"Ty, I thought you said you weren't coming," I said dumbly as I stood in front of Rocnor. I realized how bad this looked and knew how protective my twin brother could be. Tyrian closed the door behind him and came further into the cabin.
"You've been gone for weeks. I had to ask Goddess Peony to cover for you. What are you doing here? Who's this?" He asked, trying to peek at Rocnor. Luckily, Rocnor used the time to tie his robe back up so he was somewhat dressed properly. He moved me aside slightly and brought his hands in front of him to bow to my brother.
"I'm Prince Rocnor," he introduced himself. Tyrian glanced at him before grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the cabin.
"What is it, Ty?" I asked as I pulled my wrist out of his and stopped in my tracks.
"You've been here with the Demon Prince the whole time?" Tyrian asked lowly.
"It's not like that! He was injured and unconscious. All I did was nurse his wounds. He wasn't able to move around and I actually got a chance to cultivate more for a real life situation," I tried to explain.
"I don't care. You know how the Heavenly Realm still feels about demons. You need to come home with me now," Tyrian said as he held on to my wrist.
"I can't just leave. I have to at least make sure Rocnor gets sent back safely. I still don't know how he ended up in that state," I argued. Tyrian only scoffed.
"Isn't it obvious? A demon found outside of their realm; he was probably attacked by an immortal," Tyrian said simply.
"Even more of a reason for us to make sure he gets back safely," I retorted.
"He'll be fine," Tyrian dismissed my fears before flying up with me anyway. He had a strong grip on me and I couldn't get away.
"Get home safely!" I yelled back towards the cabin as we flew away. I felt guilty for leaving without an explanation but I didn't really have a choice. Tyrian was a lot stronger than me, and his cultivation was higher. By the time we got back to our Serenity Palace, I couldn't even argue with him.
"Amie, you're finally back," my father said from the main hall as Tyrian dragged me back.
"I brought her kicking and screaming," Tyrian said as he sat me at the table and placed a cup of tea in front of me. I pouted but I drank the tea anyway. My mother chuckled and touched my cheek gently.
"This child... always playing around. Let her have fun while she still can," my mother smile at me before placing a small cake in front of me. I smiled before picking it up and taking a small bite.
"Child? Ty and Amie are growing up fast. It's time to start thinking about cultivating seriously. Tyrian has been studying under his First Uncle at least, but Little Amie..." my father chimed in.
"Little Amie nothing. She's a girl. She's already barely allowed out of the house in the Heavenly Palace. No need to restrict her more with rules inside the house," my mother retorted. It was always my mother who had my back.
"If she really wants to prove herself, she could do the highlight dance for the upcoming Summer Solstice festival," my father suggested.
"Yong! Remember what happened last time I danced at the festival? Everyone was dying to marry me off. I don't want that for our Little Amie. She hasn't even properly started to cultivate yet," My mother said.
"She'll need to cultivate to pull off the highlight dance, or she can play the zither. Either way, she'll need to cultivate and start getting serious," my father replied.
"Alright, alright. I'll do the highlight performance and start cultivating," I gave in with a pout. My father only smirked before petting my head gently.
"It's not to punish you, Amie. It's because your mother and I won't be around forever, and I want to be sure you can protect yourself," my father explained. After dinner, I headed back to my room. Tyrian wasn't far behind me.
"What is it? I'm ready to go to bed," I asked in irritation. I was still mad at him for dragging me away without giving me a chance to see Rocnor off properly.
"You can't see that demon ever again. You're a cultivating fairy. The issues that will arise if you continue to see him are too great," my brother warned. I rolled my eyes with a sigh.
"It was never anything inappropriate. You make it sound like I was about to go elope with him. I already told you, he was injured and I nursed him. All I wanted was to safely see him off precisely because I know how immortals feel about demons, but he's not an enemy," I tried to explain.
"I don't care. You can't see him again," Tyrian said sternly.
"I wasn't planning on it. Now get out so I can go to bed," I said, pushing him towards the door. I closed the door behind him and called my fairy maid into my room to help me bathe and change. I didn't understand why Tyrian reacted the way he did. Sure, Prince Rocnor was a demon, but he wasn't bad. In the short weeks I knew him, he was kind, helpful, and considerate. All because of a realm that went too long with no order, people had prejudices against all demons now. I didn't understand. He was still a living creature. After laying down in my bed, it didn't take me long to drift into sleep. Finally, I was sleeping in my own bed again. My body was comfortable, but I couldn't help but to wonder if Prince Rocnor made it back to his Realm safely or not.