early in the morning." Dad mumbled, not stopping to glance at anyone
Okay, not adopted.
I put my seatbelt on as Alec peeled out of the driveway.
I took out my phone to tell Lex that I'd meet her at school in 10.
The car came to a halt at a light, which I conveniently jumped yesterday and Alec looked at me with a grin.
"So how exactly was your first day in school, Asparagus?" I froze at the sudden attack. That's Alec for ya, just jumping into things.
I didn't turn to look at him, desperately wanting to escape this conversation, but I know Alec and how he isn't one to let go of something.
"How'd you know I wasn't Broccoli... " I muttered trailing off.
I gasped as the car lurched forward when the light turned green, making my head hit the headrest.
"Seriously?!" I yelled, rubbing my head.
"Well same to you!" He said glancing at me. "Seriously?!"
"I know. I know. It was stupid. But I just didn't want them to know it was me." I muttered, looking out from the window. "My cover blew in half a day anyway."
He sighed. "Yeah I heard. Actually, everyone did. For the rest of the day, all everyone was talking about was your comeback."
"That's exactly what I was trying to avoid." I chuckled. "It was inevitable. I knew it would happen, I was just buying myself some time."
"To be honest, I don't know if I like the uproar either." His hands tightened around the steering wheel making his knuckles turn white. "I had to stop myself from strangling the horn dogs, talking about my little sister getting miraculously hot." He grimaced saying the word 'hot'.
I burst out laughing at his expression and patted his hands for them to loosen on the wheel. "Chill bro, you know I can handle myself. And I'm here with you today, so I doubt anyone would try anything anyway."
"Oh no I'm not worried about you. I'm just confused at how anyone can find you hot." He said looking at me with a disgusted face.
And with that ladies and gentlemen, I threw him out of the car and he was never heard of, again.
Okay no, I couldn't do that. I had to stick with hitting him in the head with all my might.
Alec parked near the school building and we got out and he put his shades on while I put mine in the bag.
I refuse to be that kid who wears shades to school.
Two guys walked towards us as we started walking. They did the weird bro-handshake-slap-on-the-back thing with Alec as I stood there awkwardly.
Alec then turned to me and put his arm on my shoulder, crushing me under his weight. "Guys meet my little sister, Emily. Emily, you remember Harry and Ryan."
I waved at them awkwardly as their eyes landed on me.
Harry Brown and Ryan Smith, Alec's two best friends. They were at our house a lot before we moved but I've never had a proper conversation with either of them. Back then they just used to sit and play video games while I stayed in my room and read. I was as invisible for them, as I was for the rest of the school.
"Holy sh-" Ryan started with wide eyes earning a slap on the head by Alex. I rolled my eyes at them.
"Hey" Harry said with a smile extending his hand for a handshake, which I took.
"Well, it was a really fun reunion, you guys, but I gotta go. See ya." I waved smiling as I turned to walk away, desperately wanting to get away from that awkward moment.
I got a text from Lex telling me that she's running a little late and would get here in five. I typed a quick 'ok' as I reached my locker.
"Morning beautiful." A voice called out from somewhere behind me.
I turned to see none other than, James Davis. He was the youngest to enter the football team and was sure to become the captian. If I were another girl I would've liked the guy. But along with being attractive, he had nothing else to go with it. He was one of my bullies and had the personality of a wet cat.
And guessing by the smirk he wore on his face, I'd say nothing's changed. I stood there with a blank face for like 2 seconds before turning to my locker, opening it.
"Sup." I muttered pulling out my schedule, having no interest in this conversation, whatsoever.
He cleared his throat. "I'm James, I'm not sure if you remember me. Emily, right?"
I sighed, closing my locker once I had my book. He was blocking my way, clearly not getting a hint.
"What do you want Davis?"
"Ah so you do remember me." His smirk widened as he leaned against the locker, crossing his arms across his chest. I could see he was trying hard to flex his biceps. I noticed how they were nowhere near as big as Ryder's, and he didn't even have to flex.
What? Where did that come from?
I shook my head to get rid of the thought.
"Again, what do you want?"
"I was hoping we could start with a new slate. You know? Leaving the past behind." He said with a smile that was supposed to be charming. I just wanted to gag.
Well, wouldn't you want that buddy.
I scoffed and was about to retort when a very strong arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me back to a hard chest, making me gasp.
