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Chapter 04: And I Dine with the Lycan Royals.


My eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips and then back to his eyes.

Fuck this. I can't take any more of this.

I push his chest firmly with both my hands, which causes him to release me instantly.

We stare at each other. "We are married, you are going to have to learn to live with that." He says coldly. As cold as possible, contrasting his earlier concerned expression.

I nod, trying hard to control my breathing and avoid eye contact. How the hell can I look him in the eyes after what happened?

"Do you want some food or not?" he asks. His expression remains neutral.

I bite my lower lip, unsure if he wants an answer. I think he's waiting for me to reply. But I don't know what I wanna say. Is there anything I should respond with? Do I owe him an apology? Will I end up in trouble? Am I being unreasonable?

I look away. "No," is the only word I manage to force past my tightly clenched teeth. Maybe there is nothing I want more than for him to leave right now.

"What?" he asks. It sounds as if he did not expect me to say yes.

I shake my head. "I do not want anything from you," I repeat my negation in a longer statement.

"You are contradicting yourself, you clearly said you were hungry a while ago," he raises an eyebrow at me. His voice is steady and collected, betraying none of his emotions.

I shake my head. I will not give him the satisfaction of knowing that I am scared shitless right now. Or maybe he can read my mind. "I said that I do not want anything from you," I correct. I know it's petty, and I should be more mature and rational about this situation, but I have no idea what to do now. I do not know how to handle this, how to deal with this. I am the one married to a man I barely know, I am the one going to spend the night with a very beautiful monster if there is anything like that. Was he also forced into this marriage?

"Why did you agree to marry me, you barely even know me," I ask quietly, not wanting to raise my voice. His cold gaze scans my face. I do not know how he can switch from concerned to domineering in just seconds.

"Because it was either this or death," is all he says before leaving me alone in the bedroom.

"Because it was either this, or death."

Maybe I had heard wrong, maybe that was not what he meant to say, but he had and I could certainly not decipher what he meant. I sigh, over thinking will not give me answers, and now my stomach seems to be rebelling against my actions earlier and I'm so damn hungry at the moment.

I didn't have breakfast this morning, Nina had insisted I take only coffee so the corset of the wedding dress would fit. The wedding dress, my wedding dress. I remember what Nina had said while I dressed up. "It has to be perfect when your husband takes it off, the highlight of your wedding. It should slip down easily." I feel bile rise to my throat at the memory. What if he wants me to? After all it is his wedding right as my husband. Panic rises in my chest and I want nothing more than to run away.

Sex..I had never done that before. Sex with a man. I had never even kissed one before, though, and there are no books on how to do it or maybe there are, and I just don't read them.

My heart feels like it's going to pound out of my chest.

My stomach feels as if it's churning and I suddenly find myself running to the bathroom.

Once inside, I try desperately to calm my breathing before vomiting into the toilet bowl but it' only making it worse, I gasp for air, feeling lightheaded. When I finally stop dry heaving I lean forward and rest my forehead on the cool porcelain, letting my head spin. I feel dizzy and confused. Milo should be the one here, not me. But I am the one who has married him, who is standing here in this room and is going to live probably the rest of my life with a man I have never known.

Who wants a loveless marriage with a Lycan Prince? Certainly not me, who gets it though? Well unlucky me.

Fuck my life.

I splash water on my face and make my way back to the room, the sun has gone down now, and the moon is starting to shine through the window. A part of me thinks that the darkness is comforting in an odd way, almost comforting but not quite. I sit down on the bed and slowly lay back. Maybe if I sleep before he comes, nothing will happen. Definitely. He possibly can't rape me, or can he? I know zilch about Kael, except that he is a Lycan Prince, and even though he had shown an innate concern for me earlier, it still does not very much tell me anything about him. I sigh and close my eyes, trying to force my racing thoughts into silence but they won't leave.

He will not rape me. He is not like that. My thoughts continue, repeating this mantra as if it will somehow bring comfort and peace.

Eventually, I fall asleep.


