There was silence as you furrow your brows, lids squinting as you felt the rays of sun from your window project directly at your face. You fondle at your sheets as you still feel sleep wrapping its arms around you.
You shift on your bed as your brows meet more. Why aren't you hearing any sound? Not even your alarm clock.
Shit. Your alarm clock. You did set that up before you go to sleep right? Or maybe not? You are sure you did. But why didn't you hear any sound from it? Or maybe you didn't hear it because you were fast asleep?
You flatter your eyes open quickly and the first thing you saw was white, then the light bulb of it. You flip on your bed, groaning a little bit as your mind wasn't that fully awake.
You saw your phone. You quickly grab it, opening it immediately. You saw the time.
Another shit. You're twenty minutes late on your first subject. You quickly got up, hand swinging as you try to reach for your jeans and a white tee that was wide enough not to hug your form.
You washed your face and brush your teeth. And then you stopped. You just stopped moving all of a sudden. With bubbles surrounding your mouth and a tooth brush sitting in your tooth, you thought: Why are you hurrying?
You're already late. There is nothing you can do about that fact. You can only take your time to get ready and just sneak in your class if possible. So you hum as you continue to brush your teeth and decided to just take a shower.
Still, all you put on your body was your tight jeans, white tee and a black sneakers. You let your hair dry and you were off. On the way down stares, you saw your mother fixing some stacks of books in a shelf.
And you could only ask her why she didn't woke you up.
Only to be answered by, "I thought you set up your alarm and got to school early." She said.
You thought so too.
With that you ran out of your house then got to the nearest bus stop. Hopping into the bus that stopped after waiting for nearly 10 minutes, you sat down beside the window.
You had your earphones plugged into your ear and Taeyeon's voice was being played. Her high notes on point as you hop off the bus. You skip your way into the gates and made your way to your room.
Eyes cautiously watch the surroundings if ever one of your teachers might caught you. When you reach your room, you take a peek on the little glass that was on the door.
You saw Mrs. Song writing on the board and so you took that as a chance. Crawling on the tiled floor, you slip inside your room. Silently darting for your seat just beside Wendy.
The girl with a blonde hair and rosy cheeks. She was beautiful and you cant believe she's your friend.
But your face got crumpled when you saw another man sitting on your seat. On your seat, take note of that.
His hair was black and his shoulders are broad and he also have that pointy nose and intimidating eyes. He was attractive and he is on your seat. And you are crawling on the floor.
You poke his thigh and he looked down at you. He just looked at you. Then his eyes were back on the board in front of him.
"Yah." You whispered as you poke him again.
He looked at you again. "What?" He asked. His voice was very manly, and on the right pitch.
"You are sitting on my seat." You said as you try to not glare at him.
"I am sitting on my seat." He said and you cant help but feel offended.
"Excuse me? That is my seat. I've been sitting on that same chair for two months straight. That chair probably smells like my butt." You said, now totally glaring at him.
"I dont care. You aren't sitting on it today, I am. So go find yourself another chair." He said then he picks up his pen then drew some doodles on the back of his notebook.
You scoff. You poke hin again but this time he didn't budge. He didn't even there to look at you. You shake his legs but still no reaction from him.
"Wendy." You whispered to your blonde friend but she doesn't seem to hear you as she try her best not show any of her flirty smile to the boy beside her.
You rolled your eyes then goes back shaking the not so familiar boy's leg. But still you didn't caught his attention even if his doodles were ruined by your shaking.
You were getting annoyed. And your brows are furrowing. Your brows are furrowing and its not a nice sign when this happen.
"Yah!" You shout. "I said get out of my sit." You said as you finally sit up, pushing his broad shoulder.
He was shocked. Now you finally got his attention. You only realized that this man infront of you was handsome. He wasn't just attractive but very handsome at that. But still, he is sitting on your chair.
"Ms. Y/n?" You stiffen when you hear Mrs. Song soft voice call out your name.
You turn to look at her and platered an innocent smile on your face. "Yes?" You replied.
"I haven't seen you earlier. Sneaking into my class?" She said as she cross her arms.
You were already ready to lie for yourself but noticed your bag hanging on your shoulder. Of course, you cant lie with that thing still attached to you.
"Go get your admission slip." She said before you could utter a word.
"Yes, Mrs. Song." Your voice was mellow and you threw the handsome boy a glare before hissing as you go for the door.
"Wendy, you little slut. You chose that retarted guy over me?" You whispered to yourself as you make your way to the guidance office where you could get the slip.
You knock on the door before entering. You smiled sheepishly at the lady sitting on the desk. She was old, probably in her mid 50's as streaks of silver was shown in her hair. Rectangular glasses hang onto her nose as she look at you. Pen in hand and wrinkles at the ends of her eyes.
"Uhm, good morning, Ma'am. I'm here to get an admission slip for Mrs. Song's class." You politely said and without uttering a word, she hands you a rectangular paper with blank spaces.
You took it. "Fill that up." She said into her motherly voice.
"Thank you." You said before bowing. And you heard the sound of the camera shutter.
You turn your head to the side, back still bent and there you saw the bunny guy with black wavy hair parted in half smiling at you.
"Hi y/n." He said.