Mairin awoke with the knowledge that she
wasn’t alone in the tiny chamber she’d been
sleeping in. Her nape prickled and she carefully opened one eye to see Ewan McCabe
standing in the doorway.
Sunlight peeked through the window, penetrating the gap in the furs. The light somehow made him more ominous than if he
stood cloaked in darkness. In the light, she
could see how big he was. He made a menacing portrait, framed by the doorway he
barely fit through.
“Pardon the intrusion,” Ewan said in a
gruff voice. “I was trying to locate my son.”
It was then, as she followed his gaze to the
bundle beside her, that she realized Crispen
had crawled into her bed during the night.
He was snuggled firmly into her side, the
covers pulled tight to his neck.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize …,” she began.
“Since I tucked him into my bed last night,
I’m sure you didn’t realize,” he said dryly.
“ ’Tis apparent he made the move during the
She started to move, but Ewan held up a
hand. “Nay, don’t wake him. I’m sure you
both need your rest. I’ll have Gertie hold the
morning meal for you.”
“T—Thank you.?
She stared helplessly up at him, unsure of
what to do with his sudden kindness. Yesterday he’d been so fierce, his scowl had been
enough to frighten a man out of his boots.
After a short nod, he backed out of the room
and closed the door behind him.
She frowned. She didn’t trust such an
about-face. Then she glanced down at the
sleeping boy next to her, and her frown
eased. Gently, she touched his hair, marveling at how the limp curls framed his face.
In time, it would be as long as his father’s.
Perhaps the laird had calmed in the face of
his son’s safe return. Maybe he was even
feeling grateful and was sorry for his
Hope tightened her chest. He might be
more amenable to giving her a mount and
supplies. She had no good idea where to flee,
but given that Duncan Cameron appeared to
be Ewan McCabe’s sworn enemy, it wasn’t a
good idea for her to remain there.
Sadness tugged at her heart and she
squeezed Crispen closer to her. The abbey
that had been her home for so long, and the
comforting presence of the sisters, was no
longer available to her. She was without a
home and safe harbor.
Closing her eyes, she whispered a fervent
prayer for God’s mercy and protection.
Surely He would provide for her in her hour
of need.
When she next awoke, Crispen was gone
from her bed. She stretched and flexed her
toes then immediately winced as pain snaked
through her body. Even a hot bath and a
comfortable bed hadn’t completely rid her of
her discomfort. Still, she could move considerably better than she had the day before,
and she was certainly well enough to sit a
horse on her own.
Throwing aside the furs, she braced her
feet on the stone floor and flinched at the
chill. She rose and went to the window to
throw back the covering to allow the sunlight
to stream in.
The rays slid over her like liquid amber.
She closed her eyes and turned her face into
the sun, eagerly soaking up the warmth.
It was a beautiful day as only a spring day
in the highlands could be. She stared over
the hillsides, basking in the comfort of seeing
home for the first time in many long years.
In truth, there’d been many days when she’d
despaired of ever seeing heaven again.
Neamh Álainn. Beautiful heaven. One day
she’d gaze upon her legacy—her child’s legacy. The only part of her father she’d ever
She curled her fingers into tight fists. “I
will not fail,” she whispered.
Not wanting to waste any more time above
stairs, she donned the simple gown one of
the serving women had left for her. The
neckline was embroidered with a feminine
chain of flowers, and in the middle, in green
and gold, was what she assumed was the
McCabe coat of arms. Glad to be wearing
something other than Duncan Cameron’s
colors, she hurried toward the door.
When she neared the bottom of the stairs,
she hesitated, feeling suddenly unsure of
herself. She was saved from making an awkward entrance into the hall when one of the
McCabe women saw her. The woman smiled
and hurried over to greet her.
“Good afternoon. Are you feeling better
Mairin winced. “Is it afternoon already? I
didn’t mean to sleep the day away.”
“You needed the rest. You looked fair to
dropping yesterday. My name is Christina,
by the way. By what name do you call
Mairin colored, feeling suddenly foolish.
She wondered if she should make up a name,
but she hated the idea of lying.
“I can’t tell you,” she murmured.
Christina’s eyebrows shot up, but to her
credit she didn’t react further. Then she
reached for Mairin’s arm and tucked it into
“Well then, lady, let’s take you into the kitchens before Gertie feeds your meal to the
Feeling relieved that Christina hadn’t
pressed her, she allowed the girl to drag her
into the kitchen where an older woman stood
tending a fire in the pit. Mairin had expected
a matronly woman, and why, she wasn’t
sure. Shouldn’t women charged with the
cooking be motherly?
Gertie was bone thin, and her gray hair
was pulled into a tight knot at her nape.
Strands escaped on all sides until they flew
about her face, giving her a look of wildness.
She pinned Mairin with a sharp glance that
peeled back several layers of Mairin’s skin.
“About time you got up and around, lass.
No one stays abed here for that long unless
they’re dying. I don’t expect you’re dying
since you’re standing before me looking hale
and hearty. Don’t make a habit of it, or I
won’t hold the morning meal for you again.”
