I’m lost for words, even within my own head.
The day of my branding is seared into my mind, forever etched in like a deep scar. Replaying those moments, and each word said is something I’ve avoided for a long while. Even Avia doesn’t know the entire story, and still does not press. However, sitting in front of me is an Alpha whose staff have fed a horrific pill, who won’t accept any excuses.
It’s a shame for him I’m not opening my mouth right now. I have to bid my time, otherwise I’m not getting out of here.
Those intense navy-blue eyes he sports are searching. “Not very talkative, are you?”
My expression doesn’t change. I don’t even move. Alden is an intelligent man, and from a single word, could deduce my entire motive. It would be better if I spoke only in small amounts, or perhaps not at all.
“I’m trying to help you, Kezziah,” he tells me, clasping his hands together. I frown, but only slightly. Me speaking only helps him and his intentions to find Time. “I understand you don’t want to be here, but this is for your betterment.”
“My betterment?” I say before I can stop myself. “Hardly.”
I spent my entire life running from him. Time has hardly ruined as much as Alden has. Hearing him try to justify his actions only infuriates me. He sits so close to me, I could easily lash out and strike him in that perfect nose of his. Who knows what the consequences would be, but I’m willing to sacrifice.
Alden sighs, before he gets to his feet. He really is so tall. I watch him as he crosses the room, each stride so fluid. He pulls out a draw from a chest, pulling something out. When he comes back and lays it out in front of me, I realise it’s a thick portfolio, which he flips open.
The first is a sketch of a pattern. It’s long and thin, swirling around like branches of a very spindly tree.
“This is one of the many markings Time leaves,” Alden tells me, fingers moving around each pattern. “We have concluded that it is the most common. It’s perhaps a lower tier.”
It doesn’t look familiar, but I nod.
He slips the page. The next pattern is a lot thicker, and rounder. The edges are smooth and precise. “This is less common. Higher tier we believe.”
He continues to point me through each. He has separated them in different factions, marking a few on the way they move in each direction, the thickness and the overall shape. He even mentions where they have been found of the subject’s body. Apparently, he has been trying to find a correlation, and has failed.
“There is a reason why I am showing you this,” he tells me, once the portfolio has been closed. I’m wary, but also curious, wondering if I’ve been the only subject to have this shared. “One of my staff members have noticed that your marking is different.”
Avia had always said I was different. I had presumed that was because we had avoided Alden for so long, however, that was all on her. I listened and obeyed where I could. Now escaping here is up to me.
“Would you show me?” he asks tentatively. I physically flinch.
If he thinks I’m willing to shed my clothing, or pull it up for him to inspect my back, he is hallucinating. I’ve always hid it, no matter what. Someone once noticed and I had to lie and claim it was a tattoo. Now sharing it makes me anxious. Especially to a stranger, and especially to Alden.
He seems to notice my hesitation. “Is it in an uncomfortable spot? I would just like to sketch it, is all. I wouldn’t touch.”
“I’ll take a hard pass on that one,” I seethe, poison seeping from my voice.
Again, he sighs through his nose. If he is getting impatient, he doesn’t show it. He is marvelous at concealing any emotion. It’s almost unnerving. I still don’t know if he will punish me in some way for not adhering to his wishes.
“At least you look like the first supplement did you well,” Alden breathes, collecting portfolio as he stands. “You look hardly touched by it.”
As he turns his back on me, I make a quick decision I had been contemplating for a few moments before. My time to escape. There are no guards around here, and Sermon, in those heels, surely wouldn’t catch me when I was out of here.
So, with soft steps, I dash to the door, making sure he is preoccupied by opening the chest and storing his portfolio.
My fingers brushed against the door handle. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
I’m not sure why, but I stop. My blood runs so cold, I can hardly move a single limb in fear. Several words, and the stern tone of Alden lets me know that if I touch this door, there is no way things are going to go my way. It’s almost as if his voice triggered a hint in my mind that this is a foolish idea.
I turn on my heel, looking back at him. He is strolling toward me, one foot in front of the other, hands tucked behind his back.
“You can go. Although, you should know it’s only going to ensure the need to have more meetings like this. I can tell you’re not willing to speak right now, but you will,” he tells me. I’m unsure if he is taunting me, or stating fact, as he comes to stand right in front of me.
I’ve noticed he doesn’t seem to understand personal space, the tips of his shoes nearly touching my bare feet.
“If you decide you wish to show me your brand, or speak to me about time, one of my staff members with happily escort you up here,” Alden exclaims, raising an eyebrow at me. “Otherwise, I will see you next week.”
Perhaps if I had something witty to say that would improve this situation, I would.
Instead, I back off, quickly opening the door from behind me. Alden doesn’t move, instead watching me stumble into the lobby where Sermon waits. As she goes to lead me away, I glance over my shoulder.
Alden still watches me. And as I leave, I know those eyes are going to haunt me each night from now on.
I was disheartened walking back with Sermon to my room. Or cell, as I’m beginning to see it.
Once we make it back, I’m instructed to take a seat on the chair, while the staff prepare my next supplement. It’s not a pill this time. It comes in an unbranded white foil tube. It’s going on my brand, I can tell. And when I’m ordered to remove the top half of my track suit so they have access to it, my thoughts are confirmed.
“This one will be much easier to handle than yesterday’s one,” Sermon reassures me, as if it’s going to help me relax. It won’t. I’m more on edge from Alden. How am I meant to get out of the next interrogation I’ll be put through?
The treatment comes in a thick golden paste that they lather on my back. It makes me flinch with each touch of their fingers. At least it doesn’t hurt.
“How did the meeting with the Alpha go?” Sermon asks.
I look up from where I had been staring at my hands. My veins in my wrists are slightly discoloured from last night’s abuse. Sermon seems curious, but also anxious to ask. Clearly something about the Alpha interests her. I’m not surprised. He would be very handsome if he wasn’t such a jerk.
“It was pointless. Just like this entire thing,” I say sourly. All this has put me in a bad mood. Mainly it’s because of my situation. And also because of Alden.
“Well, I’m sure he adored you,” she says, squinting her eyes slightly. Liar.
Sermon leaves with her staff not much longer after. She leaves me with a small piece of paper that I examine.
Type B Name: Marigold
Application: Topical
Instructions: Apply a thick layer to affected area. Reactions up to ten minutes.
Caution! May contain common allergies. Discontinue use if symptoms persist such as:
- Dizziness
- Fever
- Chills
- Sweating
Common symptoms:
- Swelling
- Numbness
- Rash
Use only with the intentions to remove/fade the brand off skin. Only use once Type A / Juniper has been used to cleanse the blood.
Sighing deeply, I scrunch the paper up in my hand. Right now, I can hardly feel a single thing on my back, aside from the tightening of my skin as it dries. I shouldn’t have agreed to it, but I was distracted by Alden. It’s on my skin now.
It only makes me wonder if Time knows this is happening. And if he is going to do anything to stop it.