Knock Knock knock.
"Come in!" I shout.
Gab comes into the bedroom and sits down next to me on the bed. He looks at me and asks, quite aggressively:
- "What were you doing at the park with the Alpha of Europe?"
I don't want to tell him the truth, it doesn't concern him, so I lie:
- "In fact, he was at the park and me too. We crossed paths and he recognized me. You know, when we spoke to support the Alpha with whom we agreed, well, he asked me why I had supported the Africa Alpha. I told him it was the Alpha I agreed with and you came along."
Obviously, he doesn't look very convinced, yet he says nothing and asks:
- "All right. Would you like to come eat with me tonight?"
I smile.
-"Why not?"
He grins and leaves my room. I'm hungry, but it's only noon and I'd rather eat around 1 p.m. I think of this morning, of Etienne.
Knock Knock knock.
Another visitor, is it condolences or what?!
-"Come in!"
I jump out of my bed when I see the person entering. Stephen.
He sincerely says:
- "I'm sorry for what happened this morning on the boat. I thought a lot afterwards. I'm sorry."
I don't answer, but he continues:
"I know there's something between you and Gabriel. I don't blame you because I know what's going on. You told me I was too important, too much something, etc... With Gabriel, no gap separates you from him. You think you're not good enough for me, you don't want to be a burden. You want me to give up. Which I drop. So you're going to see Gabriel's side, without realizing it, and I notice it. You are looking for Gabriel to find the emptiness you miss in your heart. Except that I don't want there to be a gap between you and me, I want you to talk to me, I want to fill your heart, and mine.
I understood that you would be the only person who will make me happy. And I will be the only person who will make you happy."
He knelt in front of me and looks at me with a hard eye. My hands are crossed on my knees. I look up into his. I whisper:
He takes my hands in his and intertwines our fingers. He brings his face close to mine. The weird stuff is felt in my belly. They are getting stronger, I'm shaking a little. His face is inches from mine. His lower torso touches my knees, and I'm still sitting on the bed. Even kneeling, he is taller than me sitting.
His eyes do not leave me, I dive into his irises. I bite my lip, I kissed Gab.
He surely understood because he whispers:
-"It's not serious."
Our hands are still intertwined, our faces are still close together. He crosses the last centimeters that separate us.
Her lips are soft and warm. His kiss is different from Gabriel's. I feel him get up so I get up with him. His lips are still on mine. I get goosebumps, I feel his jaw twitch. His shoulders do the same, as if to protect me.
He put his arm under my armpit and put his hand on my neck. Without realizing it, I put my hands on his chest and I feel his heart.
His other hand is in my hair.
Our lips are still glued, his tongue touches mine. His minty breath pleases me.
- "Lu!"
It's Étienne who turns his head first, his eyes ignite:
-"Get out!", Étienne used his Alpha voice.
Gab backs up slowly, then stops. I still have a hand resting on Etienne's chest. Gab looks at Étienne, horrified.
-"No! ...What are you doing to her?! She loves me! She kissed me! You're forcing her! Leave her alone, asshole!"
I interrupt him and slowly confess to him:
-"Gabriel, Etienne is my soul mate."
Gab says nothing for endless seconds, then he says desperately:
- "I understand everything now..."
Before leaving us, he adds:
"By the way Lou, my invitation tonight still stands."
And he leaves, without another word. I want to catch up with him, I want to hug him, but there's Etienne.
I free myself from Etienne, indeed I was still in his arms, and let myself fall heavily on my bed. Étienne remains standing, he brushes my hair before leaving my room and leaving.
Several minutes pass before I realize he is gone. I didn't want him to leave! I take a sweater and throw myself in the hallway. I run up the stairwell (yes, taking the elevator will take too long) and descend the 8 floors at unimaginable speed. I run across the hall and find myself in the street. Um...where did he go? The emptiness of my heart suddenly hurts me, I bend over backwards. I must find him.
He must have gone to his hotel. I remember this is the building we once saw with Gab. I head for his hotel, more slowly. I cross and walk along several streets. I don't see it anywhere.
When I arrive in front of the more than luxurious hotel. The soldiers arrest me very quickly:
- "Mademoiselle, we do not cross the security barriers!"
I answer them cheekily:
- "Yes but it's urgent, I have to see my Alpha!"
They laugh at me:
- "Go and queue over there then!!!"
I turn my head in the direction they point me to. Women dressed in outfits that could not be less provocative scream and scream. They want to come in. I raise an eyebrow and watch the soldiers move away from me before jumping over the barrier. I don't even have that donkey's phone number!
Barrier crossed, I run towards the entrance of the hotel. I push open the door before stopping abruptly. Crystal chandeliers, gold and the whole shebang populate the place. I don't stay long, I have to find Etienne. A hand rests on my shoulder. There are guards at the entrance! I free myself before running down the hall. My heart is hurting me. I blow. I look around me. At the reception, I finally see him. My heart is hurting me. I run towards him. My heart is hurting me. He turns. My heart is hurting me. The soldiers catch up with me and they put their hands behind my back before starting to pull me towards the exit.
-"Let go!", Étienne spoke with his Alpha voice so they let me go but don't leave.
We stare at each other, Etienne and I for a long moment. He tells me:
-"Follow me."
And we leave. Nobody follows us and I think it's very good like that.
We get into a golden elevator and Étienne presses button 18. Ouah! 18 floors! The elevator goes up and the doors open onto a corridor whose black carpet shines. It looks nice. I follow Étienne towards a door, which he opens. He enters first. I am about to follow him when again, the evil that continues to grow in me devastates me. I double over and fall to my knees. I clasp my hands to my rib cage and breathe loudly.
Hands push mine and find themselves in place of mine moments earlier.
"What's going on?" he asks.
- "I don't know.", I answer, sincere.
The pain subsided. I slowly get up and walk into her room. I don't feel anything anymore and I turn to him. He repeats, furious:
- "So, what's going on?"