She had this look on her face that told that she knew that something was definitely up. Fuck me! Why the hell had I groped her with reckless abandon, and ended up sinking my claws deep into her fleshy and round butt? Actually, no. Fuck the full moon! It always ruins everything no matter how hard I try to control it.
“I’m still waiting for an explanation,” She said, as a kind of reminder, with her arms folded under her breasts.
Honestly, right now, I’d like to see them without any stupid fabric covering them up.
“What are you looking at?” She asked, tightening her arms under her breasts, suddenly becoming self-conscious.
“Are you actually looking at my boobs in a time like this?” She asked, shaking her head to express her disappointment.
“No, it’s...it’s not like that-"
“It’s not like that? Really? Then, what’s it like?” She asked, cutting in.
“Hey, I’m sorry, okay? You don’t need to take this matter too far,” I said, then regretted it almost immediately, because the statement I had made didn’t even seem like I was trying to offer an apology.
She scoffed. “Well, now, I’m going to take this matter way too far, farther than you could possibly imagine,” She said, with a tone that screamed of determination.
I rolled my eyes, wondering why I had even succumbed to kissing her in the first place. “Just calm down, please,” He said.
“This is how I’m going to explain what you’ve done to my lawyer. First of all, you kissed me...”
“Are you nuts? That was consensual,” I argued.
“Was it? Really, do you think it was consensual? You took advantage of an emotional, young and innocent lady, just so you know. As if that wasn’t enough, you went ahead to cause me physical damage? It’s a miracle that I’m not wincing in pain right now. Actually, it’s not really a miracle. After what I experienced ten years ago, I have been unable to really feel physical pain; but that’s by the way. Now, you would have taken off my dress and fondled with my boobs against my will, and you’re telling me to calm down? Seriously?” She asked, almost at the top of her voice.
“Fine then. Go ahead and report everything to the police, and sue me to court if you must. I don’t care,” I said, unwilling to trade words with a nut-job like her, and turned around, heading towards my car which was packed a little further than hers.
“You think I’m joking, don’t you? You seem to not have any idea as to whom my parents are. I’ll see you in court, Mr Alistair Duke,” She called after me.
I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to suppress the anger that was surging through me, then turned back to face her.
“I may not know who your parents are, but I know that they’re alive. Good for you,” I said, as a mere intention to poke at her conscience, then continued walking to my car.
“I didn’t mean it that way. I’m sorry,” She yelled, when I had gotten to the door of my car.
Unbelievable! A woman actually saying sorry? Now, that’s the definition of a rare gem. I had guessed that she’d call me back after I deliberately reminded her that I was an orphan , but I never expected her to actually apologise.
I stood by my car, not turning around.
I heard her footsteps draw closer to where I was, and I just stood still, continuing to play the victim’s card.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was hers...warm, soft, soothing and relaxing.
“I’m sorry, Mr Duke,” She said, and came in front of me, giving me a puppy face.
A smile tugged at the left end of my mouth. Oh, human beings. How gullible they can be!
“I should be the one apologising. I hurt you,” I said, trying my best to sound modest.
She shook her head, dismissively. “You may have caused me physical damage, but the words I said pierced your heart, and everyone knows that a wound in the heart takes so much time to heal, even though no one can actually see it,” She said.
I felt my heart melt at the words she said, and how sweet her voice sounded.
“Thanks for understanding,” He said.
“It’s not a problem. J was actually expecting you to um... spend some more time with your...you know, your parents,” She said.
I licked my lips. “I realised I didn’t get a chance to ask you for your number, and who knows? There may be several Eliana Venator(s) on Facebook,” I said.
She chuckled. “You know what’s funny though? I’m not on any Social media platform, so...”
“...So, I’d have wasted my time in searching,” I said, helping her to complete her statement, then we both burst into a hearty laughter.
As fake as everything else was, the laughter was real. I hadn’t laughed in so long, and when I did but, it was all a pretence, but there was something about the way Eliana laughed. It made my heart sink, and made me laugh as well, even though I couldn’t get what was so funny.
