“whoah,is this your car? I didn’t know that you can afford a Lamborghini?” summer asked. Her eyes grew wider.
“I just won big time, remember the game I used to play many years past, I took it seriously and enter into world contest with my team- Brent , Liam,Tj and Cloud.” Aidan said proudly.
“really?where are they?” summer asked excitedly.
“get inside first.” Aidan said and opened the car door.
And Aidan went to the driver side and get in.
Then both of them went off.
“ we bought a house together, one house to be precised ,so that we will live together and practiced together.”aidan said.
“can I asked you extra money then? I want P100,000 allowance.” Summer grin mischievously.
“seriously? Where did your money go? I just give you enough last month right?”aidan frown.
“seriously Aidan,what do you expect in twenty thousand? I’m in Chicago last month and all the things there are expensive.” Summer said.
“expensive? You can choose affordable ones.”
“are you going to be greedy? I’m your lil' sister remember,I promised I won’t asked money from you if you already find a wife.” Summer said cutely and chuckled.
“Not fair.”
“Uh-Uh, not fair enough.” Aidan protested.
Summer laughed.
Finally they arrived home. A renovated Villa located in a private property 16km from the city and 90km from the NAIA
“Mom were here.” Aidan shouted and jumped into the couches to lay there.
Inside the house are simple furnitures and old paintings and antiques their ancestors had left.
“mommy,I’m here.” Summer shouted.
Her mom came out from the kitchen with her apron .
“Hi mom,how’s my ever supportive mother doing? “ she asked.
“feeling better now, I finally saw you again.” Her mom said and hugged her.
“No crying allowed Mrs. Hernandez.” Summer said and hugged back.
“hey,let me join you.”aidan said and hugged them.
Then they sat into the couch .
“you just arrive in time ,we will come visit your father tomorrow for his death anniversary.”her mom said.
“right. I almost forgot.” Summer scratch her nose.
“you still had that habit.”her mom frown.
“it makes me comfortable.” Summer grin.
“your weird.” Her mom frown and Aidan chuckled.
Aidan is three years older than her.
He had the same age with Halsey.
“come here both of you,follow me. I already cooked food.” Her mom said.
And Aidan and summer raced to the dining room and sit in their respective chair.
“my favorite. Mommy made a lot of effort.” Aidan said.
“yeah,I know how you loved kare-kare and Adobo”.her mom said lovingly.
“and for you summer,I won’t forget how you loved sinigang, and dried squid.” Her mom chuckled and smiled at them. there mom does not have any favoritism, Aidan and her knew that. There mom love them both and raised them with proper discipline the reason why they loved their mom so much.
“thanks Mom. I love you.” Summer said and hugged her mother.
“yeah right,I knew that. Sit down summer it’s time to eat.” Her mom said and give her rice in her plate.
Summer giggled. It is really nice to be back home.
Home is where family embraced each other happily and where you can sleep peacefully at night. Home is where happiness starts.
Summer eat all of her food.
“mom, do you think Aidan is improving?” summer asked.
“ I don’t know too. He still the young Aidan I know. And I love him even more.” Her mom said.
“aw mom,you make me guilty,Everytime I escape school just to play in our neighbor's internet cafè” Aidan grunted and they laughed.
“now we know why your grades are low before.” Their mother raised an eyebrow and was about to punch him but her urn behind summer and hide.
“mom,do you know human rights?” Aidan chuckled.
And their mom sigh and chuckled too.
“ I don’t care as long as it will straighten your attitude,
you brat.” Their mom said.
“are you guys done eating?” their mom asked.
“yes Mommy. We’re done.”
“okey then.i’ll clean it up.”
“no mom,summer and me will clean it up .she will wash the dishes for you and I’ll wipe the table.” Aidan winked and let their mom sit in the couch.
“relax in here ,my queen.”Aidan said and kissed her mom in the cheeks before returning to the dining room and the siblings do the chores.