I managed to walk towards the closet despite my wounded feet and started searching for something appropriate to wear for tonight's event. Although I wasn't ecstatic to go, Rehan had made it clear I had no choice, simply saying that I had to. It almost seemed impossible for me to go there in this condition but he wouldn't care.
"Come on sweetheart, hurry up" He let out his word with a small chuckle.
I nodded.
"Don't!!" He yelled causing me to flinch slightly, turning my face towards him I realized he was lying on the bed looking at the dress I was holding in my hand. I raised my eyebrows in question.
"Don't wear that." He said, well more like commanded. I let my gaze to linger on the dress in my hand.
"Darling I'm aware you love whoring yourself out in such revealing dresses. But don't forget that now you have become my wife and I have reputation I'd like to keep, unlike you, so I'd appreciate if you'd do things according to my way. " He said with a casual shrug acting like his words weren't degrading me.
My eyes bulged out of my head when I registered exactly what it was that he said.
Whoring myself out?
Biting my lips and I quickly wiped away the fresh tears flowing down trying to stop myself from more embarrassment. I have never expected such harsh words from him, was this the real him? He has never said something this bad to me before, was I stupid to think he wouldn't. Why is he behaving like this?
With a painful sigh, I put that dress back in the wardrobe, there was no way I could wear that after what he said, not because I wanted to obey him, I just didn't want to admit I would feel like a whore wearing it after what he said.
After finally choosing a dress, I took one last glance in the mirror at my reflection before heading downstairs. Neglecting tons of dresses, He finally agreed on something which according to him, isn't revealing. After plastering a weak smile on my face, I slipped my feet into my favourite pair of heels.
A sharp pain ran up my legs but somehow I composed myself, no doubt he'd scold me for acting like a child I don't think I needed anymore scolding from him. This is going to be a difficult task.
As I reached near the car, both James and Ron greeted me with a warm smile and I instantly returned their gesture feeling slightly better at their friendly attitudes.
"Do I have to ask the astrologer to predict the time when you'll enter the car?" He said sarcastically.
I got in next to him in the back and James started driving. Silence filled the car and after a lot of internal battle with myself I hesitantly took a look in his direction.
His face held no emotions, not even of anger. Completely blank, this guy never fails to confuse me.
"Is everything okay?" I hesitantly asked him and instantly he snapped his face towards me giving me a look of what could only count as annoyance, taking that as hint to shut up I turned back to the window.
I nodded in disappointment, what had I expected, definitely not a warm answer or for him to open up to me and tell me all his problems. Is he still angry with me over the morning's incident? Maybe, I never know anything when it comes to him.
I closed my eyes and tried to stop thinking about him. When he had pushed me over on all the scattered glass pieces, I knew that it was a huge possibility that maybe he can't take advice and no one could ever help him. But that's where I was wrong. I had promised myself that no matter how bad the condition is, I will never step back. I am not going to just sit and cry over something which can be changed.
Yes, change is inevitable and one day I will make Mr. Rude realize that too.
Mr. Rude. I smiled at that nickname which was suggested by Vishal, it fit him perfectly.
As his earlier words about my dress ran through my head, I tried to convince myself they were just words, his opinion not anybody else's and definitely not facts.
I mean it isn't like I can read his mind, so why should I even consider his words? I don't care about the things he put me through or the words he throw at me because at the end of day, he's more important to me than his behaviour and I'm not going to give up this easily.
"Ma'am we're here." Ron said dragging me out of my thoughts and I playfully glared him for calling me ma'am instead of Mayra.
He automatically held his ears and mouthed sorry while gesturing towards Rehan who was waiting for me to come outside. With a deep breath, I stepped out and the pain in my foot that I seemed to have forgotten returned.
"Smile." He ordered while wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him, why couldn't he just let me be? I don't want to smile right now.
Thousands of butterflies started dancing in my belly and a genuine smile get formed over my lips despite my earlier thoughts. I looked at his face and found him with his arrogant smirk.
Tons of cameras started flashing as we entered inside, I nervously started shifting in his arm and he tightened his hold.
"Relax." He whispered and I nodded, acquiring a little confidence in me.
"Have a seat, Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra." A middle aged person directed us to sit on the appointed seats.
I smiled at him politely.
Looking around, this whole surrounding was new and very different to me.
Everyone seemed to be so sophisticated and calm. But here I am feeling complete awkward. These things were never my cup of tea and I had a feeling it would always be like that.
"Mrs. Malhotra, ah it is such a pleasure to meet you." I averted my gaze into the direction of the new voice and came face to face with a decent looking man who seemed to be around Rehan's age.
I smiled warmly at him and he returned the gesture by sending me a cheeky smile and placing a kiss on the back of my hand. I hesitatingly pulled my hand away from him at the same time that Rehan cleared his throat.
