Allison’s POV
The first day of school was so stressful !!!
As soon as I star down in my chair, the class started.
« Guten Morgen Klasse, Mein name ist Herr Gold und ich bin dein lehrer dieses semester in der Literatur.Ich vertraue darauf, dass jeder von euch sich in meiner klasse verhalten und handeln wird. Jetzt ! Wollen wir loslegen ? » The teacher asked.
(Good morning class, My name is Mr. Gold and I am your teacher this semester in literature. I trust that everyone of you will behave and act as you should in my class. Now ! Let’s get started, shall we ?)
Everyone replied with a nod or something of the sort, and class began. On the first day we got assigned four worksheets, two projects, and three essays.
Goody me….
Note to sarcasm.
I’ve now been gone for four months and everyday I either text or call my family and once a week we face time on Skype.
Reign hasn’t been out In months because Abby is always with me….
I love her like a sister, but seriously ! Human ! I need to run !
Ha !
She really pisses Reign off….
Abby has also made me wear my new clothes and now I’ve literally fallen in love with them.
My curves have come in more because of how much salad I’ve been eating and I’m getting close to a four pack because everyday I go to a gym down the road from school and lift weights and then jog around the school five times, which is about two football fields long. It’s kind of depressing being the only wolf here, there are only humans which is weird because right outside of the city by the school are some woods, but it’s hunting season here, so a bunch of hunters will be out and I can’t risk getting hurt.
I have been planning on how I’m gonna run, and I’m gonna do it tonight.
Wish me luck !!!
That night, just as I said, I walked out of the dorm at one in the morning and walked to an abandoned track that is in the city but has a dome around it.
After going through a hole in the wall, I found the track and shifted. Thanks to Reigns night vision, I can see everything perfectly and know that there isn’t anyone here and all of the cameras are turned off because no one has been here in years since it shut down.
Before running,my wolf started jogging and then running as fast as she could around the track. My wolf is bigger than other she wolves because I have Alpha blood, and am stronger and faster as well. By my thirty something lap, Reign was exhausted, so I shifted back to human form changed into a black summer dress.
I brought before walking back through the hole and back to campus. The security guards were guarding the doors, so I walked to the vine by my window before climbing up and unlatching the window. After taking a shower and remove the dirt from me, I went to my bed and laid down to sleep.
Right before I dozed off, an alarm woke me and I shot up. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me….
This is gonna be a long two years…..