12:02 AM
Do you mean?
Alexis Ran: Nevermind, Sisa.
Tell me a story Ekis!
Alexis Ran: I have no story. My life is boring.
Alexis Ran: Just got better when you arrived.
Shuta ka!
Do not suddenly stretch like that!
* suddenly
Alexis Ran: ?
Let's just ask a question and answer portion again. The Miss Universe question is the question.
I first.
Alexis Ran: Yes. I feel like I can refuse.
Alexis Ran: Tawang malandi bwisit.
Between your dreams and the girl you love, what will you choose?
Alexis Ran: Can't I have both?
Aba selfish ?
Alexis Ran: If it can be synchronized, why not?
Alexis Ran: It still depends on the situation, I guess.
But does it say that you can't have the best of both worlds?
Alexis Ran: But you can do things to make those two worlds meet. Right?
I guess so.
Takte. The deep shuta! Ahahaah
You too.
The easy one please ?
Alexis Ran: Tom or Jerry?
Ay shuta ka!
Seriously ?!
Alexis Ran: I'm joking.
Why do I seem to imagine you are poker-faced now?
Alexis Ran: Stop thinking about me. I blush.
Shuta ka talaga ten times !!
Corny mo!
Don't joke!
Alexis Ran: ?
Alexis Ran: How do you see yourself ten years from now?
Happily married!
Alexis Ran: With me?
Alexis Ran: You already know how to answer.
Mana sayo ?
But honestly, by that time I would have had my own family. My target age to get married is on my twenty-eighth birthday.
Six years from now.
Alexis Ran: I can wait.
Really ha
Alexis Ran: Question.
When did you start liking me?
Alexis Ran: Do you really want me to answer that?
Alexis Ran: Really?
Seen, 12:16 AM
Yes ...?
Alexis Ran: You might faint.
Ahahaha no!
Hurry up.
Alexis Ran: Hellios Bar.
Alexis Ran: When I first saw you.
Really ?!
But I was drunk then!
Saka weirdo!
Then we vomited!
Alexis Ran: Yes.
Alexis Ran: You're weird.
Alexis Ran: But I still like you nonetheless.
Seen, 12:20 AM
As in?
Alexis Ran: No, just a joke. Of course it's true.
Alexis Ran: It was actually the day I admitted to myself I'm not seeing my sister in you.
* Thsnks
* Thanks !!
Alexis Ran: You, when did you start liking me?
I can't remember when.
Seen, 12:24 AM
Alexis Ran: ?
Alexis Ran: Haha. Sorry. I can't help it.
You said you would wait for me to be ready !!
Alexis Ran: Yeah. Impatiently.
You are deceitful!
Alexis Ran: Sorry. I won't do it again.
Alexis Ran: I'll try not to do it again.
Alexis Ran: Question.
I don't want to.
Alexis Ran: Question na, Sisa.
What do you like about me ?!
Alexis Ran: Fishing for compliments?
I know you just love me so much. Because I'm not sexy.
Alexis Ran: Not really.
Shuta ka!
You don't have to worry um-agree!
I hate you!
Times two!
Alexis Ran: But you're you.
You can't pass me by like that.
I'm hurt!
Alexis Ran: Wtf
Alexis Ran: Hahaha.
I don't know about you.
I was really hurt.
Alexis Ran: You made me smile.
Alexis Ran: You're the light in my dark life.
Alexis Ran: You ended my life and made a better one start
Alexis Ran: You've taught me everything from falling in love, to letting go of a lie
Alexis Ran: Yes you've made me stronger, baby, by saying goodbye.
Bwisit ka!
Alexis Ran: Don't be angry. I will not fight your curves.
Ahahahaha bwisit ka.
Alexis Ran: Kidding aside, there's so many things to like about you, Merry Arisa.
Alexis Ran: Yes, you a-cup. Small. Makulit. Noisy. Madaldal.
So many things to like about me but those are my faults!
Alexis Ran: But you have a big heart that can open up a cold man's heart, Sisa.
Alexis Ran: You made me feel.
Seen, 12:36 AM
Thank you ?
I hope so
Alexis Ran: What?
When you get to know me better
Outside the chat
That will not change
Or what
Alexis Ran: Unlikely to reduce.
What if you realized I'm not really what you want?
Alexis Ran: Never.
What if only!
Alexis Ran: I can't imagine not wanting you.
Alexis Ran: Merry Arisa,
Alexis Ran: You're IT for me.
Seen, 12:41 AM
Alexis Ran: My endgame.
Alexis Ran: Really.
I cried.
Alexis Ran: Don't.
