Ostankino Palace was one of the most beautiful places outside the Kremlin Walls. Many stone mansions were made of white marbles and plaster-covered woods. It belonged to a count named Sheremetev back in the day. His servants performed plays for his wealthy friends in his beautiful Theater Hall. Obviously, the count was into classical music and dances. And that was what I was here for.
After we stepped out of the car, I looked around the frozen manicured garden. Everywhere I turned was covered in deep white snow. The whiteness almost blinded me. Turning to a royal guard, I requested for a pair of sunglasses.
"Are you well?" Estella asked as I adjusted the shade on the bridge of my nose. Claire looked on with concerns but I just waved them off.
"You shouldn't let yourself weaken so much, Your Highness," Claire said. "You must feed. I haven't seen you drinking a single drop of blood since we left Paris."
"Good thing that we brought Lyra along," Estella chimed in.
I turned to Lyra, who had accompanied us. She looked down on her joined hands. I just figured that she could perhaps find someone she could befriend with and enjoy the night with me rather than be stuck in my chamber. I was pretty sure that there was going to be humans at the event. The vampires always had them ready to serve their guests. They were considered as our entertainment as well as our feast. But that wasn't why I brought Lyra along.
A bunch of suited men came over to us and gave a low bow. We were instantly escorted by these guards, who then led us through the grand entrance of the palace. A tall red-headed man, who was waiting in the hall, quickly came over and bowed at the waist with his palm over his chest.
"My greatest honor that you are attending this event, Your Highness!" he said and bowed again. "I have been eager to meet you in person. My name is Yury Sheremetev. On behalf of my father, I would like to have the honor of escorting you to our reception hall."
It was hilarious because the whole time he was talking to Claire. I bit back a smile when Claire turned to look at me with a funny face. I raised my index finger to my lips as a sign that she should entertain the confused vampire. Suddenly, the awkward situation just presented me with an amusing game. Claire couldn't seem to refuse the opportunity to play a princess and accepted it with a guilty-pleasure look in her eyes. I smiled to myself and didn't say anything.
Because the man couldn't recognize who I was and didn't even dare to look at eye level when he spoke to us, I assumed it might take him a while to realize he was making a fool of himself. Yet I knew it wasn't his fault since not many people actually knew what I really looked like. I had also enjoyed the anonymity once in a while during my traveling. Besides, the sisters dressed more splendidly than me!
The young vampire led us into another hall. He kept talking about the upcoming play, how he had prepared and organized it to suit my arrival for the whole nation knew that I was coming back. He told us about his family's glory and how he and his father suffered through the Revolution, as did the rest of the aristocrats and the Romanov dynasty.
I listened without much interest while Claire nodded, pretending to look majestic and charming as a princess should be. Every so often, Yury would steal a flirty glance at me, and I would roll my eyes behind my sunglasses.
"There is my father, Count Nikolay Sheremetev, Your Highness," Yury said to Claire.
Then we saw another tall man in his white tuxedo and a golden cane walked urgently towards us. He was an older version of the young man. His violet eyes sparkled as he recognized me from the distance.
"Oh Grand Duchess!" he cried as he walked up to me before bowing in respect.
"But father, the princess is here."
Nikolay almost looked like he was having a heart attack as he looked at his son in disbelief.
"My sincere apology, Your Highness!" the Count turned to bow to me again. "My stupid son is blind!"
I burst out laughing and took off my sunglasses. Yury's jaw dropped as he finally looked at me.
"That's alright, Count," I spoke and waved my hand off. "My apology, too, for playing with him a little."
"Your kindness is greatly appreciated. I should have greeted you myself. Please forgive me and thank you for honoring us by attending tonight's event, Grand Duchess," the old vampire said. "I would make sure that your visit is worthwhile."
"Then do me a favor, Count Nikolay," I said. "Just pretend that I'm not here."
"I beg your pardon?" he looked at me in confusion.
"I quite enjoy my little role play earlier," I told him. "I want you to pretend that my friend here is me. Can you do that?"
The man scratched his salt and pepper hair as he frowned for a minute then he nodded.
"Of...of course! Your High..."
"Good," I cut him off. "You may go on introducing the Grand Duchess to your other guests."
I gestured to Claire, who blushed with embarrassment and pride. She smiled at me then straightened her gown, holding her party mask to hide her eyes before excitedly following the count. The old man glared daggers at his son, who gave me an awkward bow. His face looked paler. I shook my head in amusement and continued to walk again.
We were standing in another large beautiful ballroom. Lyra and Estella were ahead of me as we walked through the crowd while Claire was busy being my imposter.
