The first couple of weeks were pretty easy. She was able to hold her own with the coach, putting out the PowerPoints and causing them to change whenever Jackson needed them. She worked hard, and all of the guys liked it.
She noticed that she was attractive, and some of the guys were caught staring at her, and Alyssa blushed. She was happy to be some sort of eye candy for them, even though she imagined that she was not going to be taken as the sort of person that would who has that sort of thing. She loved to tease, and they all seemed interested as well.
One day, she was working on the field when one of the players slipped. He was the one burly ginger on the team, a guy named Cody. He let out a small cry as he slid on the ground.
“Fuck,” he said.
She looked at him, rushing over to his side across the muddy field. She had the medical kit in tow, looking at him with worried eyes.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“I don’t know. It’s really painful to move my ankle,” he said.
“Well let me help you up, and I’ll take you over to the sidelines,” she
The man leaned on her, and she got a whiff of his musky scent. If she wasn’t so distracted by the fact that she needed to get off the field fast, she would’ve been more turned on by this man. She led him to the side, undoing his shin guards and socks, grabbing his ankle.
“Shit, it’s a bit sprained. I can help tape it up and ice it, if that’s okay with you,” she told him.
“Anything is fine, as long as you do it,” he said with a smile. She blushed. The man was flattering.
“Are you sure you want to play on this still, Cody? I mean, I would say wait a day or two, but I can see that you’re itching to play once again,” she told him.
“Yeah, I want to. I’m not a weak man,” she heard from his mouth.
“I don’t consider you weak. It happens. Let me get you some water too,” she replied.
Cody watched as she grabbed his water bottle, filling it up on the cooler. He grasped it from her, taking a sip of it. She watched with rapt attention at the water droplets as they cascaded down his throat when they didn’t go into his mouth. A part of her felt turned on, excited, and a bit aroused from that simple action. She didn’t get why she was so turned on by it, but she couldn’t help but salivate a tiny bit at the sheer look of this man.
“Well, thank you. I’m glad that you could help,” he said.
“No problem,” she replied. She was already feeling nervous and excited about it all. She wanted to have more fun with him, but he then went back to the playing field. A part of her wanted to say something more to him, but she held back. She would talk to him about it later maybe, or maybe something else would happen.
She then had to chase down Daniel, who was late for practice. She went into the locker room, searching there. Thankfully there
weren’t any guys taking a shower or naked, which would’ve made it all the more awkward. However, when she found Daniel, she blushed, for he was right by his clocker, half-naked and looking at her with a glance.
“Sorry about that. The coach just wanted me to check on you to see if you were okay. Practice started ages ago, and he wanted me to track you down,” she chirped.
“Sorry about that, I had to head to the library and such to get some books
for one of my classes. I have this project, and it would’ve been closed by the time I got out of practice. Sorry about that. Thanks for worrying about me though,” he said with a winning smile.
When he did that, she flushed. She couldn’t believe the fact that it was like this, that she was having to pretend that the flush on her face was normal.
“It’s fine. I’ll let the coach know,” she replied, heading out of the locker room before anything got worse. She heard the reverberations from the man’s body, his giggles echoing over her body. Crap, she probably made a total ass of herself now, this wasn’t good, not good at all. But of course, she was trying her best to make do with what she had right now, and for now, the best thing to do would be to retreat to the place that she knew for sure.
She then went back to practice, and already she felt hot and bothered. She wanted to masturbate, but she had to continue work. It was only getting worse with time, for when she came back Jackson could see the flush face she had.
“What’s wrong? See a naked guy or something?” he teased.
“Well, kind of. Daniel is coming. He’s changing,” she said with almost a
Then, the coach laughed once again. “Wow, you are cute when you’re flustered,” he said.
This was only getting worse with time. She had no clue what in the world to do next, and she wasn’t getting in the way of this whole ordeal. She hoped that her heart would stop racing over time, but she knew that
it would only become worse with every passing moment. She knew that if she stayed with the coach and the players, her desires would continue to run wild, and little did she know that if this continued the way it did, she would probably have even more crazy adventures with these men, adventures that she wasn’t ready for yet. She was ready for more, ready for the fun that was about to come out of this, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before things got even better.