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Apologies, Miss Cold!

Maurice Elliott
127.0K · Ongoing


Originally, he thought that women who needed blind dates must have significant flaws! Either physically or psychological...


Chapter 1 - An Accidental Blind Date, Full of Awkwardness!

"Mom, I got it! I'm already at the front of the coffee shop, that's it!" James Sutcliffe impatiently hung up the phone.

He is 28 years old this year and has never been in a relationship. After serving in the army for 7 years, he retired and became a gynecologist at a clinic in Cloudbury, with an annual salary of eighty thousand dollars! His mother is worried that he won't be able to find a wife and urges him to get married every day, but he has no means of finding a girlfriend on his own, so he had to go on blind dates.

He has already met 17 blind date candidates before! Knowing that there will be no results, he still has to go through the motions, and James is really fed up!

"Help! Somebody help..." Just as James was about to enter the coffee shop, he heard a weak cry for help. An old man fell on the road, and countless people passed by, but no one dared to help!

But James wasn’t afraid. He directly helped the old man and asked, "Are you okay, sir?"

"Nothing's wrong! Thank you, young man! There are very few kind people like you these days. I must repay you!" The old man laughed.

James then noticed that his attire and demeanor were not in line with each other. His clothes were tattered, but his fingers looked like those of a privileged person! In a rush for the blind date, James insisted to enter the coffee shop and didn't think about being repaid.

The coffee shop was very large, like a maze! His mother said the other party was at Table 8, but he couldn't find it. He accidentally bumped into a special area.

The lighting here was soft, and it was filled with flowers. A breeze blew, and the fragrance of flowers filled the air, making it seem like heaven on earth!

James looked up and was instantly stunned. Sitting at a table was an elegant and beautiful woman with flawless looks, figure, and skin.

She was truly God's favored one.

The beautiful woman was quietly sipping her coffee, her legs naturally crossed, and a copy of "Power Broker" in Spanish version was placed on the table. When she saw James walk in, she lifted her cold gaze, with a hint of confusion and disdain appearing in her natural, willowy eyebrows.

This stunning encounter made James suddenly hear the beating of his heart with each step he took.

In his 28 years of life, there had never been a girl who could capture his heart. Especially since becoming a gynecologist and seeing countless women's bodies, he had even felt that he had lost interest in women.

But this beautiful woman in front of him made his heart race! Was it because he was nervous or because he had feelings for her? What surprised James even more was that there was a large "8" on the table where she sat!

Could she be his blind date candidate? James took a deep breath, tidied himself up, and went over to sit in front of her. The beautiful woman's expression became increasingly astounded, and there was a hint of a cold glint in her beautiful eyes!

What audacity this man had! Not only did he intrude into her private area, he dared to sit across from her?

James didn't mind the woman's expression. After all, he had been rejected by women more times than he could count. The blind date process could proceed, and love would come as it may!

"Hello! My name is James, 28 years old, a gynecologist, and I haven't bought a car or a house." For another man, saying these things to a woman would require great courage!

But James was very calm. He had a kind of composure! The beautiful woman looked at him, astonished for a moment, and with a playful curl of her lips, she said, "Hello, I’m Emily Greenwood! 27 years old, with dual doctoral degrees in finance and business administration from Harvard University, with last year's income reaching 3 billion, and I have both a car and a house."

James was shocked! What was going on? He had always thought that a woman in need of a blind date must have major flaws!

But he couldn't find any flaws in this woman. Not even a speck of imperfection! Maybe she had some mental flaws? Or was she disabled? Infertile perhaps?

Countless random thoughts ran through James's mind. Seeing his expression, Emily's lips curled up slightly, and she couldn't hide her pride in her cold gaze.

She intentionally introduced herself to make this man embarrassed, and to make him back off! The atmosphere became awkward for a moment. Neither of them said anything further.

Alright! Regardless of whether she was genuine or not, James decided to finish the process. Even if nothing came of it, he could at least appease his mother at home.

"Although my income is low, if you are with me, I will always protect you and not let you suffer any harm!"

"At home, you can be the queen, and I will take care of all the household chores!"

"But outside, in front of my family, I hope you can give me the respect a man deserves!"

"If we get married, I’ll get a monthly salary of 6 thousand dollars, 5 thousand of which I can hand over to you......"

Just like before, James earnestly stated his bottom line, and seeing that not only did he not feel embarrassed, but also made such serious promises, Emily was completely stunned!

After a while, she chuckled. She realized that there wasn't another man who could give her that kind of amusement!

"What are you laughing at?" James was a little displeased. "I know my conditions are not good, but I promise that if we get married, I will definitely fulfill a man's responsibilities!"

Emily began to laugh again.

James was annoyed, "Miss Greenwood, what are you laughing at? Don't you think you're being rude?"

"Sir, you are a good man!" Emily put away her smile and instantly turned cold, "But have you made a mistake? I'm not here for a blind date!"



James was instantly wide-eyed. "Isn't this Table 8?"

"It is Table 8, but this is the VIP area. The regular Table 8 is on the right when you leave the entrance!"

Emily's jade-like hand pointed coldly towards the outside.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I’m sorry! I came to the wrong place!"

James was instantly embarrassed. How shameful it was! Could he even get the blind date right?

No wonder the beautiful woman had been smiling the whole time. She probably thought that a toad wanted to eat swan meat?

After James left, a group of four black-suited bodyguards protected him as an old man walked in. If James had still been there, he would’ve been very surprised because this old man was the same person he had helped earlier!

"Emily, maybe it was fate?"

"You have a fear of men, never dated at 27, and no man has dared to approach you!"

"But that man did, and he was very honest and kind. He just helped me up and didn't think about a return!"

The old man was Alexander Greenwood, the chairman of the first financial conglomerate in Cloudbury!

Even though he was incredibly rich, he had regrets in life! He had three sons who all died before him, and either had no descendants, or only left behind daughters.

Emily was his most important granddaughter and the heir of Celestial Guardians Group. Despite being intelligent and courageous, she was still a girl, so he wanted to see his great-grandchild before he passed away.

He had deliberately fallen outside the door to find a man with a sense of justice, and then arranged for him to choose his granddaughter, but he didn't expect that the man would coincidentally blind date his granddaughter.

Was this not destined?

Emily spoke coldly: "Grandfather, he passed your test, but not mine. If he can pass my test, I will marry him."

She wanted to fulfill her grandfather's wish, but she also wanted to marry a reliable man. To marry someone just based on a blind date seemed too hasty!

"Good! I believe that he can definitely pass the test!" Alexander's old eyes lit up with anticipation.

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