I don't deserve this.
Alexis Ran: You do.
I don't.
I'm a dork.
I'm noisy.
I make mistakes (over and over again).
I cry over silly things.
I can't admit my true feelings because I'm a coward.
I run away when things get hard.
I don't deserve you at all.
Seen, 12:45 AM
Alexis Ran: You're my kind of dork.
Alexis Ran: I can tolerate your noise.
Alexis Ran: You learn from those mistakes (and who doesn't makes mistakes?)
Alexis Ran: And you laugh over silly things as well so what the heck.
Alexis Ran: You're not a coward. You're just not yet ready.
Alexis Ran: You ran away but you came back.
Alexis Ran: You do not deserve me.
Alexis Ran: You do, Arisa.
Alexis Ran: All of me.
Seen, 12:50 AM
/ crying rivers of tears /
Do you really believe those?
Alexis Ran: Yes.
Alexis Ran: And I'll prove those to you. Starting today.
Alexis Ran: I'll woo you. Not through chat because you deserve more than that.
Woo ?!
Alexis Ran: Yes. Until you are ready, I'll woo you to my heart's content.
Alexis Ran: Until your heart can't take it anymore.
Alexis Ran: Until you're not scared anymore.
Alexis Ran: Until you feel secured about this. About us.
Alexis Ran: Or until you tell me to stop.
Seen, 12:55 AM
That's ...
Alexis Ran: What?
Alexis Ran: Wtf.
Is that you Alexis Ran ?!
Alexis Ran: Bwisit ka.
Kidding aside, thank you ? I'll remember those words.
And uhm.
Feel free to "woo" me.
I will not refuse.
Alexis Ran: Haha.
Alexis Ran: #WalangMayPakeSaCurves
I might know your ex-girlfriends are all sexy!
Alexis Ran: No comment.
I really hate you ?
Alexis Ran: Don't be jealous. Past is past.
Alexis Ran: You're my present up to my future.
Alexis Ran: #KiliginKaNa
Bwisit ka
Alexis Ran: Question again.
Am I again?
What if your first love returns? What will you do?
Alexis Ran: Nothing.
Alexis Ran: Yeah. I have you now.
Utot mo.
What is it??
Alexis Ran: You ask and then you get jealous?
I'm not jealous!!
Alexis Ran: Brat face.
Alexis Ran: What do I do? Nothing. Do you want to hug me?
Take care of your life. You want that.
Alexis Ran: Then you get jealous.
Alexis Ran: Women.
Aba !!!
Seen, 1:09 AM
Alexis Ran: My turn.
Alexis Ran: Tell me something about Arisa that no one knows about.
She acts tough but she gets hurt easily. She may act indifferent but every words hurt her. Pretender. Ganon.
Alexis Ran: Ah.
Alexis Ran: Are you still sleepy?
Pretty much.
Alexis Ran: Go to sleep. We will be early later.
All right ?
Good mornight !!
Alexis Ran: Yeah. Good mornight.
Alexis Ran: Sweetdreams ?
Seen, 1:13 AM
Ekis' 25th Birthday Party
3:45 AM
Wade: Am I really a mascot?
Wade: As in?
Wade: How handsome I am?
Wade: Arisa!
Wade: Justice too.
Wade: Arisa!
Seen, 4:05 AM
4:06 AM
Hel: Your noise makes you stupid.
Sai: Psst. It is forbidden to swear. Arisa is here.
Hel: Oops. Sorry.
Wade: NO!
Hel: You are not online. Be patient.
Wade: I answer invited!
Connor: No need.
Wade: I'm just the host!
Sai: Hell no.
Wade: I'm going to circus!
Cole: That, I want to see.
Wade: OK
Hel: Hahahaha! Stupid!
Wade: I'll never gonna dance again?
Connor: Wade, Hel, Arisa is here.
Wade: Oops. Sorry. I forgot.
Hel: Sorry, Arisa.
Connor: Fix your mouth.
Wade: Yeah. Sorry again.
Connor: There will be no strippers. This is not a stag party.
Wade: So why a mascot ?! Not a children's party!
Hel: Arisa likes it.
Wade: Arisa! Change your mind please!
Cole: Hahaha.
Wade: Just join us on Monday? Deal?
Cole: No. I will go with him.
Wade: Seven is just a mascot!
Seven: You.
Wade: How can I form chikababes when I'm in costume ?!
Hel: That's your problem.
Wade: #ApingApiNaNamanAngGuwapo
Wade: You can only be perfect like me.
Seen, 9:45 AM
9:46 AM
It's just a joke, Wade.
