Akira's POv
"Are you sure you don't want to go with us
Josh eat out? You said Nanny is not here
Nanny Minda in your house, maybe you're the only one
there. If you want you can sleepover with us. "
Sanya's suggestion.
I smiled, I can really see
he was worried but even I wanted to
Come on, I have pride! Coming soon
which I would classify as national third
wheel because I'm very close to their between his Boyfriend.
It's been a month since
the entrance will start. Thunder and I is
still, it seems to get worse because for
I just wind up with him.
Sometimes he goes home, sometimes not.
What a trip he was. Sometimes like
I'll just hug him and tell him not to
of leaving because I miss him so much
I'll probably get hit when I do.
"What are you Sanya? I'm not a baby anymore. I can
manage myself. All right, you're going on a date
Josh. Enjoy "when I urge him
because I see you in the face of my best friend
he doesn't want to leave me anymore.
"Because Akira, why don't you
boyfriend? You always seem to have someone with you "
Sanya and I looked at what Josh said.
He didn't even know that I was married.
But marriage is also useless
we're both naughty.
I can't shout at the world either
that, I am Mrs. Montenegro, wife of Thunder
Rein Montenegro, the professor who is going crazy!
I faked a laugh.
"Let it go and I'll look for it so I don't have to
third wheel to you "I joked.
"You're really crazy! You know
That's impossible, you're a martyr so you're not
carry "Sanya said uncontrollably so
I widened her eyes.
"And why is it impossible? You're serious
Love! Your possessive even with your friend,
how can my friends form that? "
we looked at Josh at the same time.
"Who will form Akira?" elevated
Sanya asked her boyfriend with an eyebrow.
"You beat me up again, Josh? Don't
me, okay? "I said.
"No! As long as you get to know him too.
It's too stupid, because it's a shy type
but very handsome "
"Oh Sanya, take that with you
your boyfriend and you left because maybe
that's going crazy with hunger. If anything
the saying "I command Sanya.
"Yeah! It might blow the mound and
even worse "Sanya answered me so
I laughed.
"Hey! You two are terrible.
You always help me "
Josh’s drama.
"Be careful Aki, we're leaving" he scolded
Sanya was with me before leaving. Departure
they also got me in my car and
When I parked my car in the garage of
house I do not know but I suddenly
nervous. But I didn't care anymore because
I want to sleep. I have not yet recovered
too much on the days I woke up. Little
I'm still awake and I can cast a zombie
to the walking dead.
Nanny Minda is gone because she visited a
relative to the province.
I was about to go up the stairs when I noticed
the door to Thunder's room was open.
My forehead furrowed, surprisingly
he went home but the car was gone.
I'm really nervous though
I still dare.
You will be really brave when Thunder is
your wife because you seem to have it everyday
duel with a dragon.
I peeked slightly at the door.
I was shocked to see someone else inside
and he seems to be looking for something to use
Thunder. I slowly pressed the
emergency buzzer that we have here at
Every house here in this subdivision has
emergency button when you press
give a signal to the guards and police that
respond to your house.
I was about to leave when I saw him on the table
near the door is our wedding ring
Thunder, as usual he won't wear that
when I saw him turn around to open it
Thunder's closet was bold
I slowly and quickly pick up
ring. I got that and would have left
it turned quickly so he saw me.
I quickly hid the ring in my pocket and
"Hey kid! Get back here!" I heard a shout
I accelerated down the stairs and
run hopefully to the main door case misfortune
I suddenly slipped so he caught up with me.
I quickly stood up and it was shaking
"Older Man, please take everything, just don't
this Ring "I begged but really
I'm just nervous.
He looks scary, his size
people, lots of tattoos and glaring
his eyes were red.
"You're too attributive!" I was surprised by
it quickly approached me and touched me
on the shoulder "You're a pervert so it's worth it
you! "he did next
quite surprising to me.
I cried out in pain but it seemed at the same time
I was deaf.
I just felt like I was falling into
going down and gradually darkening my vision.
Thunder's POV.
"I told you I can't stay here tonight Ella" I told
Ella. I turned to look at him.
Ella is my girlfriend.
She was my girlfriend before we got married
is Akira.
I met him when we were in college.
I can’t afford to divorce Ella so no
I just told him I was married and
I got married secretly.
But what I don't understand is for
unknown reason I don't know why not
I have the guts to tell Akira about
to Ella.
"Please babe, stay here.
You only have to sleepover once
here, you're usually in your office "
Ella begged me.
That's true, those nights when I wasn't
go home. I’m actually in the office
In the three years Akira and I have been married though
when in breakable crack the awkwardness and
like a big wall between us
two. We can be
friends, I know the feelings for me.
I just don't want to give her
false hope because he might have hoped even more.
Our relationship has a destination.
I don't know about that woman, she is an all out
and vocal. She will say and do what she want.
She is always full of surprise.
"Ella, I can't, I'm sorry, I'm going" I saw
his face was sad, but there was a part
to myself who wants to want to go home.
Yaya Minda said goodbye that she was not
so he can go home alone there
That woman.
The night we fought he didn't come home right away
and she started talking about responsibility
is imprinted in my mind. I hate her but
he is still my responsibility.
"Fine! Take care okay? I love you" it approached and
kissed me on the cheek.
Thanks. Love you too "
I also got to
we subdivision because there is no traffic.
I will enter and pass by the guard house and
I'll just get past it when I see it
the guard stopped me.
It's surprising because they know it
my car. I stopped and went downstairs
my car window.