A small gallery of the live orchestra was performed by human musicians at one end of the hall. A large wooden table filled with fruits and a two-feet ice-sculpture of a jumping horse was set in the middle of the dance floor.
Vampires of the higher-class mingled around the hall. Once they saw us, each one fervently greeted us left and right. I looked around the place. The lofty ceiling was intricately carved and inlaid with gold, the arched windows and doorways were made of white marble, and along the walls, the paintings were hung and classical statues stood. The heavy red and golden curtains parted to show the outside view of the falling snow. Estella murmured that they had never seen a place of such splendor, except in Italy during their Renaissance time. I had to remind myself that although the two sisters weren't royalty, they were way older than me.
Claire was wearing a golden mask and a beautiful golden velvety gown, the one my oldest sister, Ogla, used to wear at the masquerade ball. She never got to wear it again though. Estella wasn't that happy when she found out that her sister had beaten her to my royal wardrobe. But to compromise, I let her have a set of jewelry she had desired.
"You spoil her rotten." Estella pouted, looking at Claire.
"Every girl deserves to be a princess," I said, "If you're jealous, next time you can be me."
"I'm not jealous!" she said with a hiss, "I came to accompany the princess of Russia-not my sister!"
"I don't like people coming up to me just to kiss my ring," I said casually.
Estella groaned at my arrogant response and then she stormed off, leaving me and Lyra in the hall.
Lyra didn't say anything. We watched Claire being bowed at and talked to by a bunch of the high-class vampires.
Then I turned to Lyra. "You can go and enjoy the night. There are a lot of humans here," I said but she shook her head.
"I would rather be with you."
Lyra looked lovely in her navy blue gown with sheer embroidered sleeves which I gave her. Not that she had asked for any dress, but it was my intention to treat her special simply because I could.
When I came and place my hand on her small back, Lyra blushed bright pink at this tiny gesture. I pulled her towards the fruit table with me. We looked at the ice sculpture with various exotic fruits gathering around it. The cold vapor emitted from the ice onto the table surface like mist.
"It's beautiful," Lyra said softly. I looked at her with a smile and then picked a ripe cherry from a plate and put it between my teeth. I bit into the red cold fruit, causing a refreshing sweet and sour juice to burst inside my mouth. Lyra was observing me with an engrossed look on her face, her lips parted. I gave her a lopsided smile.
"You want one?" I asked.
"It's...it's alright..."
It was too easy to seduce a human girl like her that I almost felt bad. Almost.
Picking another cherry, I put it between my lips again and leaned in towards Lyra. Our lips touched after the cherry popped easily into her mouth. I pulled away with a smirk. Lyra looked completely transfixed. She had to blink a few times to get her mind back and then started chewing on the offered fruit.
All of a sudden, I saw a flash of red from the other side of the table. I turned my head to find a slender figure of a girl. The first thing that attracted my attention was her dress. It was a two-piece robe in black and bright scarlet along with a deep hood over her head. Around her waist was a short black skirt. Her knee-high boots were genuine leather with floral pattern design. I couldn't see her face as it was hidden under the red hood.
The girl seemed to float through the crowd. I found myself turning away from the table and my eyes following the mysterious maiden.
"Anastasia?" Lyra called to me.
"Wait here," I said before moving after the girl.
I kept walking until I saw her again. As if she could feel me approaching, the girl turned around. Her movements were graceful and attentive like a panther.
When I saw her face for the first time, my breath left me. Her piercing blue eyes stared back into mine. They were bluer than the sky and deeper than the sea. Her flowing dark hair braided to one side and fell just above her waist.
She was quite a sight.
I found myself speechless by a rare human beauty for the first time in a very long time. She then turned away. The silk of her elegant dress twirled after her. She moved swiftly and did not glance back at me once. She knew I would follow her, and follow her I did.
The girl turned away from me again when I reached her. She bit her bottom lip as if to hold back a smile. This chasing game was a surprise to me as I didn't know why I was so drawn to this human girl.
She pretended to be absorbed in the flowers inside a porcelain vase instead. Her delicate hand reached over to a red rose to caress the flower. Everything she did was fascinating even it was so simple. In that moment, I realized that I must have her tonight.
Walking up to the oblivious girl, I reached my hand out to the red rose from behind, causing her to turn her head to me. But then she winced. I realized she had pricked herself with the thorn and hastily withdrew her hand. The drop of blood on her finger was the color of her dress.
I frowned as my eyes stared at the scarlet sight. The girl quickly tried to hide her hand, but I swiftly caught her wrist. 'You wouldn't dare,' those deep blue eyes seemed to say. An apologetic smile curved on my lips.
