“Carry out the execution."
These are the last words Annalisa hears as she's betrayed by those she once called family, f...
It’s today. I inhaled deeply and dragged my knees to my chest.
It’s today. I looked around me, unconsciously wishing for one more day, even if it were in this cold dungeon.
It’s today. My eyes settled on the charcoal markings on the stonewall opposite me for one last confirmation. Only one strike hadn’t been crossed out.
I reluctantly stood up and dragged my feet towards the wall.
“Stop making so much noise!” a voice bellowed from the other side of the bars that held me in.
I froze and held my breath as I strained my ears, trying to make sure no footsteps were accompanying the voice. I let out a relieved sigh when I heard none.
My eyes fell to my feet and I picked up the charcoal that lay there. I turned the markings on the wall and crossed out the last part.
“It’s today,” I muttered as I stared at the wall. “Today is the day I die.”
I took a step back and closed my eyes tightly. Maybe when I open my eyes, it’ll all be a dream. I will be laying in bed cuddling Spencer, then he’ll kiss me and reassure me.
I opened my eyes. I was still in a dungeon, awaiting the man that will lead me to my death.
It’s not a dream, you’re wide awake, a voice whispered in my head.
A sound from outside caught my ears.
“He’s here,” I mumbled, as I recognized the sound as footsteps.
A figure appeared in front of the bars. He began to unlock the padlock. “Come out, now!” he ordered when he was finally done.
I hurriedly ran out to meet him. It was the jailer. I stretched my hands out to him and they were tied tightly with a brown rope.
That would leave a mark, I thought to myself.
A mark you will never see, the voice chipped in once again.
A sharp pain shot through my heart as I realized it was true. I shook my head to get rid of the thought.
I and the jailer walked in silence and in a short while, we were in an open field.
I looked up, squinting against the sunlight. It burns, I thought with the ghost of a smile on my face. I had forgotten how good it felt to be outside.
I looked around as I was led to the stand. There were at least 3000 people present. All here to witness Analissa’s death.
“Get in,” the man commanded.
I stepped in. It was the only stand in the middle of the field, and it was situated right next to the guillotine. I swallowed hard.
“Place your hands where we can see them.”
I followed his order, placing them on the wooden surface in front of me.
“We announce the arrival of the future Duke of Wales and his fiancée,” a voice bellowed.
I looked around trying to find the source but it was to no avail.
Instead, my eyes fell on my ex-husband and sister. I clenched my fists tightly as they strutted in, hand in hand.
That’s my dress she’s wearing, I raged internally as they got closer. It was a sky blue ball gown, with silver lace details at the edges. She had her blonde hair up in a bun with a flower crown in it. She looks just like I would if I wasn’t wearing a dress made from a brown sack. I clenched my fists tighter at the realization, and jutted my chin out.
I squared my shoulders as they approached closer. After what seemed like hours, they finally were standing in front of me, matching evil smirks on their faces.
“Hi, sis,” Anne said with a wink.
My eyes fell to my hands. I unclenched my hands then clenched them again, and kept repeating the process.
A hand reached out and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up.
“You will look at me when I’m talking to you,” my sister spat out.
“After everything mum and dad did for you,” I snapped, “You killed them.”
I watched my sister take a step back. She definitely wasn’t expecting a retort from me.
“Be careful how you talk,” she snarled. “Your life is in my hands.”
I let out a bitter laugh. “What’s the use? You’re going to kill me, either way.”
My eyes drifted to the man standing beside her. The man who was once the only one that occupied my heart, the man who is now the focus of all the hatred in me.
“Spencer.” His name rolled off my tongue like it was a bitter pill I was forced to swallow. I narrowed my eyes as I stared at him. “You should have never been born.”
Spencer passed his fingers through his black hair as he let out a deep laugh. “But I was. I was born and I will continue to live. But you?” He paused and leaned in closer, till he was merely inches away from my face. “Your life ends here.”
The duo began to cackle as they turned to face the crowd.
“Good day, my people. Today is the day we bring justice to the death of the Dukeand Duchess of Wales. This young girl,” he gestured towards me, “Was their first daughter. I find it quite unfortunate the unsuspecting parents brought to the world the one who would take them out of it.” He paused.
The crowd came alive with whispers. I hung my head and clenched my fist tightly. A few drops of tears fell.
The crowd fell silent again as soon as Spencer cleared his throat. “Not only has she orphaned her dear sister, but she has also rid us of a wonderful leader. How heartless. Who thinks she deserves to be alive?”
The crowd remained silent for a short while before thry replied in a chorus.
“Kill her, kill her, kill her,” they were chanting.
Anne sniffed dramatically and the entire field fell silent. “It has been a week, but I still can’t believe she did such a thing. Our parents had loved us without any limits, especially her. I remember always teasing her that she was the favorite child.”
I raised my head slowly. Angry tears were now rushing down my face. How dare they?
Anne came to meet me. “Annalissa, why did you do that? How could you dare to kill them? After everything they have done for you, for us? Why did you decide to make me an orphan?”
She began bawling and banging the table. Spencer walked over to stop her, then he enveloped her in his arms.
I stared at them, frozen in shock.
Spencer signaled for the jailer.
“Carry out the execution,” he ordered, just loud enough for me to hear.
I maintained eye contact with him as the man dragged me and handed me over to the executioner. He dragged me and placed my head on the lunette.
Anne finally moved away from his chest. She moved to stand beside him then held his hand. He turned to face her and she stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips. They both turned to look at me, their faces mirroring each other with matching smirks.
Anne gave me a little wave as she leaned her head on Spencer’s shoulder.
“5,” the crowd screamed.
You guys will pay for this.
I will make you guys pay for this, somehow.
God, please, a second chance at life.
I promise to destroy them and save my parents this time.
I curse you both.