It was well after midnight before Max was satisfied that he’d checked all he could for a clue as to who stole the body enough to depart. I was exhausted. In fact, I was so exhausted that when Peter said that he should probably call a cab to take him to his hotel instead of imposing on me to drive him there, I almost agreed. Instead, I suggested that he stay in one of the many rooms my house possessed.
I struggled to keep my body functioning long enough to supply him with some of the things I’d been taught by my parents to keep on hand in the event of unexpected guests, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, showering supplies, and in his case, shaving supplies. He smiled appreciatively at me as he hugged his goodies to his chest and made his way to the room I’d suggested he use. It had an en suite bathroom, as did many, so he wouldn’t have to venture back out into the hall until
he’d slept and was refreshed.
I’d made it a point to tell him to make himself at home in the kitchen when he awoke, so I don’t know why I was surprised to find him sitting at the table with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in front of him.
When he smiled and said ‘good morning’ in the most annoyingly chipper way as he stood to fetch me a cup, I waved him back into his seat. I’d hoped to be the first to arise so that I could keep the fact that I was not a morning person a secret, but the cat was out of the bag. There was no way of disguising how my body refused to function until after I’d had at least one cup of coffee and how it took even longer for my lips to be capable of forming anything close to a smile.
“Sunshine in the morning you are not,” Peter teased as he watched me with eyes that literally sparkled.
“You’re perky enough for the two of us,” I mumbled.
“Are you sure you got enough sleep? You were pretty exhausted.”
“I would have liked to stay in bed all day, if you want to know the truth, but I have a full day of patients.”
“I can take them for you.”
I stopped sipping on my coffee and considered his suggestion. It was mighty tempting, but it wouldn’t do to have a substitute so early in the game. I was only just earning the trust of the patients I had managed to acquire. Someone as competent as Peter waltzing in on my behalf could backfire. I decided to be honest about it. “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think I’m established enough to let an old pro like you cover for me.”
“I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re probably right.” He poured himself more coffee and leaned his backside against the counter while he looked at me. Since his eyes didn’t really look like they were focused on me enough to register that he was looking at me, I assumed the wheels of his brain were turning and he just happened to have his eyes in my direction. I knew I was right when he said, “What if I work alongside you? I’ll take a few of your patients just to help shorten your day. You can decide which ones.”
A smile of relief spread across my face. “I’d like that.”
“And I like that morning smile, even if it is a burden to those beautiful lips first thing in the morning.”
“You think my lips are beautiful?” I said without thinking. Once again, I was displaying my lack of savoir faire with men. An experienced woman would have had a witty comeback.
He set his cup onto the counter and moved to stand in front of me. Our eyes locked as he took my cup from me and set it on the counter by where I stood. “I think all of you is beautiful, doctor. Very, very beautiful.”
I emitted a slight gaspy moan as he lowered his lips to mine. His kiss was soft and gentle, but it woke my senses up like someone had tossed a bucket of water on me. I threw caution to the wind and wrapped my arms around his neck to prevent him from escaping. I didn’t want this moment to end. Never, ever, ever.
I was grateful that it was my die-hard habit of showering before I went to bed, no matter how tired I was and to brush my teeth almost immediately upon arising as he slid his long, slender fingers beneath the tee shirt I’d slept in to cup my braless breasts; one with each hand. His kisses grew more intense as his thumbs teased my hardened nipples. I was in heaven.
When I eased up on my hug to allow him to tear his lips from mine, he bent me backward over the counter to give his mouth clear access to my wanting breasts. I was at a loss at what to do, so I stayed out of his way and reveled in the sensation.
When he suckled so hard I thought I’d go insane while he slid a hand down the front of my sweat shorts, I buried my fingers into his ebony hair as the threat of an orgasm overtook me.
His fingers slid between my moist thighs and I jumped with erotic delight. He gave a deep throated chuckle as he moved from one breast to the other, but it didn’t deter him from what he was doing.
I’d never felt anything so wonderful as the sensations that occurred while he suckled, rubbed, and probed my body. I found it difficult to keep my hips from gyrating to and fro. Yet, he miraculously didn’t miss a beat as he continued to taunt and tease me in ways I knew men did, but had never experienced for myself.
