"To hoping you can keep up," I responded cockily, trying to get under his skin.
"We both know I can, in more ways than one, Danny." His icy burned into my face the way that it had just hours ago when I begged him to let me cum. The only difference was this time, I stared back with just as much intensity.
Beck could definitely keep up, and I knew that for a fact.
The tall hispnic blonde stopped dead in his tracks, his under armor backpack slung over one shoulder. He could tell by my tone that I wasn't exactly pleased with him and we both knew why. "Yes?" Axel asked almost hesitantly, turning around slowly to face my crossed arms and popped hip. His grey eyes scanned my body, noticing the Timberlands on my feet like I was about to drop kick him in the jaw.
I honestly wanted to, but I was too good of a friend.
For now.
"Don't act like you don't know what this is about," I said firmly while sending him a look. I'd just caught him leaving the men's locker room before one of his afternoon classes so I couldn't keep him too long. I didn't have any Saturday classes so I'd either head out with Seb or go see my family until Axel, Seb, and I reunited for dinner or something. Just because I was getting pizza with him didn't mean I wasn't annoyed with though.
When he didn't respond I scoffed and uncrossed my arms, the two of us standing in the large navy hallway that led to the reception center of the rink. "Why would you introduce me to fucking Beckett Sampson and not tell me, let alone avoiding mentioning that he was your childhood best friend the whole time?"
"Because I knew you weren't happy about the new captain and I thought maybe you'd give him a chance if you knew him a little," Axel tried to reason, but even he knew the fatal flaw in his ways. I could tell by the hesitance still on his face when he spoke.
"So you didn't tell him either?" I questioned, quirking my eyebrow and uncrossing my arms to use them when I spoke. I was wearing a blush sweatshirt with a camo button down over it. As much as I loved summer, it was already freezing in an early winter chill. "Because I slept with him and you know how that will look if it gets out. For both of us."
Axel sighed regrettably, "I know it's bad for you and I'm sorry, but how exactly is this bad for him?"
"Because I'm the bitch trying to get a boyfriend and he's the player fucking his teammate and neither one of those looks good for scouting NHL teams," I hissed quietly. I was unbelievably annoyed with Axel even if he meant well. He should have told me.
"Wrong. It's weird now," and I did not want to get into why. I have to look at the man I just had the best sex of my life with every day and resist the urge. That's not even the worst part; the worst part was if he thought I was a submissive bitch who couldn't stand on her own two feet without a man. I'm supposed to be having a pissing contest with the new captain, not blowing him.