“I’m sorry for hurting you. I don’t even know how that happened. There were too many emotions which got heightened, and I don’t know...I just sort of lost control,” I said, giving her a sincere explanation, hoping she’d actually believe me because I sure as hell wasn’t telling a lie.
She wore a small smile on her face. “It’s okay. Just don’t keep long fingernails anymore,” She said.
“I won’t, I promise,” I said, glad that she had believed me.
“However, there’s a price you have to pay in exchange for my forgiveness,” She said, wearing a toothed grin.
“I’m listening,” I said, wondering what her request might be.
“You have to drive me home,” She said.
“Wait, what?” I honestly did not see that one coming.
“My driver had to leave due to an emergency, and I am too disoriented to drive right now,” She explained.
“Okay then. I’ll have my driver drop you off at your house. I’m glad that I’ll get to spend more time with you,” I told her.
She let out a chuckle. “Thank you so very much. I’ll go get my purse and my keys. I’d send someone to get the car tomorrow morning,” She said, then began to walk off.
I held her by the handing, preventing her momentarily from going further, and our eyes met each other. Her pulse was racing and I could hear her heart beat loudly as seconds ran past us. Our eyes were locked in each other, and I couldn’t just look away, not until we heard Mr Coleman clear his throat.
Immediately, I let go of her hand like someone who had been caught in a bad act, and we looked away from each other awkwardly.
“I’ll go get your purse and keys, miss ,” Mr Coleman said, opening the backseat door for Eliana to get in.
“Thanks. Please, ensure the door is locked. I’d die if I lose that baby,” She said to him.
He gave her a crooked smile. “Sure thing, miss,” He said, then walked to where her car was parked.
“I wonder when he got out of the car and appeared in front of us like a ghost,” I said, when I was sure he wasn’t within hearing distance anymore.
“When you grabbed my hand for no reason, dummy,” She said, like I was actually expecting an answer to my question.
“It was for a reason,” I said.
“Oh, really? What reason?” She asked, looking like she didn’t believe me.
“I just wanted to confirm if you’re truly okay. The bleeding stopped early enough, but doesn’t it hurt? Should we stop at a hospital on our way?” I asked, feeling concerned.
“I appreciate your concern, but what exactly are we to tell the doctor at the hospital? That you dug your nails in my ass and gave me injuries?” She asked, in a sarcastic manner.
I ran a hand through my hair. “That would sound really weird, truly. What do you think we should do then?” I asked.
She shrugged. “Let it be. In all sincerity, I’m fine. I feel the sting a little bit, but it’s not all that painful. I’ll treat it when I get home,” She said.
“Okay then. I’m sorry again,” I apologised.
“Sure you’re human?” She suddenly blurted out, shooting a funny glance in my direction.
“If I’m not human, what am I?” I asked.
She shrugged her shoulders. “How the hell am I supposed to know that? What you did was totally unheard of, but for the sake of peace to reign, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt,” She said.
“Thank you, I guess. Anyways, I’m totally human being. I mean, look at me. What else would I be?” I asked, trying to coerce her into saying what was on her mind.
“You’re right. You’re definitely human,” She said, then with a small smile, she stepped into the car on sighting Mr Coleman coming back with her purse and keys.
I entered the backseat through the other door, and when the doors were closed, Mr Coleman revved the engine into life, and soon, we were on our way.
There was a beautiful silence as he started to drive through the streets of Los Angeles on that cold evening, and my eyes were closed, as thoughts started to fill my head, particularly about the beautiful innocent young lady sitting beside me.
When she asked if I were a human being, it was almost as if she could tell that I wasn’t. However, she probably just spent a lot of time watching stupid movies with the fantasy genre, and it was plausible that she had believed that the crap they showed in her television was right for a second, but she had come back to her right senses.
“When are you going to ask for my number?” She suddenly asked, breaking the silence.
I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was fiddling with her fingers, and wasn’t even looking up.
“You forgot to ask for it again, didn’t you? It means it’s not important to you then,” She said, looking up at me.
“I didn’t forget. How could I?” I lied. Then, backing up the lie I had just told, I added, “Since we’re going to drop you off at home, do I really need to ask for your number again? I could just come and see you whenever I want to,” I said to her, removing a strand of hair that was in her face.
