At the heart of pleasure, One night escort 3*
A little further on, I saw room number 450 engraved on the door next door.
I pulled her by the hand and held her against me, her lipstick was too delicious for my taste, and I didn't want to let her go in that hallway. My desire grew stronger every time I breathed in her sweet scent.
I stole a kiss. Yes. It was too sweet, too sweet not to savor it. Every part of his body was certainly not going to escape me tonight.
I opened the door and pushed it with my feet violently, as if the door was against my interests or preventing me from enjoying myself.
As we kissed casually like two real doggies, and hurried to remove my buttons one after the other. It was nice to see that she wanted me, even if it was her job to sleep with all the men, I really didn't care. All I wanted was her and no one else.
My torso was bare, she pushed me with a finger and I instantly found myself lying on the bed well erected, it was covered with a silk sheet.
She then took off her dress.
The curvature of these shapes were more than fascinating. I had never seen a woman with such a body. I was the man no girl escaped, but this one was more than a night girl, she was more than an escort.
I would kill to have it all night if I have to until the early hours.
She was wearing a red bikini, totally red, her bra and her panties were the same color.
But I hadn't taken her to admire her underwear, it was to cum inside her that she was there. Slowly she slipped onto the bed, like a lioness on the move. Yes. It was still getting intense.
She brushed her hand over my erection which was swelling under my pants, and the gesture sent shivers through my whole body. If his hand on my pants could transmit that much vibration into my body, then what would happen if his skin was against my skin or if my cock ended up between his legs, flesh against flesh...?
But, I was going to find out the next minute.
She kissed me passionately as if it was the first kiss I had received for the first time in the history of my meetings. She crushed herself against my skin, her chest was swollen compressing my hot torso.
I wanted to get up to take control of the session, but alas! She pushed me away, saying: "let me be a good man" she whispered in a melodious voice, soft like the caresses she gave me... She was driving me crazy more and more. It was as if God had sent her to me especially that night. I really wanted a girl and I had found one.
Then she pulled me by the head in a tender and firm manner, caressing my face while staring deep into my eyes. Running an almost perceptible finger over my lips, over my pulp as if searching for something precious hidden deep inside me. She went down to my chest, placing one last kiss, and this kiss was like a spark of flame on my muscular and tender skin.
I was boiling hot.
This blue-eyed girl was good. Not just physically, but she knew how to do her job, she knew every inch of my body, every move she gave me made me melt with desire. She knew how to do it in foreplay. She seemed to know me.
I was ready to double her money and increase the hours I had to spend with her. I kissed her first on her neck, her nape, brushing against her ear and I stroked her hair.
I placed my mouth against hers looking for the best angle, still caressing her chest and I removed the hooks of her bra, then her rounded breasts were right before my eyes. I salivated hard as I sucked them.
This time I pointed my tongue, gently parting her luscious lips, that delicious red finish offered to me. It was this moment when I wanted this scene to be inexhaustible, to repeat itself endlessly throughout my life, for the emotion to join with the excitement and for her to finally be able to desire me as much as I do. wanted.
I opened the box, protected from its delicious flesh. I felt the rock of these teeth, I felt her parting to let me enter and penetrate this first intimacy with delight and firmness. I pressed my mouth more firmly against my complete stranger, plunging my tongue in search of hers. As soon as I found it, I tested its shape, its roundness, its firmness by wrapping myself around it.
Then she moaned softly.