Adom patted her on the hand and smiled. "You'll know when you come into contact with them. Their scent would drive you crazy, and vice versa. Your soul would try to escape and make you want to be closer to him. But you have to control it. I wouldn't want you to do anything in the middle of school. That would be dangerous. But trust me, you will know when you find your soulmate."
Ashly nodded in understanding. "Could you tell me the name of my sister? I would like to know. Please."
Adom hesitated for a moment, then told her. "Her name is Monika, Monika James."
Ashly gasped loudly. "Monika James?! As in the same Monika James who attends my school alongside his older brother Type James and whose friend Sam Lucifer is a member of the Alex Lucifer pack! One of the strongest families in the school or city! Are you kidding me?!"
Ashly jumped up and began pacing the floor. Not only was her sister one of the most popular girls in school, but she was also part of the Alex Lucifer Pack. The same Alex Lucifer whom Ashly has had a crush on since middle school but never said anything to Afraid to be rejected Damn it, could it get any worse?
Ashly sighed, sitting back down beside her father and barring her face against Adom's neck. "I am so fucked!" Her words were muffled, but Adom understood them and chuckled.
"Stop being a drama queen and relax. You are releasing pheromones that are depressing my mood, you dork. Now tell me about the talent show."
Ashly Play hit her father with a pillow but smiled and began telling him about her graduation. "Well, it makes no sense, to be honest, since I am only there for graphic design and play a few instruments. But they want us to have fun since it's out this year and we graduate in December. They said it didn't matter if you weren't there for the music; they just wanted everyone to have fun and support their student body. I don't know what I am going to do. We could pick partners if we wanted, but I was never good at being in large groups, as you know. So I was thinking Allen and I could play something together."
Adom scoffed. "You're selling yourself short, mouse. You have an amazing voice that wants to be released, so let it fly. You have to be as confident in your voice as you are in your drawing. You shouldn't waste your talent because you think people will make fun of you for it. I could help you if you want."
Ashly hummed, pretending to think. "I guess it would be okay, but if I sucked, then I am sticking with playing with Allen. She needs this opportunity more than I do."
Adom clapped happily like he was a small child, and Ashly laughed, shaking her head. "And you call me a dork! Yeah right! You've got me beat!"
"Yeah, right, now get out of here before you're late to work. Sophia would kick both of our asses; oh, and tonight I'm going out with Man. I will be a little late coming home."
The man has been her father's boyfriend for four years now, and they couldn't be happier. Ashly smiled at her father, slapping him with a pillow as she got up. "I am going for a run later with Allen anyway, so have fun tonight and use protection, yeah?"
Ashly ran up the stairs, laughing, when Adom threw a pillow in her direction.
It was the first day of Ashly's senior year, and it started off horrible. She woke up with this killer headache, and the medicine she took didn't exactly help either. She had no clue what could be causing this kind of pain, but she hoped it stopped whatever it was. Groaning, she got up and made her way to her bathroom. She did her business and hopped in the shower.
She thought about the conversation she had with Allen last night at work. They talked about her birth parents and that she had siblings who went to the same school as her. Also how they are part of Alex's pack. Allen was just as shocked as she was when she found out, but she handled it differently. Allen was completely puzzled in front of the customers sitting in the bakery, enjoying their scones or muffins.
"Holy shit Ashly, this is huge news! What are you going to do? I mean, you have a twin freaking sister! And was separated at birth! Are you going to talk to her?"
Ashly shook her head and wiped down the counters as she waited for their customers to leave so they could close up for the night.
"No Ally. I'm not going to talk to her or both of them. I mean, they already think we're freaks as it is. They don't even speak to us; why would I want to surround myself with people who think they are above everyone else? Why would I embarrass myself by speaking to them? It's not worth it; could you please drop it and help me clean up before we close?"
Allen wasn't having it. "No! You will talk to them at school, whether you like it or not! She has a right to know just as much as you do! You're not the only one who was hurt by this. She lost her older sister and his other half. Your siblings miss you just as much. So tomorrow at school, we will march up to their precious pack and speak to her. Who cares if we're omega kids? We're the toughest guys in the school. So buck up, chief, for this."
Ashly laughed at her best friend. Allen is such a dork, but she loves her either way.
Shaking her head, getting back to the present. She washed her body and exited the shower. She had two days of stubble on her face and decided to leave it. She looked hot, in his opinion. blow-drying her hair, then putting some product in it. It didn't matter anyway; she was wearing a hat today, so her hair really didn't matter.
She threw on some blue jeans, a plain blue t-shirt, and some black combat boots. In her opinion, she looked damn hot. She grabbed her black bomber jacket, bookbag, phone, wallet, and keys. She was ready to go and pick up her bestie. Making her way down the stairs, she saw her father and boyfriend making out in the kitchen.