What, can you just help Hel with the sound system and then the music?
Wade: Arisa! I love you!
Hel: Screenshot. Lagot ka kay Exis. Hahaha!
Wade: As a sister. Welcome Hel!
Connor: Wade, your mouth.
Wade: It's Hel!
So Doc. Jaq and Connor on food. Hel and Wade in sound system and music.
Sai: I will help with decorations. I can do banners etc. And invitations if you need one.
Yay! Thanks, Sai! ?
Sai: Anything for you.
Hel: Screenshot as well. Hahaha!
Sai: Exis already extends Arisa. Malisyoso ka Hel.
Hel: Awtsu.
Seven: I will also help with the decorations.
All right.
The three of us don't care about the decorations.
Is it okay?
Cole: Yep. I'm at the resort.
No! I'm there!
Cole: No. Let me.
Cole: Ris, it's me. You've done enough already.
Kuya Cole!
Cole: No means no. That's final.
Ay shuta!
What time is it!
Only later!
Wade: May date? Amfufufu
Hel: Aba! Exis satin is secretive! #NasaktanAngEPS
Wade: You're the only one.
Seen, 10:55 AM
Alexis Ran Crowell
11:15 AM
I'm done.
I'll just wait for you.
Then what.
Where are we going?
Maybe later formal then I look ignorant
Seen, 11:19 AM
Alexis Ran: Wear whatever you want.
Fine ~
Alexis Ran: I'm almost there.
Okay. Remember ?
Seen, 11:23 AM
Margaux Aristelle (Author)
10:25 PM
I don't know whom to share this experience.
Jemarie, brokenhearted with B so I don't want to talk to her first. Maybe cry even more.
I do not have a diary. Especially since I don't have a blog. So I'll just talk to you. We are alter-ego so you don't have to use it.
So how to start? Or where to start ?!
Ekis picked me up. I was surprised when I went to the living room of our house, Ekis was sitting with a bunch of roses and chocolates.
I was able to look at him for a minute before he noticed my presence. So I saw how the expression on his face softened.
You know, Self (and I'm weird, I'm talking to myself but I don't care eh eh eh eh eh), I feel light when I saw his face. The lightness of feeling that I am probably the reason why his face is shining.
Flash forward.
We went EK!
I asked him why there. He read my previous post that I want to go back to EK. So he granted that wish.
I was scared as hell when riding the crazy rides but all throughout the ride, he held my hand.
He. Freaking. Held. My. Hand.
I was really scared at the flying fiesta but when Ekis held my hand, it was weird, but my fear gradually diminished.
One thing I won't ever forget was when he suddenly leaned towards me and said in a soft voice, "I won't let this hand go."
I'm feeling the length of my hair shuta!
The scent of Ekis!
It's warm in EK but it still smells good!
Then he was still handsome.
After the rides, Ekis was still holding my hand. #FeelingKilig
I could feel the stares of admiration coming from the girls and suddenly, I felt insecure.
But when he suddenly squeezed my hand as if saying he's there, the insecurities fade away.
He's great.
Then after that, we went to Tagaytay.
10:37 PM
Because it's late, cold of course.
I was shocked when he suddenly placed his arm around my shoulder.
He held me close to his body !!
I could not move in panic! Then I don't want to either. Ahahahaha!
We are just like that. While talking and having coffee, he hugged me.
It felt nice.
He feels nice.
He smells nice.
How I adore that man.
I want to give us a chance so I will gradually fight my fear.
Done accordingly.
He drove me home.
Before I could be cowardly, I kissed him.
Just on the cheeks !!
Then he suddenly huhged me tight!
* hugged
Wait, why am I still correcting? Ahahaha
I didn't move at first but I hugged him.
* rin
Then he still seems to be stroking my hair? Do not know.
When he let go of me, he squeezed my cheek before letting me into the house.
The end.
Isn't it when you have so much fun, suddenly something happens to take it back?
Oh well.
Alexis Ran Crowell
11:10 PM
Are you home yet ?!
I had fun, Ekis!
Thank youuuuu!
Tomorrow. Join me at the reception.
PM me when you get home.
Seen, 11:45 PM
11:46 PM
Alexis Ran: Home.
Alexis Ran: I had fun, too, surprisingly. I'm always having fun when I'm with you.
I'm sorry if I suddenly missed you!
* kitang
Alexis Ran: No problem.
Alexis Ran: Even if you repeat it over and over again.
Bwisit ka!
Alexis Ran: I just shower.
Okay ~
Seen, 11:50 PM
In the hug.
Oh! It's wrong!
??? dapat!