Isaac has never been so distressed since his years of existence, that particular day was a day to remember for him. His mother needed to be treated urgently but he had no money on him to pay.
No jobs, no money and not even a certificate to own in his name. The only way out to his worries was lending money to pay the doctor but from who or where do he lend such huge amount of money from?
He is still yet to pay up his previous debt of a twenty thousand dollars, taking another loan would only make things much more uncomfortable and worst?
That is, if any one is planning on lending him yet another loan. Who has such huge enough money to give out as loan, especially to guy with no source of income like him?
The thought of not being able to meet up with the medical bills and his previous debt not yet paid, made his heart sink in his chest and he felt it dropped inside his stomach.
Things was only able to grow from bad to worst for him in just a day with no way out of it —or maybe he is the one who couldn't think of any.
He sighed heavily, running his finger on his hair —ruffling it. He needed to think of some thing –any thing as a way out of his huge mess but unfortunately for him, he just could not come of with a good plan yet.
Working at the moment was out of the list for him. If he managed to get a job, probably menial jobs, how many months would he used to save up to a ten thousand dollars?
Before he would be able to get such amount, he would have turn an orphan then —cause there is no way for his diagnosed mother to stay that long with out proper treatment.
His eyes tightly shut, he tried thinking of another way out aside working or any options far better than lending from any one.
Then.... then...
"Amy...!" He suddenly blurted out, snapping his eyes open at the same time.
Amy used to be his fiancé before she met Evans, they've been together for a while but her family never approved of their relationship, most especially her mother.
She hated Isaac with every living part of her body because she felt he won't be able to provide for her daughter's needs — she wants someone more richer, who definitely for sure is not just rich but stinkingly rich.
She had advise her daughter to let go of Isaac, poisoning her mind with all sort of bad decision and impression about him but but Amy insisted there must be some thing good about him.
"Nothing good comes from some one raised in abject poverty, he will only infect you with it." Amy's mother countered, trying to convince her with words. "Can't you see this, Amy?"
"Mom, Isaac is a good guy and you know this." Amy replied, defending Isaac. "Why are you so much against him? Is there some thing he has done to you that you are not saying?"
"Does he have to do some thing before I go against him?" Her mother hissed out loudly. "Trying to rub his poverty on you is not enough reason to be against him?"
Amy wasn't impressed with her mother's reason. True, he is not rich and barely have a lasting job to fend himself with but the fact that he tried his best to be there for her is enough reason to be with.
Aside Isaac being poor, she wondered if there is still another reason for her to have hated him that much. Since, he's still being a good guy to her, she had decided to be with him.
—not until she met Evans who promised to take care of her. She at first, declined him but with her mother's intervention and seeing reasons with her —she accepted Evans proposal with out blinking twice about it.
She started seeing Evans almost every day, barely giving Isaac a listening ears and always coming up with different excuse not to see him.
Soon, she started seeing Isaac like a plague but find it difficult to dump him because she felt bad to do such to him even when her mother had asked her to.
Isaac did not read much meaning in to her sudden change of behavior, he felt she's busy and needed more time to herself —little did he know.
A month before Amy's sudden change of behaviour, Isaac expressed his decision on officially getting married to Amy to her family.
In return, they had told him to raised a certain amount of money before he's granted his wish to get married to their daughter, a sum of twenty thousands dollars, precisely.
The amount didn't settle well with Isaac because before then, he had borrowed a huge amount of money to help Amy with.
He did not have such money on him but since he is blindly in love with her and had promised to offer her his help, he was left with no other choice to help generate the money for her.
His menial jobs could not help him save up such huge amount for her, instead, he had borrowed the money. Now, her family keep requesting for another sum just so he could get married to her?
To him, that was the greatest unjust he would ever witness. He knew about how much they never liked him but he had been living on the hope that things will change soon but it seems like he's been wrong all these while.
Now to think about her sudden change of behavior, Isaac have had enough of it and made up his mind to pay her a surprised visit in her home —it's been a while since they both saw each other.
On getting to their house, Amy did not allow him in and had insisted he should leave immediately.
Isaac was confused. "Why should I leave, Amy?" He asked with a raised brow. "It's not even up to minutes since I got here and you want me to leave immediately?"
"Yeah, Zik, you should get going now." She told him, rushing her words and trying to push him out. "Don't worry, I'll give you a call later on."
"This is so wrong, you can't chase me out yet with out any good reason for it." Isaac countered.
