note: Trigger warning , This chapter may contain graphic depictions of violence
6. The Attack
The sun's rays beamed into my eyes, causing me to stir. As I slowly opened my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of trees and the delightful sound of birds chirping in the air and flying around. It was a beautiful scene.
As I stretched my body, I felt the pain in my muscles from sleeping on the hard ground. Memories of the previous evening flooded in, reminding me why I had slept in the middle of the forest in the first place. I hoped Laura's ceremony hadn't been completely ruined by my interruption.
I got up from the ground and brushed off the leaves, grass, and dirt that clung to me. That's when I noticed a familiar figure approaching. It was Ted, one of the patrol guards. He had sandy blonde hair, a sharp jaw, and a crooked nose. Though he was still attractive, his aura felt negative.
"You shouldn't be out here this early in the morning," he said with a stoic expression, but his eyes held an unsettling glint. Despite being part of my pack, we had never spoken before. I had only seen him around.
"I know. I'll be leaving now," I replied in a groggy voice.
"I can keep you company if you want. People say that I can be quite accommodating," he said with a smirk. The evil that once shone only in his eyes had now spread across his face. He approached me steadily, and I tried to step back, but he kept coming closer until my back was against a tree, trapping me.
He ran his fingers across my cheeks, and fear instantly tensed up my body. I wondered what he was trying to do.
"I'm going now," I said, trying to sound as strong as possible. But my voice came out quivering, which seemed to amuse him. He was enjoying seeing me in fear.
"You're definitely not going anywhere now," he stated as he pressed his body against mine. I could feel his arousal against my thigh. "We should have some fun. I promise you, you'll enjoy it," he purred into my ear. A shiver ran down my spine. I was incredibly uncomfortable, and I definitely did not want this.
"I'm fine, and I want to leave now, Ted," I demanded.
"You are quite beautiful you know, it is only a shame, you have to go out like this," he purred into my ear. A shiver ran down my spine. I was incredibly uncomfortable, and I definitely did not want this.
"Go out like this, what do you mean?, answer me Ted," I demanded.
"Oh, someone is getting feisty, maybe the rumors are true, maybe you really killed those men," he blurted out, causing my eyes to widen. I slapped him across the face, but he chuckled and faced me with anger in his eyes. Before I knew it, he forcefully grabbed me by the neck and slammed my body against the tree trunk.
"I was trying to be nice so we could do this the easy way, but I see that you like it rough, I was trying to make your death pass quickly, you should not be alive if those men have to die," he sneered as he choked me. He was incredibly strong, and my attempts to push him away were futile. He was draining the strength out of me, making it impossible for me to even shift.
"Let me go!, I did not kill anyone, it was not my fault, I did not kill them " I choked out, but he only smirked.
"Of course," he said, flinging me like a rag doll to the side. I crashed into another tree, feeling pain shoot through my body as I gasped for air. Before I could regain my composure, he loomed over me, climbing my body. He extended his claws and slashed against my chest ripping my clothes and drawing out blood, he was really going to kill me. I screamed out in pain
“Please don’t do this, spare my life” I cried , but it was in vain. He wouldn't budge, he slashed me again.
I tried to get up but he pushed me back to the ground. He landed a punch on my face, causing me to cough out blood. I was getting weak. It had been years since I trained, and I was completely out of shape.
“Say your goodbyes” he smirked as he moves his claws closer to my neck ready to strike.
"Dean, what are you doing? Get off her now! The Alpha demands her presence!" I heard Dean's voice. He was also a pack guard.
Ted froze on top of me and hissed before quickly getting off. "You're lucky today," he said, and he left as if nothing had happened.
Dean stared down at me as I tried to catch my breath. "You managed to kill three men, but you couldn't handle this one," he said casually. "Get up, the Alpha is looking for you. Your family has been searching for you all through the night," he added.
After a struggle, I managed to get up, feeling pain all over my body and having difficulty steadying myself. Dean looked at me again. "You need to be fixed up before you meet him. Follow me," he said, and he walked away.
It was a struggle to keep up with him. I knew I had werewolf healing powers, but it didn't magically happen like that. I needed to rest for at least a few hours. I held onto the material that covered my chest , trying to maintain some decency as I stumbled behind him. The thought of almost being killed ran through my mind, and I struggled to stay focused.
Dean didn't seem to care. He witnessed what happened but acted like it wasn't a big deal. He acted as if I deserved it. We may not be close or friends, but I was still a pack member. Regardless of what I was being accused of, I didn't deserve to be die, why would I be made to suffer for a sin, I did not commit.
I followed him quietly, in pain and in tears. It seemed like pain and tears chased me every single minute. This was not the life I wanted to live. I didn't want to live this way. May be death seemed like a better option. If I wasn't loved in this life, then death would be a choice. I knew my family loved me, but I felt like I was dragging them down with me. They were falling alongside me.
Dean managed to avoid going through the pack's open grounds where people were inside, to avoid strange looks, and I was grateful for that. Some of my pack members, especially Janet and Faith, would have reveled in seeing me in pain. We continued through the woods until we reached the pack house. Dean led me through the back door and into a room.
"Freshen up now. You have ten minutes. Thankfully, Ted didn't get into your pants. I'm sure you'll find a polo shirt to wear in the wardrobe. I'll be back soon, and be quick," he said before leaving.
The loud bang of the door made me jump a little. My body was still shaking from the recent events, but I managed to follow Dean's instructions. I made my way to the restroom. My reflection scared me, but it wasn't too frightening. My face was red, and one side of my cheek was swollen.
I rinsed off the blood in my mouth and washed my face and body thoroughly, thankfully the slash at my chest was not deep, wincing in pain throughout the process. Ten minutes wasn't enough to completely clean myself.
I fought hard not to cry. All I wanted to do was cry, but nothing was changing. It was becoming pathetic.
After washing my face, I slowly approached the wardrobe. My ribs still hurt, but it wasn't as painful as the impact against the tree bark.
I knew it would leave marks, but I didn't want to look at them right now. All I wanted was to go home, but I couldn't because the Alpha was seeking my presence. I needed to report Ted, and he needed to be punished for what he did and tried to do to me.
If Dean hadn't acted like it didn't matter, I would have actually thanked him. He indirectly saved me by arriving on time, which prevented Ted from going any further.
I picked up a dark blue shirt from the wardrobe.
After putting on the shirt, feeling pain throughout my body, Dean walked into the room without bothering to knock or anything. "We're leaving now," he said sharply.