Sky ran around me at impossible speed.
Never have I seen her put so much effort into something that isn’t about makeup and clothes. Actually, maybe it does have to do with that…
It’s been a single day since I found out about this letter. Four days since Sky found out. She had been away for a week before, meaning the paper had been left in her mailbox for a few days. Now, she thinks that’s the reason why the invitations and promised gifts haven’t arrived.
I just sit on the edge of her bed watching her freak out.
Sky hadn’t listened when I told her I had no interest in going. Sure, I’m curious, but being watched by the millions that inhabit this Pack as I walk in doesn’t appeal to me if I’m perfectly honest.
“It’s fine, it isn’t even past twelve yet,” I remind her, as she wanders around the room, trying to keep herself busy.
“The parties tonight,” she responds. “And you haven’t even given me a proper “yes I’m going” just yet.”
I sigh, falling back onto her bed. Actually it’s her and Dylan’s bed. The thought makes me sit right back up again, mildly disgusted at the thoughts that run through my head.
“I can’t,” I tell her tersely. “I have something on-”
“No you don’t.”
“How would you know?”
She rolls her eyes at me. “I’m your sister. I know when you lie.”
Maybe if I told her I’m learning lines for an audition she would believe me. It’s true. Then she would make fun of me, and tell me my dreams should remain in my head. The amount of times she told me girls from our part of town don’t become actresses is ridiculous. Recently she has had the audacity to tell me I should just marry a rich man, because apparently that is the only chance I will have to make it in the world.
“Seriously,” I reprimand. “Carter and I are doing something.”
Sky’s eyebrow quirks up, and a sly smile graces her features. Here we go, the mind in the gutter Desire Pack trait is rising to the surface.
“You two really are quite friendly, aren’t you?
This time, it was my turn to roll my eyes. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard her little speech about my best friend. She likes to pretend she didn’t make out with him in front of me at high school, trying to put us together now since she’s been tied down by her husband. I think she just likes the challenge.
I push her thighs away as she walked closer, not letting her share a seat next to me on the bed. “Trust me, we are just friends-”
“Hold on a minute,” she suddenly cuts me off. “Isn’t your little boy toy going to the party as one of Alpha Asher’s little slaves?”
I sigh. “He’s not my boy toy.”
“No but seriously,” Sky presses, tilting her head slightly. “If you’re not going to be with Carter, where are you going to be big sister?”
All of a sudden, the doorbell from downstairs sounded. Sky lit up like a light stitch, suspecting it was something to do with the party tonight. Without addressing me any further, she ran off down the stairs. Quickly, I run to the window, curious to see who had shown up here, and if they have anything to do with this party.
To see if it’s actually real.
A sleek black car pulled out from the driveway, whoever’s at the wheel is completely shaded by the tint. They disappear quickly, just as Sky comes out the door.
As she pads back up the stairs, I resume my spot on the bed. Her cheeks are flushed, her eyes dazzling with excitement. She holds a glittering golden box, tied at the top with a magnificently large bow. She almost drops the large thing as she tries to place is gently on the floor.
“I didn’t get to see who dropped it off,” Sky comments, kneeling in the floor as she tugs gently on the end of the bow. It falls away without much resistance. “It kind of just appeared.”
I can’t help my curiosity as I lean over to watch her unbox the contents.
As she pulls back the cardboard lid, there is a layer of golden tissue paper with rose coloured paper onto. Sky picks that up first, her fingers pulling it to reveal two pieces of paper. A smile graces her face, as she turns and hands me one of the pieces.
It’s satiny soft to the touch, and paper thin, as if the slightest touch will rip it to shreds. Practiced lines of sparkling gold paint swirl down the paper, framing the words beautifully. They curve into a figure of a wolf - the symbol of alliance to Alpha Asher. I read the letters silently in my head:
Formal Invitation
Dear Alaya Thorne,
You have been selected to attend Alpha Asher’s party on the 13th.
This invitation gives you access to the first floor.
Please reveal the invitation to the Guards at the main door, and no one else.
We hope to see you,
Alpha Asher and his Team.
I gaze at the pretty cursive ink writing, before something dark on the other side catches my eyes. Twisting it over in my hand, I see a small set of letters at the bottom left corner, fresh and hand-written with a strict line underneath.