"Yeah, right —I wouldn't be chasing you out if there is no good reason for it. For me to tell you to leave, you should know there's a reason behind it." Amy uttered, already growing impatient but still, she tried to maintain her cool.
Just when he was about to say some thing, a voice beat him to it, rendering him speechless.
"Why are you staying long, Amy? Who is there with you?" The deep husky voice came up, demandingly.
"Just a minutes, I'll join you soon." Amy replied. "It's just —it's no one important..."
Isaac thought he heard wrong, did she just say no one important? Is he really not important to her as she just claimed?
His head banged loudly at Amy's reply, coupled with the fact that the voice he heard inside was too deep and unfamiliar.
Is there some one inside that she did not want him to see? Those were Isaac's thought as he gaped unbelievably at her.
"I have some important issues to deal with, get going, Zik and if I'm less chanced, I might get to see you some other time." She told him, flashing him a dry smile.
Isaac frowned deeply, lines visible on his forehead. "But why can you just..."
Isaac was interrupted abruptly, the creaking of the huge door cut him off and sending back the remaining words in to his mind. He threw his gaze at the door to see who had interrupted his words.
Isaac was dumbfounded as he stared at the figure standing at the door. From where he's standing, he could swear that he reek of wealth and his aura said so much about him.
‘Who is this guy, eh?’ He asked with in himself, unable to find his voice as he gaped at the strange guy.
"Who is this filth as a human, Amy?" He requested, his voice sounding so intimidating and hoarse as he glared down Isaac with an unapproved expression.
Isaac felt offended. "What do you mean filth as a human?" He gritted his teeth, seething in anger. "Who is this old hag here, Amy?"
"Oh, sorry, Evans..." She smiled nervously at the strange guy. "I told you before, he is no one important."
"Then what's he doing here?" The strange guy, whose name turns out to be Evans, hissed out. "Shouldn't he supposed to be out in the street, picking filths like he used to?"
Isaac was boiling in deep rage, watching the rich guy spilling ill words at him but he managed to keep his cool. He's never his business to start with, he came for Amy and not him.
Turning to Amy, he glared at her. "How could you stand here and watch this guy spill trash at your fiance?" Isaac asked, demandingly.
Amy managed to let out a stifled laughter. "My fiance —?" She said, mock clearly visible in her tone. "You don't stand the chance of being my fiance, Zik, I was only trying to be nice to you because you have no one."
"What did you mean trying to be nice?" Isaac was dumbfounded at her choice of words. "Is this some sort of joke?"
"Wake up, Zik..." She hissed at him. "You don't worth me and you know this, stop forcing yourself on me."
Isaac had never been humiliated like this since he could remember and if any one wants to, he did not expect it to be from Amy.
"This joke is getting more expensive." He stuttered, unsure of how best to react. "If this is some sort of prank, you got me already. I'm sure you can't just act irrational, not after all these while. Do I really mean nothing to you?"
"You worth nothing, Zik." She told him in a cold voice, her face was with no expression. "You are just a jobless wretch, who would never live up to any good, yeah. You worth just as lowly as a waste garbage."
As if he hasn't heard enough, he was roughly pushed by Evans, who was glaring hells at him.
"Get out of here before I lose it else you will be so sorry if you don't." Evan said in a deep rough voice. "It wouldn't be so nice if I come back and still meet you here." With that, he turned and walked back in to the house.
"You heard him, Zik..." Amy added, not meeting with his gaze. "I'm sure you don't want to see him when he's angry, you shouldn't since you can't hold a candle to him."
Isaac doesn't want to believe his ears and eyes, maybe this is a kind of nightmare. "You can't do this to me, Amy." He sounded much pleadingly. "We would be getting married soon, I promise you, I'm close to getting that money."
"Don't bother, Zik. In your life time, you can't gather up to such amount." She told him, dryly. "—and yes, we aren't getting married again. It's called off since you are unable to gather up the money since past one month."
"I promised you, I'll get it at all cost —just don't do this to me." Desperation was laced in his voice. "You can't just leave me all for that guy, Amy."
"Go get a life, Isaac." She muttered. "We are not compatible, stop forcing things which is not going to work."
"Amy..." Isaac trailed off, unsure of what to say. Amy stared at him for the last time before going inside, banging the door at his face.
Isaac stared blankly in to the empty space, tears threatening to drop. "Am I missing some thing...?"