"You did well, little one. There wouldn't have been any way to avoid those blows, the boss was too upset, it's not your fault.
"Why didn't you warn me?" She asks, a little angry, realizing that Pablo knew what awaited him in that office
"I thought it would be better for you if you didn't know, if you had been too scared, sometimes it's better not to know everything. Believe me, I did it thinking it was the right thing to do, I never meant to hurt you.
"Well, in future situations I prefer to know all my possible options, I can handle it," he replied nodding his head and after a while of silence, his voice decorated the room
"Then you know what he expects of you. I know it will be difficult for you, but don't turn it around, don't think about it, on some occasions, Elena used medication to help her not remember, I can get you if you want
"Medicine?" No, no, that's not my biggest fear.
"Isn't it?" Are you sure that it is clear to you what you will have to expose yourself to?
"Oh! Of course, he made it very explicit. Amanda flapped her legs uneasily
"So?" I don't understand what else you could be afraid of, as far as I know, you'll have to do the usual, nothing extreme.
"That's the problem, I don't know what's 'usual' in those cases..."
She is silent as she lowers her head in embarrassment. He knows that in this day and age it can be a bit ridiculous that he would want to remain untouchable for a special person, but it was his problem, not anyone else's, until now.
He stared at her, surprised. He doesn't understand what she's trying to tell him, how could he? It is impossible for him to imagine that this girl so sweet and exorbitantly beautiful had not yet been touched, that she had not lost her purity...
"Excuse me, but I'm not following you. What do you mean? If you don't tell me what's going on, I can't help you.
"Well... You see, I don't know, I couldn't know how—" The hesitations and pauses take over her and her fluency in speaking, only the redness on her cheeks gave her away.
"Can't it be! He exclaims, horrified, "Tell me you've been with other men before, please," she just shook her head. What have I done? I'm a terrible person," he punishes himself over and over again loudly.
"No, you're not, quite the opposite, my mother and I are alive because of you
"Yes, but I have condemned you in a different way.
"You didn't know, you're not a fortune teller.
Paul keeps running his hands over his head over and over again in a failed attempt to calm down. That girl of whom he felt his protector was more special than he thought, she was more delicate. He knew she bore a resemblance to Elena, but somehow she was more beautiful, more sensual, more desirable, and it was just those thoughts that gave him the idea.
"Amanda"—for the first time since they were in that mansion he called her by her real name—"I think I can help you, but you'll have to give me your permission. It might sound a little far-fetched to you, but it's the only thing I can think of right now.
"Talk at once, you're making me nervous."
"If you'll let me, I can rectify your situation. I know it wasn't what you had in mind, but I'll be much more careful and delicate than Alejo and I'll look out for you, for your needs, I'll be aware of everything, I promise.
"Wait, are you proposing to sleep with me?" Am I a situation? She asks, her eyes wide open
"Yes, just that and no, it's not you who are the situation, I mean I looked for all this, I threw you straight into the wolf's mouth, I just want to do something to make amends and help you. Alejo is no longer here, he had some business to attend to outside the city and he has already left, we have two days off, we can take advantage of tonight. You don't have to give me an answer now, I know it's a sensitive topic and of importance to you if you've kept to yourself until now. Maybe it's not what you had in mind, but think that it will be better to leave it in my hands than in Alejo's. If he finds out you're not Elena, we'll all be dead. Go to his room, take a bath, relax and think about it, ok?
Amanda doesn't say anything else, she just stands up and leaves the room without looking back, leaving her with thousands of questions in her head. The innocent girl is about to be innocent anymore.
As his chauffeur takes him to his private jet, Alejo can't stop thinking about the meeting he just had with Elena in her office. He doesn't know exactly what happened, but he's different, not only in his physique, but also in the way he acts.
She didn't call him "daddy" like she always did to calm him down when he was too upset, nor is it usual for her to have such a submissive and calm attitude, especially when she is hit by him. Also, her hips are wider than she remembered and her hair tone a little lighter. She then assumes that it is because she has just given birth to her daughter. She doesn't understand much of those things, but she's heard that women change when they become mothers.
He still remembers her dancing in that club the first time he saw her, she looked like a goddess straight down from Olympus. He closes his eyes and looks like he's seeing her again. She moved very slowly, to the rhythm of music that made her feel even more sensual than she already was on her own. The bounce of the plane landing on the clandestine runway brings him back to reality.
"Skipper, we're here.