I was about to explode. I needed him to do something to bring me to my peak before my body rebelled and imploded. “I need you,” I gasped.
“What do you want me to do?” he asked in a husky voice while holding my nipple between his teeth. “Tell me and I’ll do it.”
“Take… take me,” I stammered.
“Anywhere,” I practically screamed. “Just do it.”
He pulled my jersey shorts off my body with one swift movement and sat me on the counter. I was just the right height for him to
enter me without having to bend down at all.
He was wearing loose fitting linen pants that he quickly undid to expose his hardened rod. A man of the world, he was clearly prepared for situations like this. He pulled a condom from his pocket and put it on with such smooth and surprising speed that it in no way impaired the passion that had built up between us. I gasped as he pushed into my opening, but I made no mention of the fact that I was still a virgin when he plunged deep inside of me.
I knew it would hurt. I expected it to hurt. After all, he was tearing away a piece of me. I also expected a bit of blood. My medical studies taught me that both the hymen and the bleeding varied from woman to woman, but I expected some blood. I also expected the pain to subside and for it to start to feel good. When that didn’t happen right away, I grew concerned.
The edge of the counter cut into the back of my thighs as he pulled my hips to the edge and held me in place while he rammed himself in me at a speed that grew progressively more aggressive. I was uncomfortable and found no joy in what was occurring. I missed the gloriousness that I’d experienced during foreplay. I felt raw and it actually burned. Even if I wanted him to stop, I doubt I would have been able to get him to. He was a man on a mission and that mission was to get the release his engorged penis clearly needed. So, I buried my face into his muscular chest and hoped he’d end things soon.
I could feel him quite a way into my abdomen when he finally stopped ramming me and jolted while grunting to signify he’d accomplished his mission. I wanted to be mad at him for such a disappointing experience but, how could I? It was me who demanded he take me, wasn’t it? He only did what I’d asked him to do. I just wish I understood why it burned and hurt so much. I’d had plenty of conversations with women about sex during my medical studies to know that most women hurt for a bit and then it felt marvelous. What happened?
He held the condom in place as he pulled out. A scowl formed on his face when he saw the amount of blood on it. “Are you on your menses?”
“I was a virgin,” I snipped.
“I’m a doctor. I could feel your hymen, or what was left of it. I knew you were a virgin, but you shouldn’t have bled that much. Your hymen had already been pierced, but it wasn’t pushed away like it would be had you had intercourse.”
Thoughts of rolling around on the ground next to a dead body with Max’s finger inside of me flashed through my mind and I forced it back. “It burned like a son-of-a-bitch too,”
He didn’t even try to hide his shock. “The entire time?”
I nodded.
“Something’s wrong. I’m going to need to examine you.”
I groaned my dissatisfaction with the turn of events as I headed upstairs to clean up and then meet him in my examining room. I was at a loss as to why this would have happened and so was he.
My heart felt heavy as I washed away the remnants of our love making. Something that should have been so beautiful turned out to be so awful. Tears mixed with water as I scrubbed at my face.
I met him in my examination room about thirty minutes later. We had exactly one hour
before my first patient was scheduled to arrive.
I’d dressed for the day without considering the fact that I’d have to remove my pants for him to examine me. Once I was naked from the waist down, I climbed onto my examination table and propped my legs in the stirrups. He asked me if I wanted to cover myself with a sheet and I simply glowered at him. He’d just left there. What was there to be modest about at this point?
After a few hums and ahhs, he asked me how much I knew about sex enhancer capsules. I knew nothing, and I told him so. With a raised brow and a smirk, he announced that I’d had a capsule inserted into me that was intended to be sucked out orally by my partner. It apparently was filled with mint and was quite satisfying for the one performing the oral sex. The process of the tongue probing and sucking the capsule out was what satisfied the woman it was inserted into. Apparently, the gel cap was shoved into me and dissolved, causing the mint to spread all through my vagina. It was like putting a huge glob of Menthol on a sensitive membrane. He felt that the abrasiveness of the mentholated herb also increased the bleeding. He didn’t notice anything because he was wearing a condom. He guessed that, had we not had sex, it would have fallen out on its own; probably when I went to the bathroom.
