I should've seen it coming.
It was inevitable. There were five of us, meaning five seats on the plane. Each row had three seats...was it too much to ask to sit next to Chase, the only one who wasn't extremely pissed off at me for the moment?
Apparently so.
I should've known Devin would pull something like this. Which is why I should've gotten a damn seat in first class and left all these idiots in coach...I've learned my lesson.
A little too late though.
I should've traded in my ticket the minute Devin gave me that sinister, mischievous smile. A smile that would put the Joker to shame...I really hate him sometimes.
It's not like I really got the opportunity to even glance at the seats. Because Devin being Devin, grabbed both Chase and Jason roughly by the arms, pulled them ahead of me, and forced them into their seats before sitting down next to them and giving me an innocent wave.
Oh please, innocent my ass. As if he didn't know what he was doing.
He took the one row with the three seats, leaving me and Cody to sit next to each other (and some potential stranger) in the remaining two seats we had purchased.
If looks could kill he would've died 100 times over...and he knew it too, that smug little-
"You're going to burn a hole through the seat and then the back of his head if don't stop glaring." Cody's voice cuts through my train of thought, though he doesn't actually look at me, instead, he stares straight ahead, his face void of any emotion...looks like he picked up a thing or two from me....oh joy. Not.
As much as it would pain me to admit, I had missed him...but it would be better if he continued to hate me. So naturally, I say nothing.
The overhead speakers blare to life as the announcement is made to fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take off.
I discretely glance over at Cody, no seat belt. Does this boy ever learn?
"Seat belt," I mutter quietly. He snaps his gaze to mine as if he can't believe I actually said something to him. It shouldn't be that surprising.
"No thanks." He grumbles in reply and I glare at him, he glares back. Daring me to do something about I do.
I reach over his lap and grab the end of the seat belt, I notice his eyes widen ever so slightly as if he wasn't expecting me to do anything. I pull the seat belt across his lap and buckle it, pulling it tight.
Maybe a little too tight...oops.
I stare ahead once again, feeling his gaze bore into the side of my head as the engines begin to roar...this is going to be a long flight.
I hate him.
Devin, I mean...though it shouldn't be that hard to have figured out.
Every time I almost fell asleep, he'd throw peanuts at me. Every time I'd put my tray table down so I could use my computer, he'd lean his seat back as far as it could go...on purpose of course. Every time I got up to use the restroom or just get away from these people, he'd try to trip me.
And the list goes on. He finally stopped...after I dumped a can of sprite on his head.
Oh, he stopped physically, but vocally...he would not shut up, and mind you we still had two hours left on our flight.
His comments ranged from any sexual jab he could make at both me and Cody, to anything nasty he could think of about me.
Things began to escalate pretty quickly after that. I'm never flying with him again unless I'm the one piloting.
As if the ride to the house went any smoother. The only reason Devin stopped this time was because Chase yelled at him.
I'm not kidding.
I've never heard him yell before, ever. I think even Devin was scared, and that's saying something.
Chase can definitely pull off the tough scary agent when he wants to. And he was pissed off...mostly at Devin.
Friendly tip, don't ever piss off Chase, and I mean ever, that guy's scary as shit when he goes off.
But like I said it was completely Devin's fault. Let's just point out a very important fact. I was the one driving...he was the one punching me in my already bad shoulder...not that I didn't deserve it.
I was driving and Devin was either vocally abusing me, physically abusing me, or covering my eyes with his hands...that's when Chase finally snapped, going off at Devin about actually wanting to make it to our destination alive.
I didn't feel the need to inform him that I could actually drive us there with my eyes closed I knew the route so well.
That didn't seem too important at the moment.
I pull up to the gate and press the intercom button. My shoulder throbbing (and bleeding through the makeshift bandage I had applied) by this point and my hands itching to lash out at Devin.
"Who is it?" The voice sounds robotic and filled with static, unrecognizable, just the way I wanted it to be.
"Thirteen," I reply to the speakers.
"Welcome home Miss Kingston." The gates open a moment later and I pull in. Going up the long driveway leading up to the house.
"This is not your house," Jason states as if it's a fact and he stares out the window with wide eyes as we come up to the three-story mansion on top of a large hill.
"I'm pretty sure it's my name on the bills that come in for this place. Unless I've been paying someone else's bills this whole time." I retort. "That would suck."
