Mia's POV
To say that dinner was boring would be an understatement. Everyone was busy with each other. Me on the other hand was just eating the delicious food and texting Ash constantly as I was very bored. We were sending each other jokes.
One of the joke Ash sent me really made me laugh. Which draw attention from everyone. Everyone was looking at me as if I was crazy. However the scary man was glaring at my phone. I apologised and started to eat again.
Soon we were done. Olivia was keep talking to the scary man. Like literally. She was clinging on to him. Olivia has dated several boys but she never and I mean NEVER was this crazy.
We were in the living room. I sat in one of the coach with my mum while Olivia sat with the scary man. our dads went to my dad's office room.
Suddenly, Olivia's phone. She excused herself and left. And we are back to the scary man staring at me. I swear this man loves to shoot me with his glares.
We sat there with complete awkwardness. Suddenly he cleared his throat. " Mrs Knight I would like to use your washroom, if you don't mind." he asked my mother. Oh god mum don't say what I think you are gonna say.
"Oh sure. And please call me Sophia. Mia why don't you guide this gentleman and guide him back." my mum said. And just like that my face paled. Wow. My mum is digging my grave for me. Thanks mum. Note the sarcasm.
Not knowing what to say I just nod my head. The scary man stood up. Not wanting him to wait I quickly stood up. I nodded for him to follow me.
I guided him to washroom down the hallway. I still felt his intense gaze on me. Not having the guts to turn back I looked forward and walk.
Soon I was in front of the washroom. I turn back to let him go to the washroom. He was just standing behind me. With only a few inches of gap. I gasped silently. I was met with his chest. This reminded me of the first day when I had accidently bumped into him.
And just like on the first day, I had my head down and he held my chin and tilt my head upwards. As he held my chin, I flinched slightly and closed my eyes. I felt his breathe on me. I did not dare to look up.
After few seconds, he let go of me and pushed past me to the washroom. I waited there for him while trying to catch my breathe. What just happened. I thought he would have scolded me or warned me.
But he just left. I waited for him for a few minutes. Soon he came back and I quickly headed back up to the living room. I tried to go back to the living room as quickly as possible. I did not want to be in his presence any longer.
Soon Our dads return, and Mr Mariano said that they have to leave. When they left, the scary man looked at me one last time. In his eyes I saw something I did not understand. Determination.
Not able to think anymore I shrugged it off. I was too tired to think so I went to bed saying goodnight to my parents.
I got into my PJ and went to sleep. As I tried to sleep, I was unable to. The determination I saw in his eyes made me shiver. I feel like he is up to something. And it is up to no good.
I rolled and rolled but unable to sleep. His eyes keep coming to my mind. Urgh. God help me. I took a few deep breathe and try to sleep.
Finally sleep came and I drift off to sleep.