Despite the tears, the yells and the pleas, Roxanne found herself in the plane, traveling to meet her definite end.
She was dressed up in a beautiful, purple dress. The dress was the most beautiful dress Roxanne recalled wearing in the past six years. Her makeup had been done and her hair which had been messy and in an utterly bad state had been fixed too.
Once again, Roxanne looked like the princess she had once truly been but she could not even find the energy to look into a mirror and see how beautiful she looked.
Her misery clouded her heart and it showed on her face. Every now and then, tears would roll down her eyes and she would dab it away with her handkerchief.
Memories played in Roxanne's head. Memories of how her family had once loved her and memories of how fast their love had turned into hate for her. When she was sent into the basement at first, Roxanne thought it would only be for a few days or hours, even but she was so wrong.
'Maybe this is better.' Roxanne eventually thought.
"Maybe going to the Alpha King and dying there is much better than staying with a family that doesn't love me at all anymore" she whispered to herself.
More thoughts played with her brain until she fell asleep, tired and exhausted.
Roxanne clutched her dress tightly, taking in deep, long breaths as the car pulled over in front of a majestic mansion.
Taking deep breaths barely worked in controlling her anxiety, fear and nervousness though.
"We are here, Princess Roxanne" the man behind the wheels said.
"I... I know. Give me a few seconds" she said and silence fell upon the car once more.
"I am ready" Roxanne said after about a minute even though she was far from being ready. She would never be ready for whatever awaited her inside of that mansion so she could only face it head on and hope her death would not be too painful.
The man stepped out of the car and moved to the backseat, pulling the door open for her. Roxanne stepped out of the car as elegantly as she could.
Another black car behind her opened and a maid along with two men in black suit walked to Roxanne, stopping behind her.
"Princess Lorraine of...."
"Princess Roxanne" the maid behind her corrected the man in blue suit who was welcoming them.
"Roxanne?" The man glanced at his jotter and then at Roxanne who felt a bit dizzy.
She had been sent over here without being fed and she herself had declined every meal on the airplane.
"It says here that it is Princess Lorraine but I guess that was a mistake."
"My father would call to rectify the mistake. His majesty, the Alpha King requested for one of his daughters and I will be here, not my twin sister who is Lorraine" Roxanne explained.
"Oh, I see. Please come right in" the man seemed really cheerful. Roxanne noted the bubbly smile on his face and his round figure made him look really approachable. He seemed to be in his mid forties too.
He turned and Roxanne followed right behind him. Her heart beat quickened at the sight of guards at the entrance of the main Palace. They were all in a single file, unsmiling and unmoving until the bubbly man signalled at them.
With calculated steps, they gave way, opening the gates and everyone walked in. For a moment, Roxanne completely forgot about her miseries and about how she was going to be dead in two weeks or even less.
The palace was more than majestic. It was the most beautiful place she had ever seen. In reality or in movies. It felt like freaking paradise itself except that this beautiful place retained a particularly dark aura that all the beauty could not get rid off.
Roxanne's eyes roamed the entire place as she walked behind the bubbly man until they stopped in front of a room.
"You will be here for now, Princess..." He hesitated for a second.
"Roxanne" he completed and Roxanne gave a small smile to him, pretending not to be overwhelmed by this place.
"Your guards and your maid will follow me to another room for now. Press that button by the side of your bed if you do need anything at all. In an hour or so, you will be picked up and delivered to his majesty"
Simply hearing that drained the colour from Roxanne's face and made her heart pound.
"Alright then. What is your name, if I may ask?"
"Larry. You can just call me Larry"
"Thank you Larry" Roxanne thanked the man who gave her a big smile.
Roxanne walked into the room and the door was gently shut behind her. The room was just as luxurious and beautiful as every other part of the palace and Roxanne just knew that Lorraine would have done almost anything to spend a night in this room.
"Except dying apparently" Roxanne mumbled, heading to the bed. It was a large one. She sat on it and pondered over her life. Twenty four hours ago, she could not have thought that she would be here.
"Whatever life I have been living, it is ending soon anyways" she let out a sad smile.
It had barely been a few minutes before a knock came on her door. Roxanne quickly got up on her feet.
"Yes, come in?" She sounded unsure of her own words.
Nevertheless, the door opened and two men walked in.
"His Majesty wants to see you. Follow us" one of them said and Roxanne followed them out of the room.
With every step they took and every turn they made, her heart raced the more. What would the Alpha King look like? She had heard a lot about him but had never seen a picture of him. Would he look like a monster from the movies? Scary with horns and green skin?
'of course not' she replied herself. She had seen her own beautiful, elegant friends switch up on her so fast and treat her like a slave so she knew one didn't have to look scary to be a monster.
They eventually stopped in front of a room that looked more like a personal chambers. Two men in black suit were standing on both sides of the door and they pulled the door open at the sight of Roxanne and the two men who had led her there.
Roxanne stepped into the room all alone and heard the door quietly shut behind her.
The room was freaking large and right opposite her, she could see a man in black, unbuttoned shirt and trousers who was looking out of the window, holding a glass of wine in his hand. Even though she could not see his face yet, she could feel the darkness that surrounded the man. Giovanni Russo.
"Y... Your majesty." Roxanne stuttered and he turned to face her.
Roxanne's jaws almost dropped. How could someone this handsome, this perfect be the monster she had been hearing of?!
"Roxanne Delatrio" he spoke and Roxanne's knees went weak at his powerful voice.
"Never knew Donatus had two daughters. Twins." There was an evil glint in his eyes as he said those words.
He took the glass of his lips and took a sip of it.
"I am guessing you have heard the rumors. And you... You don't have a wolf side yet. You are not going to last a week."