I put the car in park and pull the keys out from the ignition, opening my door in the process. I step out and stretch for a moment before walking up the front steps to the door, leaving the boys behind gawking.
I don't see what the big deal's a house nothing fancy. A few columns here and there...ok well I guess it is larger than any normal house.
"How the hell can she afford this?" I hear Jason mutter.
"She sells drugs on the side."
"Devin I will kill you," I announce.
"I would certainly hope you would not do that. At least not on the driveway. Blood stains on concrete are harder to get out than you would think, and would hate to have to clean that out...again."
I smile at Henri as he stands in the doorway, his dark gray hair combed back neatly on his head, his eyes shining with the same look he'd give a child, his face worn and slightly wrinkled from his older age, and his black suit wrinkle free as always.
"Hello, Miss Kingston." He greets formally.
"Hello Henri," I reply politely. Mentally laughing in my head. These boys have no idea what they're in for. If there's one thing in this world Henri can't stand it's impolite and mannerless people. He's extremely old-fashioned...and absolutely hates cursing, with a passion. A detail I'll be sure to leave out when I finally introduce them to him...properly that is.
And let's just glares, are nothing compared to his. This man invented the death glare.
"How was your trip?" He asks pleasantly as he makes his way towards the car to unload the bags. I signal for him to stop.
"They can get their own bags," I tell him as I shoot them a look that clearly says if they don't they'll all be very sorry. "And it was not quite as fun as I had hoped." I let out an over exaggerated sigh. "Though it was a success none the less."
"Excellent to hear." He says as he falls in step next to me as I make my way into the house. "You should have called ahead of time. I would have made preparations-"
"That is exactly why I did not. I did not want to cause you the trouble."
"It would not have been any trouble, Miss Kingston."
I wave him off again but say nothing else.
Suddenly I'm grabbed by the arm and spun towards him. I hiss in pain as he immediately pokes at my bad shoulder with his other hand. I swat his hand away and try to pull myself free.
But trying to pull myself free is like a rat trying to escape a snake's jaws. Pointless.
Henri has a grip like iron. Once he's got a hold of something it's nearly impossible to take it from the tv remote.
Don't even bother trying.
And for once in a long time, I'm on the receiving end of one of his legendary death glares. The kind a parent gives a child when they've done something wrong.
He doesn't say another word and instead begins marching me towards the stairs.
I hear snickering from behind me and Henri turns his glare on Devin who immediately pales and shrinks back.
I smile slightly.
"When you are hurt, it does no good to keep it to yourself and not receive medical attention," Henri grumbles as he yanks me up the stairs. "Sometimes I wonder about your mental state, you mindless idiot."
I stare at him shocked and he simply gives a glance out of the corner of his eyes.
"No offense Miss Kingston."
"Offense taken."
"Then I will sincerely apologize...later."
He pulls me into the room and forces me to sit on the bed as he rumbles through the dresser. Looking for the first aid kit no doubt.
He drops it on the bed next to me and opens it up, shuffling through till he locates a needle, thread, gauze, tape, and medical alcohol.
He says nothing as he pulls the sleeve of my shirt down and rips off the makeshift bandage. I flinch slightly when the alcohol soaked gauze hits the wound, though the pain's nothing I can't take.
"Keeping an injury as severe as this to yourself will do no good if it kills you." He grumbles as he throws the gauze to side and threads the needle.
"Don't say anything to them." I simply mutter back. He glances at me for a second.
"About which part? The depth of the wound? Or the nu-"
"Neither." I cut him off quickly. "It's better if they don't know."
"I will respect your wishes." He replies. "But I do disagree." He takes a pair of scissors and cuts the thread. "I believe they have every right to know exactly what lengths you went through to save them-"
He holds his hand up to me before I can cut him off a second time. He begins to wrap up my shoulder best he can.
"And, exactly how deep you have dragged them into this." He pins the bandage in place. "They're not getting out of this without raging a war."
I nod slightly. "I know."
He puts everything back in its place and opens up the dresser putting the first aid kit back and removing a piece of black fabric. He holds it up for me to see.
I shake my head. "Oh hell no."
He just gives that smug smile. The smile that states he's clearing going to win this argument.
"Do not curse Miss Kingston."
I glare at him as he tosses me that hideous black uncomfortable piece of crap.
"It will not bite you Miss Kingston."
"I beg to differ."