Taken aback, Mairin’s first instinct was to
laugh, but she wasn’t sure whether the other
woman would take offense. Instead she folded her hands solemnly in front of her and
promised never to do so again. A vow she felt
comfortable making since she didn’t plan to
spend another night in the McCabe keep.
“Have a seat then. There’s a stool in the
corner. You can take your meal there. No
sense messing up the table in the hall again
for one person.”
Mairin meekly obeyed and made quick
work of the trencher of food. Gertie and
Christina watched as she ate, and Mairin
could hear them whispering when they
thought Mairin wasn’t looking.
“Wouldn’t tell you her name?” Gertie exclaimed loudly.
She turned in Mairin’s direction and
uttered a hmmph. “When people won’t give
their name, ’tis because they have something
to hide. What are you hiding, lass? Don’t be
thinking our laird won’t find out. He’s too
precise to take such nonsense from a slip of a
lass like yourself.”
“Then I’ll discuss the matter with your
laird and only your laird,” Mairin said firmly.
She hoped that by injecting enough strength
into her voice she’d make the other woman
back down. Gertie st rolled her eyes and resumed tending her fire.
“Can you take me to him?” Mairin asked
Christina as she rose from the stool. “I really
must speak to him right away.”
“Of course, Lady,” Christina said in her
sweet voice. “I was instructed to take you to
him the moment you finished eating.”
The food Mairin had just consumed
swirled in her gut like sour ale.
“Are you nervous?” Christina asked as they
descended the steps from the keep. “You
have no reason to be. The laird seems gruff,
and he can be stern when crossed, but he’s
fair and very evenhanded with our clan.”
The part that Christina left out was that
Mairin wasn’t part of the McCabe clan,
which meant that any policies about fair and
evenhanded didn’t apply. But she had saved
Crispen, and it was obvious that the laird
loved his son. She held on to that thought as
they rounded the corner into the courtyard.
Mairin’s eyes widened at the site of so
many men training. The clash of swords and
shields nearly deafened her, and the afternoon sun striking the metal made her squint
and wince. She blinked and focused her gaze
away from the reflections dancing through
the air. When she realized what she was seeing instead, she gasped.
Her hand fluttered to her chest, and her
vision went a bit blurry. It wasn’t until her
tortured lungs begged for mercy that she
realized she was holding her breath. She
sucked in a mouthful of air, but that didn’t
help her light-headedness.
The laird was sparring with another soldier in only his boots and trews. His bare
chest gleamed with a sheen of sweat, and a
trickle of blood slid down his side.
Oh merciful heavens.
She watched in fascination, unable to
make herself tear her gaze away, no matter
that it was surely a sin to ogle in this fashion.
The laird was broad shouldered. His
massive chest sported several scars. A man
didn’t get to be his age without acquiring
battle scars. Badges of honor to highlanders.
A man without them was considered weak
and without courage.
His hair clung damply to his back and his
braids swung about him as he pivoted in the
dirt to parry another thrust by his opponent.
His muscles strained and bulged as he swung
the heavy sword about his head and slashed
downward. At the last moment, his opponent
threw up his shield, but he still buckled under the blow.
The younger man went sprawling, his own
sword clattering to the ground. He did have
the presence of mind to cover himself with
the shield as he lay there panting softly.
The laird frowned but extended his hand
down to the younger soldier. “You lasted
longer this time, Heath, but you’re still allowing emotion to rule your actions. Until
you learn to control that temper of yours,
you’ll prove an easy mark in battle.”
Heath scowled and didn’t look appreciative of his laird’s criticism. He ignored Ewan’s
outstretched hand and scrambled to his feet,
his face red with anger.
It was then that the laird looked up and
saw Mairin standing there with Christina.
His eyes narrowed and she felt pinned by the
force of his stare. He motioned for his tunic,
which Alaric tossed to him from the side.
After hastily pulling it over his bare chest, he
motioned for Mairin to come forward.
Feeling strangely disappointed that he’d
put the tunic back on, she edged closer, all
but dragging her heels in the dirt. It was silly.
She was a grown woman, but in front of this
man, she felt like an errant child about to be
called to task.
Guilty conscience. A good confession
would clear that up.
“Come walk with me, lass. We have much
to discuss.”
She swallowed and snuck a peek at
Christina, who performed a curtsy in the
laird’s direction before turning and heading
back the way they’d come.
His teeth flashed into a grin. “Come,” he
said again. “I don’t bite.”
The flash of humor caught her unawares
and she smiled broadly, quite unaware of its
effect on the men who saw it.
“Very well, Laird. Since you’ve offered me
such reassurance, I’ll take the risk and accompany you.”
They walked from the courtyard and took
a path that led up the hillside that overlooked the loch. At the top, the laird stopped
and stared out over the water.
“My son says I have much to thank you
She folded her hands in front of her, gathering a bit of the material of her gown in her
fingers. “He’s a good lad. He helped me as
much as I helped him.”
The laird nodded. “So he told me. He
brought you to me.”
Mairin didn’t like the way he said the last.
There was too much possession in his voice.
