I took a shower with Gustavo's gaze in my head, I knew it was crazy, but he started it all.
After the shower I went to watch my online classes, and then I went to check the orders from my store's website that were cleared to ship them on Monday, so the rest of my afternoon was busy.
Earlier that night, I got a call from a friend asking us to go out, and I didn't turn it down.
I still needed to make dinner, and while that wasn't my parents' requirement, I always liked to leave them something to eat when they got home tired and hungry.
I left my room only in my top and panties, and went to prepare dinner, I was always comfortable at home and I wouldn't change that because of Gustavo, he had to learn to deal with it.
While I was cutting the vegetables, I felt that I was being watched, and when I looked back, I saw Gustavo all awkwardly, looking for a place to fix his vision. I knew he was like that because he only saw me in my panties and top, so I tried to bring it up so he wouldn't be so embarrassed, and I said that if he was hungry, let me get a cookie and juice while dinner didn't come out, and he said that he'd better go to his room and wait for dinner to come out.
I was normal on the outside, but inside I was dying of laughter at the way he was acting.
I asked if he wasn't hungry, and he said no, and I knew he was lying, and to catch him in the lie I asked him why he had gone to the kitchen then, and he got all nervous saying he had gone for a drink of water , he took a glass and drank it, and I stared at him, making him even more nervous.
- Why are you so nervous Gustavo? He looked into my eyes and then he looked at my breasts, and when he saw that I noticed, he turned away and walked towards his room.
It was impossible not to laugh at the situation, and I was enjoying the joke.
So I decided to pour juice into the glass, took the cookie and brought it to him, and when I knocked on the door, he asked what I wanted, in a snarky way.
When I said I had brought the lunch, he repeated that he wasn't hungry, and I denied him, because I knew he was and asked him to open the door, and when he opened it, I couldn't hide mine. smile of satisfaction.
He took the snack from my hand, thanked him and was already closing the door when I stopped him and asked him why he was still nervous, that's when he lost patience with me and said I didn't know him well enough to know when he was nervous or not, and that I was supposed to leave him alone.
It was clear to me that the reason he was so nervous was the way I was dressed, but I didn't like being treated rudely and I was quite upset. I went back to the kitchen and finished making dinner, then I went to the bedroom to take a shower to go out, while I was choosing my clothes, my mother knocked on the door and came in.
Mom: Hi my love, your dad and I arrived just this minute and I could smell the food outside, thank you for making dinner.
- Not at all mom.
Mother: Are you going out?
- I'm going out with a friend.
Mother: And Gustavo?
- He's in his room.
Mother: And what did he think when he saw you? after all you were just a child when he left.
- He said I was big.
Mom: I hope you guys get along, now I'm going to call your father so we can go to his room.
My mother left my room and I was thinking about what she would do if she knew that the first thing Gustavo did when he saw me was look at my breasts.
It took me a while to finish getting ready, and when I left my room, I went to look for my parents in the kitchen and when Gustavo saw me, he went back to devouring me with his eyes.
I can't deny that seeing him want me so much made me think of all the tricks I'd like him to do to me, but at the same time I was reminded of what he was mine, and that was the most frustrating part. When I told my parents I would be late, Gustavo asked where I was going, mentioning the way I was dressed.
I almost didn't believe his question, as if I owed him any satisfaction.
I replied that the day he paid my bills, he would have the right to know about my life. It's okay that I was arrogant beyond measure, but I was still angry at his rudeness from earlier.
My mother looked at us and asked if we were already getting weird, and I made it clear that no, it was just for her to keep her baby in his place.
I went out and enjoyed the night a lot, and it was already 2:00 am when I got home, I wasn't drunk, I was just a little excited because of the wine I drank.
I took off my sandals so as not to make any noise, I went to the kitchen, drank some water and then went to my room, and I ended up making a fool of myself when I opened the door.
Before I entered, I noticed that the light in Gustavo's room was on, so he was awake, I was tempted to go to hell with him a little, but I saw that he made a shadow in the brexa under the door, and I soon opened my smile devilish.
- So you're at the door listening if it's me making noise, aren't you curious? I thought.
Our parents' room was on the other hallway, our house didn't have the top floor, but it was huge and spacious, so they didn't hear the sound of my door, but Gustavo heard and was certainly waiting for me to arrive.
- But for what? I thought.
I entered my room and once again left the door ajar, undressed and went to take a shower, with the meanest thoughts in my head.
I didn't know if he was at my door again watching me, but I did my theater out of doubt.
I walked out of the bathroom like I was drunk, and bumping into things, and went to the small mirror on my desk, like I was looking for something there.
When I looked in the mirror, he was there, at the door, with his eyes intent on my every gesture, and then I dropped my towel, and my entire body was exposed. I continued to keep my theater going, went to bed naked, zigzagging, and lay on my ass, and with my legs a little spread, and I left one arm over the side of the bed like I was really drunk.
I stayed motionless for a while, and with my eyes closed, when I felt his presence very close to me, I opened my eyes a little to see what he was doing, but I couldn't see him.
- Is it if he left the room again? I thought. I was still for a while longer, when I heard a noise from the side where my feet were, and then I heard him cursing, for sure he had bumped into something.
- Oh, you're not there, you little bastard, I thought, trying to control the laugh that was wanting to come out.
I turned around at once, intending to scare him, and I was on my back and wide open, and then I opened my eyes, and saw him in front of me, wide-eyed, and hard-cocked.
I needed to keep up my theater, and I closed my eyes again, as if I had no idea what was going on. It was then that I felt him take my sheet, and put it over me to cover me, and I took the moment to pull him by the wrist.
He lost his balance and landed on my side, and then he turned around and I put one of my legs over him, making it impossible for him to get up.
Gustavo: What the fuck did I do? and now how do i get out of here? whispered. I took my arm and wrapped it around him, making his situation even worse.
I moved my leg, over his cock, and he was on the verge of exploding, I kept my eyes closed, not to let him see that I was in the most perfect state of sobriety. It was then that he moved, and I felt his breath very close to my face, and I knew he was looking at me.
My pussy was already all luscious, and if he touched me, he would realize that I was turned on and my theater would go down the drain, so I had the brilliant idea to pretend I was dreaming having sex.
- Aaaaa, that love, so... Huuum, what a delicious love...
Gustavo: Fuck, what is this girl dreaming about?
- Put it on me love, put it all, aaaah. Gustavo: Disgraçaaaaa, I can't believe this shit, I need to get out of here, before I spill shit on my clothes, he whispered. He tried to get up, but I stopped him, putting even more weight on top of him. His breathing was heavy, and I moved my leg a little more on top of his cock.
Gustavo: It's a devil even sleeping. I then got off him and moved my legs in an attempt to get the rest of the sheet off of me and I did, and at that moment he managed to get up. I brought my hand up to my pussy, and touched it.
- Aaaaa love, like that.
Gustavo: Holy shit, I can't take it. He walked out of my room and I heard him close the door, and then I finally opened my eyes.
- The sensation of feeling him crazy with desire for me was delicious, but I was also crazy for him, and I needed to put out my fire, so I had to use my own hand. And then I started jerking off, and I stuck my own fingers in my pussy, which was soaking wet.
- Ah Gustavo, how I wanted you here. And then I came, imagining him all inside me.