I groaned in annoyance, bending my head. I've been sitting here for the past twenty minutes. If I was to take a wild guess, it'll be that this 'guardian' or whatever fancy name my mum's fiancé addressed him as, was just as bull shitty and irresponsible.
"Ethan?" I heard a low-toned voice say from above me. I looked up at the person in question. It was a skinny man in a red turtleneck sweater and faded blue jeans. He had a full head of dark hair. Its smooth waves making it almost wavelike in appearance.
"Ethan Lightwood?" he asked more definitely this time. I nodded giving him a confused look. He didn't look much older than me. He looked around the age of twenty-four to six.
"Hi, I'm Andrew. If you quite remember I was asked to pick you up," he said stretching out his hand. I looked down with an inspecting gaze. It was just as skinny as the rest of his body.
"Nice meeting you," I said out of obligation rather than actual feelings. I took his hand in a brief short handshake, almost expecting it to shatter from my touch.
"Your things?" he asked, looking about.
"Just this," I said plucking the strap of my rucksack.
"Well then..." He trailed, looking towards the parking lot with a smile on his face. It kind of made him look different — the smile that is. It distracted you from the fact he was literally a bag of bones.
He started walking towards the parking lot, making me get up in haste to follow him. We walked to his gray SUV, the tires and back bumper covered in road dirt.
I blinked when he indicated he was going to get the door. Watching him, I squinted noticing his slight limp as he walked over to the other side of the car.
Hearing the door unlock I attempted to open the passenger seat only to hear a low growl making me back up both in fear and surprise.
"Sorry she likes the front seat," Andrew said rolling down the window glass. The dog stuck out its jaw to growl at me.
"I see..." I trailed as my irritation picked up again before heading to the back seat.
"Sorry about that," he apologized before starting the car engine and adjusting the driver's mirror. I could see his features from the mirror more than I did face to face. His brown eyes adorned with thick lashes sat hallow on his pale face. He was exactly what his uncle referred to him as — skinny and plain looking.
"You'll have to tell me what you like eating, I don't have much," he said without taking his eyes off the road.
I let my eyes wander from Andrew to the dog, still wondering what in the world it was doing up in front while I was at the back. But it's okay. if I was up in front I'd actually have to make conversation.
"You might like it here..." he trailed as I watched him smile from the driver's mirror.
"Quiet town, polite people," he said, chuckling lightly.
The rest of the ride was quiet apart from the occasional question or comment.
I squinted as we came up to an isolated cabin, my supposed residence while his uncle knocked up and eventually married my mother. I hugged my rucksack to myself, observing the place. The walls were painted a pale cream, and a small shed was visible at the side. It was partly open and showing an array of gardening tools. A hen was parading around the compound as her brood of chicks tried to keep up with their tiny legs. The place was more or less a country home.
"We're here," Andrew said, pulling the gear to park before reaching out to pet his dog's head. The greyhound closed its eyes, barking in pleasure.
I opened the back door, getting out. I casually threw my rucksack over my shoulder. I didn't have much, just three pairs of jeans, a few t-shirts and the needed cosmetics.
I raised my hand to block the light. I might not enjoy this place at all, but I could exist casually for a while without bickering from my mother.
"I'll go put on the heater," Andrew muttered absently as he got down too, puffing out air and running his palms up and down sweatered arms.
I followed him to the door and waited for him as pried the door open with a key.
"I'll give you the spare latter," he said as the door flew open. " Meanwhile, I'll advice you to get comfortable while I look for something you could eat."
I nodded following him into the small cabin. It wasn't as horrifying as I expected it to be. It gave off a homey feel, along with a dash of maturity.