Tracy, my best friend, was more than shocked to see me with my luggage, but she didn't ask any questions until I had settled in, washed, ate, and she was sure I was satisfied.
"Now tell me everything," she said sitting beside me.
"I broke up with Jack," I said, looking into space.
"Finally! You broke up with that monster!” She screamed happily.
“Congratulations girl, I'm so happy for you," she said, making me laugh slightly.
"Thank you," I said weakly.
"Tell me why you have your luggage then," she asked with a puzzled expression on her face.
"I disowned my parents," I replied clapping my hands together with a smile on my face that was somewhere in between scared, shitless, and hopeful, her mouth slowly contorted to form an 'Oh'
"Tracy, those people don't care about me, they only see me as their ticket to fame,” I said tearing up.
“Jack told them that I broke up with him, and my mum told me to apologize to him, the man I once called my dad called me a bastard because I told them I wouldn’t do it,” I said getting angry again.
“My mother threatened to disown me and I saved her the trouble, I told them I'm leaving their house instead," I said with a look of resignation.
Tracy knew what I needed, she knew I needed to pour my heart out.
"They never cared Tracy, I could have died and they would only be sad because of the opportunities they wouldn’t get, I know Evan is not my father but my mum, I'm her biological daughter, her only daughter but she treats me like trash, nothing but a source of income,”
“I fetch them money Tracy, and that is all I am to them, someone that fetches money. I always tried to excuse their behavior and I tried to convince myself they were doing the best they could for me, but you know what Tracy?” I asked, it was becoming harder to speak as my throat was constricting.
“They did nothing, and I'm not going to care about them anymore,” I said, trying not to cry.
“They should do what they like, I'm better off without them, I hate that I feel so weak right now," I said looking up at her.
"Come here," Tracy said, pulling me into a tight hug, I broke down in tears, Tracy started crying too and we cried for a long time, but when we eventually stopped I felt better.
"You see Laura, to me you are the strongest person I've ever met, you knew what your parents were doing and you endured, you see? That is being strong, I'm glad you've broken free of their bondage and as for that jerk, we both know he doesn't deserve you and you don't deserve what you went through in his hands, but now it is over and I'm proud of you girl," she said making me tear up again, I hugged her in gratitude.
"Thank you, Tracy, You are the best friend anyone can ever ask for," I said, thinking about how lucky I was to have such a great friend.
"Oh girl, believe me, I know that," she said and we laughed.
"I'm sorry I ruined your day off," I said guiltily.
"No you didn't, let's do something since it is your day off too," she said smiling.
"What do you have in mind?" I asked.
"Make some popcorn, drop the curtains and watch movies the rest of the day, what do you think?" she said, grinning maniacally.
"I agree," I said, feeling better already.
We made popcorn and watched movies all day, when it was time for dinner we ordered pizza and watched more movies while we ate.
When we got sleepy we said our goodnights and went to bed.
I woke up the next morning feeling very tired and heavy, but I was up early probably because my body was used to waking early.
Tracy was still sleeping so I cleaned the place and made breakfast, when I was done with that, I did the dishes, then I took a bath and I was dressing up when Tracy woke up.
"Good morning," she rolled over and said with a sleepy smile on her face.
"Good morning, Tracy," I said, smiling.
"Am I dreaming of pancakes?" she asked yawning.
"You are not dreaming, I made breakfast,"
"You made pancakes and it is not even Saturday, how about you live with me forever ma'am," she asked and I chuckled.
"I'll think about it, now go take a bath so we can have breakfast,"
I finished dressing while she had her bath and when she finished dressing we had breakfast and then went to work.
I work in a restaurant from 8 am to 6 pm and I also help people deliver groceries on the side after work till about 9 pm.
I started working the moment I got to work, helping in the kitchen and helping with serving, it got busier by noon, rush hour as we liked to call it as a lot of customers came in at that time for lunch.
I was helping serve customers when the manager told me to take a break because someone was asking for me, I took off my apron carefully and set it on the counter.
I asked the manager where the person was as I wondered who it could be and he told me the person was at the car park.
I got there to find Jack leaning against his car, I rolled my eyes when I realized he was the one asking for me.
"Hello, my feisty lady," he said moving closer.
"What do you want?" I asked, not having any of his bullshit.
"What do you mean by what do I want?, can't I visit my girlfriend?" he said, looking genuinely confused
"I am not your girlfriend and I have work to do," I said with a tone of finality.
I turned to leave and he reached to grab my shoulder. I ducked out of the way and prepared to run but he held his hands up like that would help me forget all the years of abuse I had suffered at those same hands.
"Look here Laura, we had a little argument yesterday, that doesn't mean we should break up," he said innocently
"Little?, I don't care, we are done and that is it," I said decidedly, reminding myself that he wasn’t worth my anger
"Let's settle this amicably Laura, what do you want? A vacation?, So you want to go shopping? A spa day? Gold?, Tell me, baby, I can…" he started.
"You are shameless and I am not interested, I was never interested, so leave me alone," I said, shutting him down.
"Watch your tongue Laura, don't get me mad. You will listen to me and we will sort this out now," he said coming closer. He did that whenever he was trying to intimidate me.
"Get out of here Jack, I am not interested," I didn't see his hand coming and before I knew it he had slapped me hard on my cheek, still reeling from the pain, he grabbed my hair and tried to drag me into his car.
"I tried to sort it amicably baby, but you refused and now you have to pay for disobeying me," he said pulling me towards his car.
I continued resisting until I realized he had a knife, I was so scared that I stopped struggling.
"Look here baby, I'm not here to play. You will get in the car or I'll hurt you real good," I knew what was going to happen to me if I went with him, he would beat me to a pulp, I had to think fast.
I acted like I was going to cooperate then I pushed him hard, making him land on his butt.
I ran as fast as I could and as expected he chased me but I knew something he didn't, the shortcut in the area.
I ran until I got to a house, I pressed the doorbell continuously and I was glad when a beautiful lady around my age opened the door.
"Please help me, please someone is after me," I said out of breath and she let me in immediately.
"Are you fine?" She asked looking worried and I nodded trying to catch my breath.
"You are not a criminal, are you?" She asked and I shook my head.
She told me to sit on the couch while she got me a glass of water.
"Here," she said and I drank the water gratefully.
"Thank you," I said handing her back the cup.
"You are welcome, what is your name?" she asked with a concerned expression on her face.
"Laura," I said.
"I hope you don't mind me asking, why were you running,"
"A monstrous person was chasing me,"
"A friend? Your father? Who?" she asked getting worried.
"My Ex,"
"Oh, I'm sorry about that," she said and I nodded.
I waited for about fifteen minutes before I decided it was safe to leave.
"I'm leaving now," I said and she nodded
"Thank you," I said as I went out.
"You are welcome, stay safe, and don't get back together with him," she said and I nodded.
There was no way I was getting back together with Jack, not even death threats would make me get back together with that monster.