Memories of feeling something being inserted inside of me while I was in the throes of passion with Max flooded my brain. Clearly it wasn’t just his finger.
“The question is how that thing managed to find its way into my beautiful virgin,” he mused.
I chose to ignore his comment. “Now
that you say it’s mint, I can feel it.”
“I was irritating it with the friction I caused. You’re supposed to use your tongue and suck, not your dick and pump,” he said, more to himself than to me.
Before I could say a word, he pushed his face into my exposed crotch and drove his tongue deep into me. I had to admit that it felt soothing. I wanted to ask him how he knew about such things when he’d been shut away in a remote third world, but I felt so good and wonderful that I couldn’t speak. I especially didn’t want to say or do anything that would make him stop doing what he was doing with that lovely mouth of his so that he could answer.
He played with and teased my clitoris while his tongue laved and sucked the mint from inside of me. Little by little I could feel an orgasm building. With my feet still in the stirrups, my hips were forced to stay still, which was probably the safer thing for Peter since I felt like a wild woman. This was what I’d expected when he was inside of me. This was the height of pleasure I’d missed.
When he stopped and asked me if I felt better, I almost went insane. “You can’t just stop in the middle of a climax like that. What’s wrong with you?”
He stammered for a reply. “I was trying to ease your discomfort. I figured if I sucked most of it out and you came, it would pretty much wash away. That is what happened, right?”
I slapped my hand over my soft mound and massaged myself. “I can’t believe you’re going to leave me like this.”
He cocked his head to the side. “It felt that good?”
“Damn it Peter!”
He pulled another condom from his pocket and dropped his pants to expose an engorged penis. It was clear that I wasn’t the only one it was that good for. “If it hurts, tell me. I think I got most of it out, but I won’t be able to tell.”
“Just do it, please,” I moaned.
I wasn’t at the same height as when I was at the counter, so he had to raise the table to make me so. I sighed with relief as I felt him push inside of me. Unlike the first time, there was no pain and no burning. The remnants of the mint were just enough to arouse me. I pulled my shirt up and slid my breasts from my bra so that he could suckle while he peaked. I don’t know why, but something told me that he liked it that
way. I know that I did.
When we’d satiated our lust and things
calmed down, I lay on the examination table and watched as he put himself back together.
He patted my foot as he said, “You’d
better get ready for your first patient. It’s almost time.”
“There were plenty of ways to clean that shit out of me,” I said as I sat up and stuffed my breasts back into my bra.
He smiled that sexy smile of his. “I know.” Helping me off the table, he added, “I’d heard about those capsules, but never tried one. I wanted to see what it was like.”
I pulled my slacks on and zipped up the front. “And?”
“I can see the attraction.”
“Weren’t you in Africa for the last decade? How did you hear about them? Are you a member of some type of underground internet sex club or something?”
“There’s a lot about these third world countries that we could take into our advanced and so-called sophisticated society,” he said with a sneer. “I’ll have you know that little capsule that was so cleverly tucked in your snatch is part of a voo doo type religious ceremony. We white people found out about it and, of course, changed its usage to suit our glutenous needs.”
I was dumbfounded to the point of being speechless.
“You still haven’t said how it came to be there,” he pressed.
I had no intention of telling him that it was placed there by Max, but I sure intended to confront that son-of-a- bitch about it as soon as I could. “What type of ceremony is it used for?”
“Fertility. It’s believed to strengthen the man’s sperm and the process of retrieving it gets the woman to release a lot of juices for the sperm to travel in.”
“Mint does that?”
“Mint is there to mask the taste of the other ingredients.”
I looked at the clock as I put on my white lab coat. “I have to unlock the door.”
“That’s convenient,” he muttered.
“It is,” I grinned as I started to leave the room. When I reached the door, I turned to him and said, “Thanks for that, by the way. It was nice to wipe out that first experience with such a fabulous orgasm.”
I could hear him laughing and a soft “You’re welcome, beautiful” as I headed for the entrance door to my office.