« And what game would that be rogue ? » Sam called out annoyed now realizing I was toying with him.
« You ready Willow ? » I asked while getting ready to jump down from the treetops and begin the game
« I was born ready, » she replied with excitement. « Here we go then. »
« That game would be the game of chase. Come and get me, boys, » I call out to the group as I jump down. I turn and run before they could understand what was happening. I could hear the frustration in their voices as they called out after me.
« Don’t let her get away ! »
« After her, you idiots ! »
I throw my head back laughing as they try to catch up with me. I already had a head start and would lose them in no time.
I fly through the trees all while evading the guards. It was the thrill of the chase that excited me. It was to see how close they could get before I pushed ahead and would eventually lose them. I had a feeling, however, that this game of chase would be a little different.
It has been an hour now of running from these guards. Usually, they give up after about 30 minutes because they couldn’t keep up. This pack was different. They have been able to keep up and stay with me this whole time. I was growing tired, but I knew one thing. I couldn’t let them catch me.
« I’m not sure how much longer I can go on, » I called out in a hurry to Willow.
« Let me have some fun then, » Willow was getting restless and was worried just as much as I was that these guys weren’t going to give up and would eventually catch us. I knew we wouldn’t go down without a fight though.
I quickly take the bag off my back and hold it in front of me. I knew I didn’t have the time to strip my clothes, so I quickly shift hearing the sound of my clothes ripping.
« There goes another set of clothes, » I say slightly annoyed as clothes were hard for us to come by being a rogue.
« I am sure we could get some more once we lose these guys. Better the clothes ripped to pieces than us. » Willow did have a point. I would just have to find more later. Right now we had bigger problems to address.
« Now we are talking. Let the chase really begin, » I heard Sam call out followed by growls from the guards.
I let Willow have full control knowing she would need it to hopefully get us away from these guys. I watched as the trees rushed past us in a blur. She was running as fast as she could but was starting to lose steam. The guards were slowly gaining on us. They were catching up fast.
« Come on Willow we have to lose them, » I called out to her.
« I know, and I am trying. These guys just don’t give up, » she replied sounding as if she was out of breath.
We continued running hoping they would give up soon. We turned to see that they were falling back.
« See I knew they would eventually give up, » Willow said while still running. What she didn’t see until it was too late was the wall of guards she was running into.
« Willow look out ! » I shouted but it was too late. She ran right where they wanted us.
« Well, this is just great. What do you think we should do now ? » I asked Willow while looking around us. The guards who had been chasing us appeared in the group shifted and had gotten dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.
« We should give up, » she replied back almost too calmly for my liking.
Before I could question her further, I was interrupted by someone speaking.
« So this is the one that was causing all this trouble, Sam ? She seems easy enough to catch, » the man in front of the group called out.
« Don’t let her looks fool you, Everett. She is a hell of a runner. I believe she is the one they call the Rogue Runner, » Sam replied while still trying to catch his breath. This caused me and Willow both to laugh which probably looked funny for a wolf to try and laugh. This caused the guys to focus their attention back on us.
« Shift. Now. » Everett demanded us. He was crazy if he thought I was going to shift and be naked for all these guys to see. I just looked at him like he was crazy. We had lost our bag while running from the guards and now had no clothes. I guess he got the hint. He took his shirt off and threw it at our feet.
« Men turn around, » he called for the men to turn around. I quickly shifted and pulled the shirt over myself. I was short enough that it came down to just above my knees.
« You can turn around now, » I called out while crossing my arms over my chest annoyed that we had actually gotten caught. They all turned around to look at me. You could tell who all the unmated males were as they were looking at me with lust in their eyes.
« That was a hell of a chase I’ll give you that, » Sam said to me while moving to stand next to Everett.
« What can I say ? I like to run, » I reply with a shrug acting like I was bored, but I was actually scared of what they would do.
« You will be coming with us. The alpha will definitely want to meet you, » Everett said while motioning for the guards to escort me to the cells.
« This should be fun, » I say to Willow sarcastically. She had been quiet ever since I shifted back.
« Very fun indeed, » She replied with excitement. I didn’t understand what she was excited about. We were just caught and were being taken as a prisoner. I guess we will have to see what happens.
As we walked through the woods, I was able to really look over the guys who had chased me down. They were all good-looking. Sam was very muscular and walked with a level of confidence. He had blonde hair that seemed to almost glow when the sun hit it and these bright blue eyes. He was probably around 6’1 just slightly shorter than Everett.
Everett was the opposite of Sam when it came to looks. He was also very muscular and had a great-looking body. He was taller than Sam but only by an inch or two. He had dark brown hair that was almost black in color. His eyes were a deep brown. They looked as if they were melted pools of chocolate.
« You shouldn’t be staring down those men. They aren’t our mate, » Willow snapped at me. She knows how I feel about the subject of our mate. Most wolves find their mate by the time they are 18, and usually, if you haven’t they are either dead or have moved on with someone else. I was now about to be 20 and still no signs of mine anywhere.
« You know it’s not nice to stare, » Sam called back to me. I hadn’t realized I had been staring for so long at the men in front of me. I quickly averted my gaze from them which only caused the men to chuckle at me.
« It’s alright. I know it is hard to not stare at something that looks so good, » Sam continued to taunt me. Everett only cracked a little smile at the comment, but quickly dropped it before anyone could see.
« Oh please, you aren’t that good-looking. I was only trying to figure out why your head was so huge, » I taunted back to Sam. I didn’t want him to think I found him attractive.
This caused Everett to let out a laugh as Sam looked at me in horror.
« That was a good one, » Everett said to me after he finished laughing, « I like you. »
« My head isn’t that big. It is proportionate to my body thank you, » Sam replied in a huff and turned to continue walking.
At least I knew I could make them laugh. Even as I am being taken prisoner I can’t help but find laughter in the situation.
We continued to walk on more. I hadn’t realized how far I had run until the sun started to go down, and it didn’t seem like we were any closer.