"Allow me," I spoke in my charming predatory tone. She looked hesitant as I wordlessly took out my handkerchief and wrapped it around her wounded finger. She looked on in confusion.
"Thank you." Her voice really suited her. A soft musical voice that brought a smile to my face without realizing it.
"Ne za shta, you're welcome," I said and smiled back. The girl kept staring at me. After a few moments, she tugged her hand away from mine. She was about to walk off when I blocked her path.
"Do you want to dance?" I asked, fully aware that I was actually courting her. She shook her head.
"I'm not here to dance."
"Oh? Then what are you here for?" I said, but she didn't answer me. I figured she was probably one of the Count's theater performers or entertainers judging by her dress. They always dressed elegantly for the guests.
"I should go," she said and turned to leave, but I stepped out to block her.
"Just one dance," I said again with a seductive smile. "Please."
I could sense her mind reeling. A few palace guards walked nearby, causing the girl to turn abruptly back to me. After a long consideration, she finally nodded. I held out my hand and she took it more boldly than I had expected. It was a warm sensation when our hands touched. I almost forgot the last time I had felt like this. This human girl was a curiosity as well as a thrill to me.
We moved to the dance floor. The slow music was fading in and out in the background. I placed my hand on her small waist and took the lead. I was a good few inches taller than her. Then we started dancing slowly.
I could feel the warmth of her body. Our steps were light like we were on a floating cloud. She knew every move that matched my own. It was as if we had been dancing together all our lives. I looked at her adorable face, her narrow nose, and beautiful plump lips. The girl blushed and turned her face away. I smiled at her bright pink cheek, yearning to run my nose over that smooth skin.
"So do you have a name?" I asked rather teasingly.
"Valerina," she said.
"Valerina...a beautiful name," I whispered. "Mine is Anastasia."
She looked at me then. I smiled back innocently before twirling her around.
"Where are you from?" I asked again when she spun into me with her back pressed against my chest. My arms enveloped her small frame. I peered over her shoulder. Another lovely blush colored her slender neck. It made her scent more intoxicating.
"Nowhere you're interested in knowing," came her brash response. Then she struggled to free herself from my grip, but I held her still. No doubt I was stronger by far.
"Valerina, tell me who your master is," I spoke into her ear, feeling her body shivered. "I will free you from him tonight."
"I belong to no one," she said and surprisingly unlocked herself from my grip again. My eyes widened as I stared at her, impressed. Then I pulled her back against me a bit roughly.
"Very well then," I said even I found her answer a bit unusual, but I still enjoyed the mystery. "I don't have to worry about making you mine anymore."
"You want to claim me?" she said, almost sounding amused.
"I don't see why not." I smirked back. She glared at me. There was this intense emotion in her piercing blue eyes. I could sense a hint of hatred in her stare and I almost flinched. I guessed it must be a natural reaction for the humans.
But once she knew I could provide her with nothing but joy, she would understand. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her along.
"Where are you taking me?" Valerina tugged on my hand roughly.
"You will see how I would claim you," I said, scanning for a quiet spot in the hall and found one by the corner behind the heavy red curtain.
When we reached it, I pushed us both inside. In the semi-darkness, a pale moonlight peered through a lone window. I stared at those deep blue eyes again, which visibly shone almost as brightly as my golden ones.
"What are you going to do? Bite me?" Valerina said to my face. She sounded like she was challenging me as if she had something in store that I did. I realized she was indeed special.
A chuckle rose from my chest.
"Nyet," I said. "It's something you will find to your liking."
Then I grabbed her face and pressed my lips against hers. Her body froze. Her eyes widened in shock. I moved my lips over her moistened lips, loving the taste and scent of her even she refused to open her mouth. But soon her shock melted away and replaced by anger.
Valerina pushed me at my shoulders, but I grabbed her body and hoisted her onto the window sill. Lifting her thighs to my waist, I wedged myself between her legs.
She gasped and I was able to slip my tongue inside her mouth, coaxing hers to dance with mine.
The frosted mirror felt cold against my forearms as I held her securely in my strong embrace. Valerina made a small whimpering sound to the frenzy deep kiss we were having. She tasted even more delicious. The gnawing hunger was obvious in the depth of my burning core.
Valerina made another attempt to push me away, but I kept kissing her with my furious probing tongue, savoring her sweetness. And slowly, she began to melt into my passion. Her hands instinctively ran through my long blonde hair.
But suddenly, I heard a voice calling me from across the room. My kissing came to a halt. I pulled away from Valerina's mouth with a sound. Her soft plump lips were luring me back, but the annoying voice kept calling me.