“Laird, I must depart today. If you cannot
spare a horse, I understand. I’ll leave on foot,
though I would appreciate an escort to your
He turned to her with an uplifted eyebrow.
“On foot? You wouldn’t make it far, lass.
You’d be tossed over someone’s saddle and
spirited away the moment you left my land.”
She frowned. “Not if I’m careful.”
“As careful as you were when you got yourself abducted by Duncan Cameron’s men?”
Heat rose in her cheeks. “That’s different. I
wasn’t expecting …”
Faint amusement glittered in his eyes.
“Does anyone ever expect to be abducted?”
“Aye,” she whispered.
?Tell me something, lass. You appear to be
someone who firmly believes in a promise.
I’d wager you expect people to remain true to
their word.”
“Oh aye,” she said fervently.
“And you exacted a promise from my son,
is this not so?”
She looked down. “Aye, I did.”
“And you expect him to keep that promise,
do you not?”
She squirmed uncomfortably but nodded
even as guilt filled her.
“As it turns out, Crispen also exacted a
promise from me.”
“What promise?” she asked.
“To protect you.”
She didn’t know what to say to that. Somehow she had just maneuvered herself into a
trap. She knew it.
“I’d say ’tis hard to protect a lass if she’s
out running all over the highlands on foot,
wouldn’t you say?”
She scowled, unhappy with the direction
this conversation was headed.
“I release you from his promise,” she
He shook his head, a smile lifting the
corners of his mouth. Shocked, she stared
transfixed at the change such a gesture
wrought on his features. My, but he was
quite handsome. Really handsome. And he
looked younger, not as hardened, though
she’d seen the scars, so she knew he was anything but soft. Nay, he was a warrior. There
was no telling how many men he’d killed in
battle. Why, he could probably snap
someone’s neck with his fingers. Certainly
The thought had her reaching up to cover
her throat.
“Only Crispen can release me from that
promise, lass. As I’m sure he told you, a
McCabe always keeps his word.”
Glumly, she remembered Crispen saying
just that. She also remembered his vow to
her that his father would protect her. She’d
been too bent on self-preservation to really
give thought to what that meant.
“Are you saying I can’t leave?” she
He seemed to consider her question for a
moment, his gaze never straying from her.
He stared until she squirmed under his
“If I knew you had a safe place to go, then
of course I’d allow you to go. To your family
She wasn’t going to lie and say she had
family, so she said nothing at all.
The laird sighed. “Tell me your name, lass.
Tell me why Duncan Cameron was so adamant that you marry him. I’ve promised
Crispen I’d protect you, and I will, but I can’t
do so unless I have all the facts.”
Oh dear, he was going to get all gruff again
when she refused to obey his command. He’d
been ready to throttle her the day before. A
night’s sleep probably hadn’t tempered the
desire, no matter how patient he seemed to
be at the moment.
Instead of openly defying him as she’d
done yesterday, she stood mute, hands still
folded in front of her.
“You realize, I’ll find out soon enough. It
would be better on you if you simply told me
what I want to know now. I don’t like to be
kept waiting. I’m not a patient man. Particularly when those under my command defy
“I’m not under your command,” she blurted before she could think better of it.
“The moment you stepped onto my land,
you came under my command. My son’s
promise put you solidly under my care and
protection. My promise to my son solidified
that. You will obey me.”
She raised her chin, staring directly into
those piercing green eyes. “I survived at
Duncan Cameron’s hands. I’ll survive at
yours. You can’t make me tell you anything.
Beat me if you must, but I will not tell you
what you want to know.”
Outrage sparked in his eyes, and his
mouth gaped open. “You think I’d beat you?
Do you think me the same manner of man as
The fury in his voice had her stepping
back. She’d struck a nerve, and anger rolled
off the laird’s shoulders in thunderous
waves. He all but snarled his question at her.
“I did not intend any insult. I do not know
what manner of man you are. I’ve only made
your acquaintance for a short time, and you
must admit, our meeting has been less than
The laird turned away, his hand going to
his hair. She didn’t know if he intended to
pull it in frustration or to prevent himself
from wrapping those fingers around her
When he turned around, his eyes blazed
with purpose, and he advanced on her, closing the distance between them. She took another rapid step back, but he was there,
looming over her, bristling with outrage.
“Never, never have I treated man or woman in the manner Cameron treated you.
Dogs are treated with better regard than
that. Never make the mistake of comparing
me with him.”
“A—Aye, Laird.”
He raised his hand, and it was all she
could do not to flinch. How she stood so stoic, she didn’t know, but it seemed important
she didn’t show fear that he’d strike her. Instead, he touched a strand of her hair that
whispered down her cheek.
“No one will hurt you here. You will trust
“You can’t command someone to trust
“Aye, I can, and you willngers ar9;m giving
you until tomorrow to decide you trust me
enough to tell me what I want to know. I am
your laird, and you will obey me as everyone
else here obeys me. Is that understood?”
“That … that’s ridiculous,” she sputtered,
forgetting her fear of angering him further.
“That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever
She turned her back to him, telling him
without words what she thought of his dictate. As she stomped away, she missed the
amused smile that settled over Ewan’s face.