Okay, hold up.
Back all the way up from the beginning.
« Hold on, can you say that again ? » I snapped my book shut and zeroed in on the faces of my mother and sister that scarcely showed guilt for planning a welcome home party behind my back.
« They will be happy to see you, sweetie. » Mom sinks gracefully on the edge of my bed, tucking her legs over the other.
I shifted slightly so my back is on the headboard. I set my book to my nightstand with a thud and gave them both a disapproving look. « This is my first morning here, and now you’re shoving me into a party ? »
« Bunny, » Kathie climbs into my bed, « we’ve planned the whole thing since you told us you’re coming home. »
« And, you know, people would want to see my beautiful daughter. It’s been years, » our mother enthused. « They have been asking about you. »
« Mom, I appreciate it but it’s not necessary. »
Kathie pursed her lips into a perfect pout. « But we really want to give you a party. Verbal invitations were out. Your friends are really looking forward to your welcome home party. »
« It’s just a small get-together, sweetheart. »
Hopelessness coiled through me. There’s no such thing as ‘small get-together’ in my mother’s vocabulary. She’s never hosted a party that small.
« Even your dad wanted you to have this party. » My mother’s voice took on a softer edge. « He’d been working really hard on the garden. We all know he’s take up gardening as a hobby. Don’t you wanna show off your dad’s handiwork ? »
I sighed, my head dropping forward in defeat. « There’s no way I can talk my way out of this ? »
« Nope, » they answered in unison.
Kathie squeezes my hand. « I promise, it will be great. »
« I just have the right dress for you, sweetheart. » Mom wags her brows enticingly.
Having no penchant for designer clothes and shoes, I shot her a vacant look. Dread settled on the pit of my stomach. Wearing the dress is hardly a small price to pay for not growing tolerance to my sociable family. I have people to plaster a big, fat smile on for tonight.
I groaned into my palms.
« Aw. I know. » Kathie slid next to me and tugged me to her chest. « If it’s any consolation, Ethan is thrilled to meet his mommy’s friends. He’s helping out dad in the garden. »
« You’ll have fun. Take a shower, sweetie. I love you, but you need to. » Mom scrunched her nose. « And when was the last time you saw a hairdresser ? »
« My hair looks fine. It’s just longer. » I bunched my hair into my hand.
Kathie tucks a strand over my ear. « It’s better shorter. »
« Shoulder-length, Chassie George. Like how it used to be. » Our mother snaps her fingers, face bright as day.
I snorted. « I’ll go take a shower. »
I’ve been hoping for an extreme weather – the kind that can cancel the party and spare me from seeing people I preferred to keep in arm’s length. Maybe, further than that. But, no. The day was a nice, sunny day – much to my chagrin. I supposed my mother is a stronger force than my prayers. Chances of me not having to talk about how I’ve been in the past few years is none. As in zero chance. Not even a sliver.
« Chassie George, stop fidgeting. » My mother meets my gaze in the full-length mirror.
I tug at the long sleeves of the velvet cocktail dress, refusing to let my eyes linger on the reflection.
« You look beautiful, bunny, » Kathie chirped.
« Always will. » Mom fluffs my freshly cut and styled hair, nodding appreciatively. She zips my dress shut and I suck in a breath, afraid it won’t zip all the way up.
I sighed. « It fit. »
« Of course, it does. » Mom chuckles.
Kathie snorts. « Gaining a few pounds is not a drastic change. If anything, it just emphasized your curves. »
I laughed nervously. « Oh, God. What am I doing this for ? » I held out my hands in the air.
Mom arches a perfect brow. « You’re doing this for you. Relax. Enjoy the vacation. »
« You know, you could use this vacation to fix your love life, » Kathie wags her eyebrows.
I gave her a look. « Don’t have one. Besides, I have Ethan. »
« We’ll keep him company. Have you forgotten how little time we spent with him last year ? Your dad is not letting him out of his sight. »
« Doesn’t he have work ? I can’t let you guys babysit for me. »
Kathie walks toward my right and swathed a hand around my arm, resting her head on my shoulder blade. « Bunny, you’re missing the point. You’re finally given the time to focus on yourself. Ethan will undoubtedly have the best vacation with us. »
She holds my gaze on the mirror before exchanging looks with our mother who was on my left side. « Mom thinks it’s a good idea. »
Seeing our reflections on the mirror, side by side, I almost look like myself years ago. Somehow there was comfort to the nostalgia and familiarity. I had my hair just brushing past my shoulders, curled into loose waves down the tips – like the old times. The flattering colors on my face courtesy of my mother’s mastery around eyeshadow pans and contour palettes. I’m… myself. But not entirely. If I was, I could never be talked into air kissing family friends no matter the consequences.
I crane my neck to look at my mother. « There’s nothing to fix, really. »
« Maybe, there is. Maybe you just need to give a few second chances away. Maybe, you rejected the wrong guy. »
I sigh.
Footsteps coming in from the hall made me whirl around. Sure enough, it was an already dressed-up Ethan making his way in, dad in tow. His eyes glimmered when it landed on me. The cheeky grin he gave me was enough to encourage a smile. It was simply comfort enough.
« You look pretty, mommy. » He beamed.
I winked at him. « You’re not looking so bad yourself, baby. »
« Aw. Come here, little dude. » Kathie extended her arms, Ethan crashing to it. My mouth parted in horror at the spaghetti strap of her dress that could’ve snapped when she hauled him off the floor. « Does Aunt Kathie look gorgeous too ? »
« Yes. » He chuckles.
« How about grandma ? » My mother places a soft kiss on his head.
« Always, grandma. »
My dad grazed glances with me. There was a nostalgic slap of emotion when I saw his eyes tendered. « You look exactly from years ago. »
I padded toward him and wrapped my arms around him. « I don’t. I gained a few pounds. »
His response was hoarse laugh. « Still look like my little girl to me. » He squeezes me to his chest, close enough to have felt him heaved out sigh. « Oh, and Nathan is held up in a meeting. Probably going to be late for the party. »
There was an honest dispirited edge in his voice not having Nathan for company throughout the party. I stare, astounded that their close-knit bond hadn’t tarnished all these years.