"Good Morning Mrs. Wilson." The voice whispered in her ear. Cora's eyes started to flutter, as he had awakened her from her deep sleep. As she opened her eyes she saw him smiling at her.
"Good morning Mr. Wilson." She replied as she returned his smile. Her newlywed husband Michael then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, as he leaned in, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
"So how does it feel to be an old married woman of four days?" He asked. Cora couldn't help but laugh at his corny joke. She then placed her hand upon his cheek, as she lovingly caressed his face with her thumb. Just looking at his adoring smile, made her heart flutter, and almost brought tears to her eyes.
"It feels like half of a week." She replied. "The happiest half of a week of my life." Cora wondered how she came to be so blessed. Michael was more to her than a husband, he was her best friend. And after being together for almost ten years, she and Michael had finally tied the knot.
The two of them had met, while taking an ancient history course in college. She had never believed in love at first sight. But when she walked into the lecture hall, and saw him for the first time—their eyes immediately locked on to one another's. She heard more than just bells, and whistles. What Cora heard was fireworks. And from that day on, they were inseparable.
They might have fallen in love right away, but they took their time in their relationship. So finally after dating for nine years, Michael had finally popped the question. Cora's own mother use to nag her all of the time, wondering when they were finally going to get married.
But just four days ago, the lavish wedding had finally come to fruition. Cora had been in an entire whirlwind of emotions that day. Whether she was crying, or laughing it was all because of how happy Michael made her. She was lucky enough to find her one true love.
Both Michael, and Cora had a love of Greek Mythology, which is why they each took the class in the first place. So it only seemed natural to honeymoon in Greece. Sure it was a long flight from the US, but it was worth it.
"I hope you are looking forward to what I have planned for us today." Michael told her.
"I'm looking forward to later tonight." Cora replied, as she shot him a coy smile.
"Careful, or I may want to stay in bed with you all day instead of taking the tour of Arcadia." He cooed.
"It's tempting." She teased. "But I think the tour is one of the main reasons we came here. Well that, and the nude beaches."
"Well who doesn't love a good nude beach?" He asked.
"Well apparently you did." She quipped. "I couldn't help but notice you turning into your own personal sundial, when that blonde walked past us."
"I didn't even see her." He laughed. "I was probably too busy thinking about you."
"I don't believe you." She playfully replied. "But that was a good save."
"Well if you think about it, women have an unfair advantage." He said. "You don't have your own—sundials."
"Well speaking of sundials." She told him. "We better get going. I am dying to see one of the Caves of Pan. Apparently his sundial was always visible." Michael's eyes widened, as he gave her a goofy smile.
"Oh is that why you want to go?" He chuckled.
"No." She replied. "I don't need any other sundials. All I need is yours."
"Well, then I shall offer it to you later tonight." He stated. "But we need to get going, like you—I want to visit the cave as well. Growing up I always loved learning about different cultures, and their mythologies."
"Same here." She replied. "I guess that's why we are so perfect together. Our souls destined to find one another in each lifetime."
"Oh, so you're saying that at the beginning of time, you and I were the same being?" He asked.
"That's right." She answered. "We were once a half man, half woman with eight appendages. But we became so arrogant, that Zeus split us in half. And every lifetime we seek out one another's reincarnated souls."
Michael furrowed his brow, as he had a smirk on his face. With that he and Cora burst out laughing.
"You're crazy. Come on, get up." He told her. "I think we need to get some food in you before we go. I think you may be a little light headed this morning."
"I think I'm just in love." She replied.
The bus ride to the caves seemed to be taking forever. Or maybe Cora was just too anxious to get there. Of course she didn't believe in the mythos of the Greek god's, but still the stories were just so fascinating to read.
Plus, they were going to visit a place that was once believed to be the home of the satyrs, and the wood nymphs. Basically, it was Greek Mythology's version of the Garden of Eden. Cora could feel the butterflies flapping around in her stomach, when she realized that the tour had arrived at it's destination.
"Well, I think we're here." Michael whispered, as the bus finally came to a stop.
"Ladies, and Gentleman!" The tour guide announced over the loud speaker. Welcome to Arcadia!"
Pan, a satyr, was the last of the gods to remain in humanity's realm of the Earth. After a while, man no longer needed the Olympians, as man had started to flourish on his own. And so most of the gods had sought out another plain of existence.
But it was decided that one god should stay behind, to protect the Earth and her people. Since pan was one of the lower deities, the task fell upon him. Besides, he had the ability to strike fear into others if necessary.
After all, this ability was from were the term panic was born. And if he had not instilled panic into Typhon's forces, when Typhon tried to overthrow Zeus—the world would be a much more horrendous place. Besides staying hidden in man's realm had some advantages. Particularly being able to take on human form, and seduce lovely young women.
Pan peered through in invisible doorway from his hidden forest. As he watched the group of humans walk around the area once known as ancient Arcadia, a beautiful young woman had caught his eye. Her hair was as red as Olympian fire, and her eyes were as blue as Poseidon's oceans. It was rare, but this human could have put any wood nymph to shame.
It was times like this, in which Pan was grateful that Zeus was no longer around
It was times like this, in which Pan was grateful that Zeus was no longer around. For any god who would lay their eyes upon her, would want to enchant her as well. Although it wasn't unusual for Pan to leave his hidden forest, and pursue a one time only encounter with a fair human maiden—she was different. He wanted to bring her to his hidden paradise, and keep her forever.
In reality, he had been alone for sometime. And this one seemed perfect, perhaps it was time for him to find a bride. And unlike his first love, Syrinx—this fair beauty didn't have Zeus. Unlike the nymphs who had Zeus to turn them into reeds, or trees when they fled from Pan's amorous advances—this one would not be able to escape from him.
As Pan continued to watch her, he could feel his constant erect cock harden even more. Why did humans always have to wear so many clothes? He would have loved to have gotten a better look at her body. As he closed his eyes, he imagined how good it would feel to have her soft naked flesh pressed against him.
All of a sudden his eyes popped open, as he heard the sound of her musical laughter. Her beaming smile from ear to ear, brought out even more of her physical beauty. But to his dismay, was the reason why she was laughing—a human had his arms wrapped around her, as the human was playfully kissing her neck.
Pan became angry, as he began to breathing heavily. How dare this human male, put his filthy hands on her. The woman deserved more than just a mere mortal man to be her betrothed. This woman deserved a god, and a god's bride she shall be!
Soon my lovely human, you will be with me. Pan thought. Perhaps you will miss the human male at first. But don't worry my fair beauty, I will help you to forget all about him. Even though I have had many dalliances with your kind over the years, I have been longing for a queen. And you my dear are the lucky human that I have chosen, you shall become the bride of the satyr king.