"Congratulations Rehan." The man said and according to his tone, it felt like he knew Rehan on a personal level.
Maybe they were friends I thought to myself.
"That's the difference between you and me, my friend. Here I am congratulating you because you are the winner of the game and I am not." He again added with a smirk and I felt, Rehan clenching his fists.
"That's right. I am the winner and you are a fucking loser." Rehan said in a cranky tone with his egotistical smirk.
I just kept on looking at him as his facial expressions changed from smugness to rage. I guess they don't like each other.
"Well whatever say, but I must say you've found a beautiful wife." He said with a wink and my cheeks instantly heated up.
"No one asked for your opinion." Rehan muttered angrily with clenched jaw as he wrapped his arm around my waist, securely.
"Possessive much Rehan? Never took you for that type." He commented with a chuckle and extended his hand towards me for a handshake.
I gulped down and slightly took a look at Rehan who was clearly not very happy, should I shake his hand or be rude and ignore it.
"Max here." I bit my lip from nervousness and tentatively reached over and shook his hand.
"Mayra, we will be seeing each other a lot in future."
"Now I would like to call Mr. Rehan on stage and request him to say few lines regarding his new project."
"Baby, I'll just be back in few minutes." He said in a husky tone and placed a kiss on my cheeks while throwing death glares at Max.
I instantly felt shivers running through my body. I know that all of this was just for show but no matter how much I tried to fight against it those small gestures he kept doing caused electric currents to run all over me. As soon as he stepped on the stage, my eyes were completely fixed on him. It just felt good to watch him like this. A proud feeling jumped in my chest which lightens up the smile on my face.
"Hello, earth to Mrs. Malhotra." Max waved his hands in front of my face, making me realize that he was still here.
"Oh I am sorry, I was just thinking-" I stammered and after taking a deep breath I added. "Mayra. Call me just Mayra."
He chuckled and shifted his gaze towards the stage where Rehan was, he twitched the corner of his lips in a bitter smile. I frowned after observing his attitude towards Rehan.
"You care for him, don't you?" I silently nodded at his question, of course I do.
"Don't worry, you won't for long, not after you see the real him"
I arched my eyebrows up in curiosity but instead of asking him anything, I just said. "Not that it's any of your business but no worries, that won't happen"
He laughed in amusement and looked over Rehan then at me.
"Interesting, this is going to be real fun." He whispered under his breath.
Why everything around Rehan seems to be a locked mystery? What's there in his past? Is something happened in the past that had turned him like this? If yes, then what was it? I had an urge to bang my head in irritation. This curiosity will one day kill me.
"Curious, are we?" Max clicked his tongue and I pressed my lips into thin line, was I easy to read? Or was that the reaction he was hoping for.
"She isn't. Now you may leave." And here comes Rehan.
"Relax man, I am leaving. Have a great night you two, I know I will. " Max replied with a smirk and turned to leave but not before throwing a wink at me, which I guess didn't get unnoticed by Rehan.
"Enjoyed his company? After all he has given you enough attention." As soon as max left, Rehan started with his harsh words.
I sighed and just ignored him, I mean why argue when his opinion won't change?
"Don't test my limits. Just answer me." He shouted this time and I flinched slightly.
"No. I didn't, not that you'd believe me anyways." I answered slowly.
"Who is he?" Unfortunately these words slipped out and I regretted it as soon as it did.
"That's none of your business" I nodded, I should be used to it but I'm not.
I started feeling exhausted due to lack of sleep and my bruised aching feet. I just wanted to go home and sleep, I deserved it after the day that I've had.
"Can I go home please?" I asked and this time to my surprise he nodded in agreement.
"I'll call James and Ron." He said and I had urge to ask if he was coming with me but decided against it.
I somehow managed to drag my feet outside and as I was going to step inside the car, I slipped but before I could land on the ground a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. I closed my eyes and hissed in pain. I felt blood oozing once again from the wounds on my feet and my whole body started shivering.
I clenched the person's shirt tightly and pulled my eyes open to find none other than Rehan. I tried hard to smile but instead due to sharp pain down my feet, tears started rolling down my cheeks. I pressed my eyes closed again and chewed the inner flesh of my cheeks.
"James, drive to any nearest hotel, it would take quiet much time to return back to home." I heard him saying to James.
"Sir." And then, Rehan lifted me up in his arms as in bridal style and stepped inside the car.
My knees went jelly as his strong smell of Cologne entered my nostrils.
I bit my lips and clenched his shirt tightly. With every passing minute, the pain started getting more intense. Why was he holding me in his arms? I asked myself and looked over his face only to see him looking right back at me with concern and guilt.
I blinked trying to see if I was just imagining things, reopening my eyes I saw that those were indeed the expression on his face, closing my eyes in confusion and frustration I sighed, why did he have to have such bad mood swings and why did they keep affecting me so much?