She chuckled, as a pink blush swept through her cheeks. “You’re good with words, I’d give you that,” She said.
“I am? Well, I meant every word I said,” I lied.
“I know you did. So, what if you come to see me and I’m not in the need to see anyone? If you have my number, you could just easily call me, and I’ll tell you that I’m in my feelings, so that you won’t show up and waste your time,” She asked, subtly.
“Coming to see you will never be a waste of time, and on the contrary, I think you’d always want to see me. Didn’t you ask for a ride because you wanted to see more of me, when you could have easily requested for an Uber?” I retorted in a gentle tone.
She gave a muffled chuckle. “Honestly, calling for an Uber didn’t cross my mind,” She said.
“Of course, it didn’t cross your mind, because all that was on your mind was just to see more of me,” I told her, drawing closet to her.
“Are you really flirting with me right now?” She asked, biting her lower lip seductively.
“Take a guess,” I said, and without waiting for a reply, locked my lips with hers.
At first, she was numb and I could tell that she was trying to resist the urge to kiss me back, but when I circled my tongue around hers, she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me back like her life depended on it. A groan escaped from my mouth, and I drew her closer to me, loving the way she tasted in every little way. She moaned softly when my hands pressed against her soft full breasts, while my lips were still crushed fully against hers.
My groan turned into a suppressed growl, and my claws shot out. I opened my eyes immediately and removed my lips from hers, while her eyes remained closed, waiting for me...longing for me.
I watched as my claws sank back in, and I smacked her head jokingly. As soon as I did that, her eyes flew open, and she began to rub her forehead gently.
“What did you do that for?” She asked.
“To wake you up, obviously, and yes, I was flirting with you,” I said, answering the last question she had asked before my emotions had taken over.
“I wasn’t sleeping though,” She said, glaring at me.
“Whatever you say,” I said, with my hands put up in surrender, and all I did was look out in the window, leaving her to wonder if she was a bar kisser.
I could sense that she was furious; but who wouldn’t be? I had led her on only to leave her wanting more, without finishing what I had started. I wanted to apologise to her, but if I did, I’d need to come up with a very good explanation for my actions, and I was done with cooking up stories all in the name of explanations for today.
“That’s where I live,” Eliana said thirty minutes after our awkward kissing situation, pointing at a huge mansion that was covered in diamonds.
My mouth flew agape. “You guys have never been robbed?” I asked.
She shook her head. “Even if anyone wanted to, they won’t be able to. They’ll be gunned down immediately,” She said.
“You’re a real-life American princess to be honest,” I said, amazed at not how big her mansion was, but at how her parents could cover it all up with real diamonds. I was so sure my family had more money then they did, but why were they so stupid? Of what use were the diamonds to anyone as they were used as a means of decoration? Truly, a lot of people are mad, but only a few are roaming the streets.
“Latin-American princess,” She corrected, then picked up her purse.
“You’re Latin-American?” I asked, acting like I dint know.
“You can tell from my brown skin,” She said with a wink, and stepped out of the car, whose door was being held by Mr Coleman.
I alighted from the other end, opening the door by myself for the first time in years, and walked over to where she stood. We had stopped in front of the big black gate that shielded her mansion, which was the last building of an estate covered with trees and gardens.
“So, this is where I say Vale,” She said, wearing a smile.
“I’d assume it means goodbye,” I said to her.
“You’re not wrong,” She said.
I handed my phone over to her, then asked her to punch in her digits.
Smiling, she put in her number, and handed the phone back to me.
“I’ll give you a call as soon as I can,” I said, saving her number.
“Okay. Take care of yourself. I’ll be expecting your call,” She said, then without warning, she put her arms around me giving me a warm embrace, and I hugged her back tightly, like I was never going to see her again.
However, it was crystal clear that I was going to be seeing more of her. Her heartbeat was steady, signalling that she didn’t suspect any foul play or wasn’t planning anything herself, but how fast will her heart pound when she realises that I wasn’t going to give her a call as soon as I could just because I wanted to get to know her more, but because she was all I needed for my master plan? That would be the most satisfactory thing ever.