I responded, barely raising my voice above a whisper, "I'm not sure if I can trust you," as I turned to face Adeoye. Even as I spoke, the words hurt, yet I was unable to control myself. Confusion, deceit, and unspoken realities have dominated the last few days.
He didn't recoil. Vulnerability? His eyes, which had always been so unreadable, suddenly held something new. Anguish? I was unable to tell.
Adeoye answered, "I'm not asking you to trust me, Lola," in a calm tone that seemed unfazed by the gravity of what I had said. "I only ask that you pay attention."
The tension between us grew as I gulped. I kept thinking of Declan's cautions: "He's not the alpha you think he is." I had observed Adeoye's movements within the pack and the respect he received, but what did it all mean? Was he really the leader he professed to be, or was there a darker side to his serene exterior?
More to myself than to him, I muttered, "I need to know who you really are." I suspected that the answers I was looking for would be difficult to understand.
His eyes never left mine as he leaned forward. "Lola, I've never told you lies. Not once.
In an attempt to clear my head of the muddle, I shook my head. I understood him less and less the more I studied him.
Adeoye showed me a remote area of the pack's domain later that evening. With the darkness encroaching on us, the air was heavy with the smell of earth and pine. Every step I took after him felt heavier than the one before, as though the air were changing and drawing me in the direction of some unknowable destiny.
"Why here?" With hardly more than a mumble, I asked.
He stated plainly, "You wanted answers." "You can get them right here."
We came to a halt before a massive, old oak tree. There was something imposing about it, despite the fact that its bark was twisted and worn from time. With roots that reached deep into the ground and connected to something far older than I could understand, it seemed to be hiding secrets.
Adeoye went on, his voice now softer, "I've told you that I didn't choose this life." "I didn't pick the responsibility, the authority, or the violence. But I was forced to do it. I'm stuck with it now.
He extended his arm and lightly touched the tree's trunk. I kept watching him because I had a feeling that whatever happened next would be a game-changer.
With his words weighing heavily on me, he said, "I was born into a legacy." "The name Adeoye is more than just a title. It's a curse. For many decades, my family ruled this country, but it came at a price. My dad was a merciless man. Despite being a tyrant, he ensured that we were untouchable. Declan was also involved. He used to be my ally, but now he's my opponent.
For the first time, I noticed a glimmer of something raw in Adeoye's eyes when the wind increased and rustled the leaves around us. Was it remorse? Fury? I became more and more aware of how little I actually understood about their relationship as I listened. I was unable to unravel the entanglements of Declan and Adeoye's past.
Adeoye went on, "Declan wasn't always the man you know him to be." At one point, we were so close that I put all of my trust in him. However, trust is brittle. Lola, he betrayed me. Furthermore, I lost more than simply a friend. My brother passed away. I lost something to Declan that I will never get back. I am unable to let go of this conflict between us because of this.
I took a step forward him as his words began to weigh heavily on my chest. Betrayal. I was all too familiar with the word. I tried to take in what he had just said, but my mind was spinning. Then, as though everything had stopped moving, I had a fresh idea: Was Adeoye's animosity for Declan really motivated by a desire for power? Or was it a more intimate matter?
I started to say something, but Adeoye stopped me with a raised hand.
"Lola, you have more to comprehend. Declan doesn't want you to know more. He is the one who initiated this whole sequence of events. You're here because of him. We are all bound by this awful legacy because of him.
My heart skipped a beat. My entire being wanted to reject and repudiate what he had spoken, yet I was unable to do so. There before me, dark and indisputable, was the truth.
"Are you saying that Declan desired this?" My voice trembled as I whispered.
Adeoye stated, "He wanted it all," with a finality that chilled me. He was aware that he could entice me back into this game by pursuing you. He was aware that I would never abandon you. And now—it all comes down to who gets to rule you.
The weight of the truth was bearing down on me, and I could feel it seeping into my bones. With every second that went by, the distinction between adversary and ally became increasingly hazy. My complex feelings for Declan and our past together now appeared to be pieces of a puzzle that I was unable to piece together.
"I'm at a loss for what to believe," I murmured, my voice breaking. Declan and you are both taking advantage of me. I have trouble telling who is telling the truth and who is lying.
Adeoye took a step toward me and touched my arm, his gaze softening. "Lola, I'm not asking you to make a decision. But know that I will always be there to defend you. from Declan. from anybody who poses a threat to you.
Even though his comments were consoling, I couldn't get rid of the persistent sensation that I was being drawn into something far more sinister than I had ever dreamed. My understanding decreased as I gained more knowledge. Declan was someone I had once trusted, but now I wasn't sure why he was acting the way he was. Adeoye's claims were too weighty to be completely believed, and his truth was as hazy.
I required clarification. I had to find out who was really in charge here.
However, the sound of approaching cut me off as I was about to ask the one question that had been on my mind. Steps that are heavy and deliberate. Someone was coming.
A beat skipped in my chest.
Adeoye spoke in a quiet, authoritative voice and hurriedly stated, "Lola, stay behind me."
The figure appeared before I could respond. My heart pounded as I realized who he was.
However, I didn't anticipate his expression. The arrogant assurance he typically wore like armor was gone. He had a pale, drawn face, and his eyes were filled with something I couldn't identify: fear? Feeling sorry?
Adeoye's voice was dangerously calm as he said, "I didn't think you'd come."
Declan moved forward while maintaining eye contact with me. His voice was tight and anxious as he stated, "Lola, there's something you need to know." "Something that has the power to transform everything."
I suddenly became aware that I was perched on a cliff and that I had no idea which way would get me to safety.