I knew who it was as soon as the scent of his cologne hit me and I tried so hard not to relax and melt in his arms.
"Fuck off Davis." Ryder growled making his chest vibrate, making heat build up in my core.
James put his hands up in surrender. "Peace man, we were just talking."
"And now you're done talking. Leave her alone." Ryder retorted. I could sense the growing tension between the two. James tried hard not to show his fear but his bravado was slowly slipping as Ryder towered over him, being the giant that he is.
"Come on man, I know you've called dibs on this one but it wouldn't hurt you to share." James said, trying to stay put as Ryder's jaw twitched.
I gaped at what he said while Ryder's arm around my waist tightened. "Excuse me?!" I exclaimed, but in vain as they completely ignored my existence.
"Don't test me, Davis. Leave while I'm being nice." Ryder said through gritted teeth, clenching his free hand in a fist.
That's all it took for James to mutter something like a 'whatever' under his breath and walk away.
"I'll see you at practice." Ryder called out making James' back stiffen as he continued walking.
I detached myself from Ryder, suddenly aware of the position we were in, and turned to look at him.
"I can speak for myself." I said finally looking at him. I don't think I'll ever get used to the way he looks.
"I know you can. But that wouldn't stop me from being a gentleman and protecting you from jerks like him." He said bending a little to look me in the eye.
"Really? You think I wouldn't have done something if he made a move? He didn't though." I rolled my eyes.
He straightened, looking around. "Mm hm and what did he say?"
"Something about starting with a new slate." I shrugged, adjusting my bag on my shoulder.
"Bullshit." He rolled his eyes leaning against a locker. "He wants to get in your pants. The 'new slate' is his bed." He said using his fingers to air quote 'new slate'.
Even though I knew exactly what James wanted, it's fun seeing Ryder so wound up. I leaned against a locker myself, not turning to look at him.
"You don't know that. He could actually just want to be friends." I said faking a frown.
"Please tell me you're kidding." I heard him say. I just shrugged in response.
I heard shuffling from my side and then Ryder came into view right in front of me as he walked closer, looking down at me. I had to crane my neck to look at him as he towered over my laughably small self.
"Trust me Em, no guy here wants to be just friends with you. They're all undressing you in their heads when they look at you and it makes me want to go on a fucking killing spree." He said, his tone hardening with every word as he placed his hands on the locker I'm leaning on, on either sides of my head.
At this point, his face was inches from mine and if he got any closer he would be able to hear my heartbeat at the rate it's beating at.
"And how are you so sure about that?" I winced as my voice broke because of our proximity.
He scanned my face and raised one of his eyebrows, tilting his head. His eyes lingered on my lips before returning to my eyes.
"Because last I checked I was a guy too, Miles."
My lips parted at what he's implying and I mustered all the self control I could to place my hands on his chest, to push him off, which he did without much effort.
"Careful Green, we aren't kids anymore. This game is overplayed." I said regaining my composure.
He just stood there with a smirk on his unbearably gorgeous face, making me want to slap him for being so perfect.
"Hey guys- who look like they're having a moment, I'll just come back later." Lexi turned to leave as soon as she walked to us but I grabbed her tshirt to pull her back, rolling my eyes.
"No one's having a moment, you idiot."
"You must be broccoli." Ryder interrupted, extending his hand towards Lex. "It was too chaotic for introductions yesterday. I'm Ryder."
Lex laughed, shaking his hand. "I'm Alexis, Lexi for short."
"At least one of the new girls is a new girl." Ryder chuckled, glancing at me as I narrowed my eyes at him. "So, where are you from?"
"I'm from London and I've moved around a lot." She said, making Ryder raise his eyebrows in surprise.
"Well, that explains the accent." He said turning to look at me. "You moved to London?"
Lex suddenly turned to look at me, apologetically and I just smiled at her.
"Yeah we did." I said keeping the smile intact to hide the uneasiness I felt.
But he somehow sensed it as he plastered his face with a smile of his own.
"Well, I hope you love this town just as much." He said in an exaggerated British accent, making me snort as Lex burst out laughing.
And with that the conversation turned light and my uneasiness disappeared.
We went our separate ways when the bell rang, but not before Ryder shot a 'see you at lunch' which sounded more like a 'don't you try to run away again' and threw a wink in my direction, as I rolled my eyes.
I guess we could go for another round of the game.