Slowly descending the stairs, she finally caught sight of what was happening. Both boys were fighting with Dylan using his phasing ability and not giving Eric room to use his ability.Dylan kept easing and walking through objects from different directions to torment his brother while the later kept being extra watchful all for nothing.When Eric received a hard smack on the back of his head from Dylan out of the blue, he once again called for Sapphire while tearfully rubbing on the spot he was just hit.Watching them for a little longer. She was Eric conjure up a tsetse fly ready to attack his brother with it. Unfortunately for him, Dylan did not come from his back again and clearly saw the bug in his hand. “Come on and prove not to be a coward if you think you are befitting for the throne.” Eric taunted with a smirk Dylan died to wipe off his face.Running off and walking through the wall, Dylan Walk through another direction but this time, his brother was well prepared, guessing the direction he would emerge from and going into a balanced stand for a fight. Walking into his brother unawares, both gripped themselves and started tumbling on the floor, exchanging blow and scratches every once in a while.While all these happened, Lana watched Alpha Nicholas eat to his fill before proceeding to stand up, gesturing to the maid servants to clear his plates.“And where do you think, you are going to Nicholas?” Lana, having the same ability as Dylan walked through the wall and approached Nicholas.Stopping in his track at the different voice from his mate, intensified mate bond and different aura, Nicholas looked up to see the honey brown colored pair of eyes of his mate. A pair of eyes that spoke a thousand word of wisdom at the same time, whose stare could see the deepest part of his soul and mock him. “Lana?” “Nicholas. Where were you about to go?” She asked standing in akimbo and staring down at her mate. A lopsided smile never leaving her lips.“You don’t have to be out.” Nicholas said.
“Why? So, you can trample all over my companion while she locks me inside?” Lana asked with a raise of a brow and gave a huff before walking around Nicholas to sit on one of the dining chairs. With a snap of her finger in command, the maidservants left the room. The fighting boys had stopped fighting for a while and stood apart from each other with their head bowed.“Sapphire.” Nicholas called, his jaws tensed and his gaze hardened.“Nice try, you can try again later.” Lana said showing a mocking smile.“I need to meet Corvinus. Since you want to be a jerk and sow discord in the heart of these young pups, leave and let me battle it out with my mate. You are not worthy of words.” She said staring directly at his eyes.“You wouldn’t dare.” Nicholas said with finality.“Watch me.” She said and stood up.“Mum.” Knowing he was at fault, Eric called as a form of distraction not wanting to face his parents’ wolves.“Keep shut and sit, both of you. I will attend to you later.” She said coldly while proceeding to meet her mate.Coming in a close proximity to Nicholas, she held his hand before he could dodge her and with a softer voice, muttered, “Corvinus”.Like lightning, the color of his eyes changed into blue holding dark promises.Dylan P.O.VCorvinus, my dad’s wolf was not any different from him. If there was any word to describe him, it would be ‘worse’ but it’s a huge wonder how my mum’s wolf would always manage to bend him into doing what she wanted.My childhood wasn’t fun neither am I. My dad and Corvinus had drilled into us the importance of fighting for the position of an Alpha. He stressed in the importance of being worthy of the throne since we were little.I had no problems stepping down for my brother to lead but that was against the law, my father’s pride and my mother’s wishes.As the first male child of the Alpha, it was my right to have access to the position of the Alpha but this alone was a threat to my brother. Maybe it shouldn’t have been so if my dad had not kept on ringing the important of fighting for one’s dream in his ear. As the first son who had an eligible competitor, I was supposed to be powerful and fight my way to the throne. Not that I could not fight but when I wished for a sibling, I expected a play mate and companion not a wrestling opponent brewing hate and malice. I disliked the fact that I had to constantly be in loggerheads with my brother and most times, I allowed him have his way with the burning hope that one day, all these would stop but as I grew, I realized it was all in my head. My constant loosing to my brother made him more prideful. It gave my father a room to talk down on me and my mother a leeway to shower her pity on me.I grew quiet and kept to myself, I could not find peace at home with my overambitious father and brother.I receded into finding a hobby. Molding the little quantity of earth, I could gather over and again till it formed a shapeless hard mass.My nice and meek nature earned me the respect of my father’s subjects over my brother’s rude, harsh and haughty character but that wasn’t enough. I needed to feel a love of a father too and not just a pity of a mother and put an end to my brother’s endless taunts. He received both and got a good teacher to keep honing his ability. He was the potential Alpha of the Golden Wolf Pack but it didn’t mean I could escape the big fight to determine who the Alpha would turn out to be.