When I wake up, I'm disoriented, and in a strange place. This is unfamiliar territory. My mind is cloudy, and I struggle to remember where I am and why I came to these parts. Then everything floods back, I am married, to Kael Aspen, prince of the wolves, and he didn't rape me while I slept, thankfuly.

"You are awake."

I turn slightly towards the sound of the deep, rumbling voice that greets me. It makes me shudder slightly. He stands just a few feet in front of me looking extremely handsome, his long jet black hair looks soft, unruly but pleasingly so, and he is wearing a plain white shirt, button down sleeves rolled up to his elbows. My husband. Kael.

"Yes." My voice sounds croaky in my own ears, as if the sound had been muffled by cotton padding. I wonder if he hears it too because his face gives away nothing. His eyes are ocean blue and glitters in the low light that streams from the windows. They're intense, almost piercing as he takes a step closer, almost as if he wants to stare deeply into my soul. Almost.

"You were asleep before I came back, and I had brought your food. Perhaps you will like coffee before you get a good meal?"

Coffee? He brought me coffee? I nod wordlessly and wait silently as he walks over to the bedside table and pulls the large metal tray out from underneath. He sets it down beside me and then turns around, facing me as he places himself on the edge of the mattress next to me.

"What time is it?" I ask before taking a sip of the coffee.

"It's seven in the morning," he replies.

"My eyes grow wide in shock, "You mean I slept the whole day, yesterday?!"

His lips twitch lightly in response, although he does not smile fully and he shakes his head.

"Well, yes I suppose you did. It wouldn't do for you to oversleep after your ceremony, especially after we are wed, would it?"

The thought of being wed makes my breath catch in my throat, and I have to blink rapidly to keep tears from flowing.

"You even missed your wedding reception," he continues quietly after a moment. He must see the way I flinch because he adds nonchalantly.

"Don't worry, it was just a customary formality. You will be introduced properly to the city soon enough. Although you might have to meet my Family in a moment."

His Family, the King and Queen is a given.

"Do you have any siblings?" I manage to choke out past the lump in my throat, He pauses briefly as if deciding whether or not he should trust me enough to tell me anything. I almost scoff. Like i won't know soon enough. In the end, he nods, "A brother and sister"

He doesn't elaborate further and instead reaches over to grab my hand.

"Come on, let's get you some breakfast."

"Where are we going?" I ask as he leads me out of the room and down the stairs.

"To the dining hall, we eat there on special occasions as a family, and the special occasion, is our marriage." I look down at my robe in shock.

"I can't wear this to meet your family."

"You will." He says sternly, all traces of his once calm demeanor gone, and now replaced with a stoic look. A protest is at the tip of my tongue, but I bite it in. If he says so.

As we approach the room, I hear the faint murmur of voices talking. My mouth goes dry at the prospect of sitting across from Lycans at a table. Lycans?! I shake my head to clear the thought, trying to ignore the nervous tingle that runs down my spine, and instead focus on following behind Kael.

There are two guards at the door of the room and they push it open for us to enter. I stare in awe at the large room which is painted white , a round glass table stands in the middle of the room which is adorned with a beautiful bouquet of flower, A white beautifully designed chandelier hung over the glass table , to the right is a white tiled stairs which leads to wherever. There are different portrait photo and frames hung on the wall. Seven gold painted chairs stands around the table and five of them are occupied by Kael's family of course, the royal family.

I do not need anyone to tell me who the King and Queen are as I take in the occupants of the chairs. Their very presence screams royalty. He sits at the very top side of the table, he is dressed just like Kael and so is the other man sitting on his left side, a plain white shirt, button down sleeves rolled up to their elbows. On the right hand side of the King sits the Queen, obviously and next to her are two young ladies. One is a blond, and one has her hair color just like Kael's, Dark and pretty. Did Kael not say he has two siblings?

Kael and I finally walk up to the table, filling in the two empty chairs beside his brother. All eyes are on us. No, on me and I am suddenly feeling so self conscious especially since I am dressed in nothing but a flimsy robe, not particularly flimsy though.

"Lilac Hirav." My heart jumps at the deep voice that calls my name — The Lycan King. He continues, "May I officially welcome you to the Royal family of Lycania, and congratulate you on your Marriage to my second Prince."


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