See you tonight.
My heart skips a beats.
“Hey Sky,” I say warily. “Can I look at yours?”
“Sure,” she says, handing me her invitations as she switches her attention to what else is inside the box. On the front, the invitations are the exact same, aside from our names. That’s not what I care about.
I turn it over. Nothing. Just a clear piece of paper with no marks at all.
Glancing at Sky, she is to preoccupied by a satin dress she is pulling out of the box. Swallowing, I shove my invitation behind me before she can see. Who knows what would happen if she found out about this. I need to figure out what it means first, or if it’s just someone playing a little trick.
“Oh, this is definitely yours,” Sky says in amazement, stealing my attention.
She lifts a glittering dress the colour of silvery moonlight, the tiny jewels clinging to it radiating a subtle glint at every turn against the sun. Sky’s grin as she turns to me matches the grandeur of the dress that looks as if it would swallow my blandness whole.
“How can you be so sure?” I question, taking the dress from her hands. It feels softer than I thought in my hand, as if the jewels aren’t there, only the softest silk.
Sky nudges a piece of string up from the dress, revealing a tag. “Has your name on it, dummy.”
“How do they know our sizes?” I question, examining the dress further.
It truly is beautiful. Since I’m not going to the party, I suppose it will be buried in storage to never be brought out again. That, or I could sell it to survive for the next few weeks. People would pay great money to have, to even see a dress from Alpha Asher’s party, even if it was never worn before.
Sky shrugs. “Who knows. You know, they say he sees all.”
“Who?” I murmured distractedly.
“Alpha Asher, of course.”
I cast my attention down to my sister with her dress on her lap. It’s the same rose colour as the invitation. It flows out from the bodice. I can just tell already that she is going to look beautiful in it.
“How so?” I question, intrigued by what she was presenting.
“Rumour says he had a deal with Fate. Apparently he exchanged some of his power for…” she trails off. “Who knows.”
My eyebrows crease, curiosity settling into the pit of my stomach. Who would be foolish enough to make a deal with Fate? He is cruel, heartless and can control your future however he pleases. Desire Pack members pretend to worship him so they have an excuse for all the sinful things they do.
“Come,” Sky says suddenly, setting her dress down, Grabbing my arm, she drags me over to her bedroom window. “Look up there and tell me you don’t want to go to this party.”
I sigh, looking up the hill in the distance at Alpha Asher’s estate.
It clearly is the most expensive, most flashy thing in this entire Pack. From here, all I see is a mixture of glimmering lights and the dark wood it is partially made out of. A part of me yearns to see what is going on inside that place, beyond the walls. It’s a lifestyle none of us will ever get to experience beyond one party. It would be cruel to go and be reminded of how the richer live.
So I say in my calmest, most deadpan voice possible, “I don’t want to go to the party.
Sky sighs dramatically.
“How about we make a deal then. I won’t mention all the auditions you have been doing in secret every again,” she bargains, shooting me a playful smirk. “If you go to this party with me.”
I narrow my eyes. “Blackmail?”
“Oh come on...Please? You’re single, and there will be plenty of gorgeous guys there.”
“Not convinced.”
“Fate may even play and invite your mate himself,” she adds.
I flip off her bed, drawing me eyes away from the window. “Sorry sis, I have no interest-”
“The auditions, Lay. I swear I will never interrupt your acting career ever again. I won’t even complain if you decide to leave the Pack for it.”
I turn around, staring my sister down. Everytime I talk about leaving the Pack, Sky makes a big deal out of it. She calls me a horrible sister who is abandoning her like father did when he died. She trashes my dreams to keep my tied down. So if she is serious about this, then…
“You’re lying,” I mutter.
She shakes her head. “Nope.”
“It means this much to you?”
“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, of course it means so much to me,” she says, a mild irritation behind her voice.
If I wasn’t so relieved that she was agreeing to leave me along with my acting career, I might have been offended. It doesn’t matter anyway, she doesn’t care about what I do if it doesn’t directly affect her. She’s been like that since father's death.
“Fine,” I growl. “Only because it’s one night. And you better not get drunk and leave me behind.”
Sky squealed, jumping at me, reminding me of her youth. I’m not doing this for her.
I’m going to find out what that little note at the back of my invitation meant.