"What?" I hissed as I yanked the curtain away. Once we got out from the corner, I was greeted by Yury.
"Your Highness! Forgive me," he said, looking at me and Valerina. "I'm sorry to interrupt."
"What is it?" I said again, trying to calm myself.
"The play will start soon," he spoke. "My father is waiting for you to join us..."
"You may go ahead," I said. "I will be there soon."
"But Grand..."
"I said go!"
"Yes, yes!" He bowed away.
When he left, I looked back at Valerina again. She seemed like she was in a deep thought.
"Come with me," I said and grabbed her hand in mine and began to walk but she paused.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"I already told you," I said with a smile.
"No, who are you?"
"Well." I pursed my lips. "I will tell you when you decide to follow me."
Valerina seemed to weight it in her mind and then she finally nodded.
We found ourselves in a huge theater a moment later. The seats were filled with people. A large wooden stage glimmered under the yellow spotlights. Velvet draperies hung from the walls.
A red curtain was drawn before the start of the play.
There were two wide aisles leading down towards the front rows. There, I spotted Claire and Estella sitting with some aristocratic vampires. They seemed to enjoy themselves. I had no idea whether they had found out who Claire was or not, but I was sure she still had the charms.
Turning to Valerina, I gave her a smile, but she seemed distracted for some reason. Then we found a good seat to settle down.
Valerina turned to me again.
"Are you going to tell me or what?"
"Shh..." I hushed her. "The play is starting soon."
The curtains parted and a character dressed in a traditional costume came onto the stage and did a solo narration. I watched with a tiny smile on my lips, being aware that the girl sitting next to me was still staring at my face.
The play continued with a series of songs and dances and few actions during a climax. Valerina seemed to be too quiet. I reached over and took her hand in mine. She pulled away roughly. I snickered at our weird interaction.
One moment, we were two strangers. The next moment, we were kissing like two lovers, and now we couldn't even touch each other's hand.
After an hour later, the play was over, it was followed by a Barynya folk dance. There was a lot of fancy stomping and knee-bending around the stage. Several dancers twirled to the fast beats and started their elegant moves while singing along to the music.
They were all human performers. Count Nikolay seemed to have more humans than I had expected. I needed to review his wealth one of these days.
"When are you going to tell me, Anastasia?" Valerina said in an impatient voice. "I know you're not who you're trying to portray yourself to me."
The fact that she used my name on purpose got my attention.
"I need to know who you really are!" she said.
"We kissed, but we barely know each other," I said. "Why is it so important to you?"
Valerina glared at me with those big blue eyes.
"I'm leaving," she said and began to get up, but I pulled her back by the wrist.
"Alright if you must," I said and turned to look at her directly. "I am the youngest daughter of Czar Nicolas Romanov. My name is Anastasiya Nikolaevna Romanova, and I am a Grand Duchess and Imperial Princess of Russia."
Valerina's eyes widened in surprise. She stared at me with conflicted eyes. At first, it was kind of amusing, but when I saw a flash of sadness and anger in her burning blue eyes, I began to worry. Valerina stood up suddenly and backed away from me. I frowned at her strange reaction.
With a loud sigh, she turned and ran off.
"Valerina!" I called to her. I was about to follow her, but there was a standing ovation after the dance. People blocked my sight, and Valerina disappeared. The performers gathered on stage and stood shoulder to shoulder to bow to the applauding audience.
"Anastasia?" Lyra's soft voice called from behind me. She came to my side again as everyone began to rise from their seats. The theater once again hummed with chattering voices.
"Who are you looking for?" Lyra asked, following my gaze.
"No one," I said, thinking I would find the girl again when we got out of here. My head turned to the front rows and found Claire and Estella.
We were lingering around for a moment, waiting for the people to file out of the hall. From where I stood, I could see a man bringing a small wooden chest to Claire. I couldn't hear what they were talking about for voices still mingled together.
Claire looked excited as she received an elegant gift. Her hands fussed over the box eagerly. It was all normal until a shocking gut feeling hit me out of nowhere.
Claire opened the wooden lid and everyone laughed merrily when they saw what was inside. There was a beautiful Matryoshka Doll within the cushioned interior.
Claire picked it up from the box and started twisting the doll just to reveal another one hidden inside it.
They laughed good-naturedly as she began to open the next one and then the next one. But instead of finding the last doll, they saw a weird-looking device with blinking light. Then it was as if everything slowed down and all the actions froze.
"Claire!" I heard my voice scream. Then all I saw was a burst of brightness and the earthshaking heat wave that slammed across the theater hall.