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Her revelation

Dylan loves Jessica very much, but Rosie is already back in his life. And Rosie is gorgeous and, most importantly, slim and simple, the way he would have preferred Jessica to be.

So it would be easy for him to carry Jessica up to his chest and make love to her by standing in their bedroom whenever he was making love to Jessica.

But Jessica is too heavy for him to carry her up now and do all those crazy lovemaking styles that he usually does with her before because of her chubby body. Now, their sexual affairs as husband and wife have reduced and become dull. He couldn't do all those fun things that he likes doing with Jessica again.

Jessica is also mostly preoccupied with homework in taking care of their two kids, and Dylan didn't like how their fun moments had died down.

He found himself bullying Jessica every day about her chubby body, but Jessica typically smiled past it, not knowing that he was serious about it. Regardless of what he did to make Jessica annoyed, she would only smile at it and never get annoyed with him. He got frustrated as he couldn't go out of their matrimonial home and cheat on her or get any random lady to sleep with either. It would ruin his reputation and his company if anyone who knew him before saw him in a clubhouse or coming out of a hotel room with a random woman who wasn't his wife.

Jessica's father is also a billionaire in their state, a very influential man. Dylan knew that he couldn't just cheat on Jessica and have the wild fun pleasure that he always desired. But with Rosie back in the country, they have reunited.

Dylan visited Rosie at her home, and she told him that she was still single and even encouraged him to divorce Jessica so they could be together again.

In Rosie's words: “Dylan babe, you're not the first man that will divorce his wife, and you won't be the last man either. So please divorce that woman that you have at home with you so that we can marry, as you promised to marry me before since I was 16 years old…”

Dylan remembered that he was with Rosie in her home when she had told him about divorcing Jessica. He carried Rosie upward on his chest, crossing her two slender legs around his waist, in that particular sex style that he loved the most.

Dylan agreed to divorce Jessica so he wouldn't feel guilty that he was cheating on her. Rosie even helped him get the divorce papers ready. He couldn't believe that he was divorcing Jessica too. He couldn't go to the Bureau of Marriage Affairs or speak to his lawyer about it. He only gave Rosie his full name and his wife's full name, and he hasn't even read the divorce papers yet that Rosie helped him prepare.

Dylan still loves Jessica after all that she has done for him, and a part of him would rather not divorce her as his wife and the mother of his two kids. Jessica has never done anything wrong to him aside from the fact that she has gained weight. She truly loves him and supports him to become the billionaire that he is today.

Dylan stepped out of the guest room where he had slept the previous night. Stepping into the living room, he saw his two kids playing and running around at that early hour of the day.

The time was already after 8 am, and Dylan wondered why Jessica was still upstairs in their bedroom instead of preparing their kids for school and taking them to school.

“Daddy! Daddy!” Caleb and Nina both rushed up to hug his legs when they saw him step out from the guest room corridor and into the living room.

Dylan carried Caleb up first to his chest using his right arm and likewise Nina on his left arm. He asked them, “No school today?”

Nina looks so much like Jessica with her pretty yellow face and cute chubby cheeks, and Caleb resembles Dylan with his dark skin and short black hair on his head.

Caleb shook his head and replied to his father, “I don't know, dad…”

“Mm, okay, wait, let me find out first from your mummy, and don't play rough plays with your sister, okay, I'm coming back.” Dylan proceeded to climb the living room stairs, as he knew that he had sacked their last maid and mandated Jessica to do all the house chores alone, taking care of their kids, so she wouldn't be sitting all day lazy at home while leaving all the work for their maid.

Dylan went upstairs and walked into the bedroom. He saw Jessica crying out on the bed and in her dreaming state while calling out his name so loud as she was screaming out on the bed too.

Dylan didn't know when he rushed up to meet Jessica, and he scooped her up in his arms and tried to wake her up from her dreaming state: “Jessica babe, It's me, Dylan. Wake up, I'm here now, babe…”

Dylan shook Jessica visibly to wake her up as she kept calling out his name and crying out: “Dylan, please don't send me away, I'm sorry, Dylan. Dylan, please...”

“I'm here, babe, I won't send you away, wake up now, Jessica, I'm here presently…” Dylan didn't know if it was one of Jessica's tricks to make him not divorce her, but he hadn't seen her in that state before, and it worried him so much as he finally woke her up.

Jessica's forehead was covered in sweat, and likewise, her face, as she was crying in her dream and begging him in her dreams. Until she heard his deep male masculine voice speak to her, so close to her ears. Her eyes finally stared awake and looked up at his handsome black face in front of her, as she met with his sharp blue eyes on her.

“Dylan…” Jessica slowly called her husband's name to be sure that he was the one. She stretched her right hand upward to touch his chin and his fine jawline to be sure that he was truly the one with her and not a dream as she had thought…

Jessica caressed Dylan's jaw and blushed as she met with his strong blue gaze on her. She couldn't believe that truly he was there with her in their bedroom, as she remembered that he had left their bedroom the previous night, leaving only her to sleep alone on their big bed.

Dylan saw that Jessica was finally awake as he met with her unique color blue eyes on him, he carefully sat her up on the bed moved away from her stood up from the bed, and stared at her face coldly.

Dylan raked his short black hair on his head in frustration as he met Jessica's gaze on him.

She was so embarrassed to know that she had cried all through the previous night and to her sleep, as she even cried out in real life as a result of the nightmare.

The dream looked so real, and she saw Dylan throw her things outside, but as she kept crying and calling out his name, Dylan finally came back to his senses, and he didn't send her away again as he got confused about the strange woman in their home, and the strange woman angrily left their home after Dylan refused to send Jessica away.

Jessica knew that she had to consult her pastor to pray against any strange woman who was preparing to destroy her home and her marriage too. She looked at Dylan's face where he stood beside their bed raking his short black hair on his head as he stared away from her.

His former gentle smiles that were on his face before had turned strict again, and Dylan finally asked her: "Aren't the kids going to school today?"

“The kids?” Jessica looked perplexed, as she had completely forgotten about her two kids, as she was still seated on the bed and in her white nightgown too.

She used the hem of her nightgown to wipe off her sweaty forehead and her tears away, and she sniffed and asked Dylan: "Which kids?"

Jessica had completely forgotten about her two, and saw Dylan's expression hardened as he asked her: "Our kids, Jessica? Aren't they going to school today?"

“Oh! I forgot! They are already late,” Jessica jumped down from the bed as she was about to rush out of the bedroom. She remembered that she wasn't wearing any bra or pants, and she quickly walked back to the wardrobe to take out her pants and bra there and wore it, not minding Dylan was staring at her.

Dylan was still standing beside the bed, and Jessica hurriedly took her jacket and wore it on her white nightgown before she finally exited their bedroom. She rushed downstairs to the living room to meet her kids, as their rooms were still downstairs on the second side of the mansion too.

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