"Salam dad.” He said impatiently not waiting for his father's reply. “I don't understand what is going on, are you also getting married, i need an explanation dad, what happened to i have no intention of adding another wife." “Relax son, let me make things clear to you,” He was quiet for a while before he spoke. “My intention to get married to one of Sulyman's daughter had a reason, we had a deal that if he wasn't able to pay me the money he owed me, i will get married to one of his daughters, but not anymore, and i don't want my money to go in vain, it is a lot, so i decided you will do, and yes your mother is enough for me, so son get ready you are getting married in a fortnights time, I have made my decision, all I have to do now is to talk to Sulyman about the change of plans." Alico said mildly and continued reading his newspaper.
Great, just great, he was getting married to his friends sister with just an explanation. He didn't even know who she was, or what she looked like, he was aware that Imran had three sisters, that he barely knew of, what kind of plight was this. He didn’t want to suffer from unrequited love. The only thing he could do was to pray. He had to pray for the best and hope things worked out.
"Mom do i really have to go with you guys?” Sultana grumbled, can't Nasreen go with you she already knows what i want." “No you are getting out of that bed this instance I haven't even seen you since two days now, look how lean you have become, it is not the end of the world, ba a kan ki aka fara ba, kuma ba a kan ki za a gama ba,” You are not the first person to be arranged, and you won’t be the last’ we have talked about this.” Sultana rolled her eyes in an unnoticeable way as her mother raved on.
"It will be fun ya Sultana, you haven't left your room for like ever, and its your wedding we are talking about." Afrah jabbered. “Ya Sultana get out of that room before i beat your black ass with this box." Nasreen yelled. “Seriously, you shouldn’t have to added a ‘Ya’ to my name, after you said what you just said." She said hotly to Nasreen, she grabbed her abaya and clad her hair with a matching hijab, picked her purse from the table and left to meet them outside.
"You are driving." Her mom said. “Ohh noo, mom i can’t drive please let Nasreen or Afrah drive, but if you all want to die soon lets enjoy the ride." She said with a mischievous smirk on her face. She went to the back seat and sat with her mom who shot her a glare. They went to do some shopping, for the necessary things they would need, in preparation for the wedding.
Her brothers had gone out to grab dinner for them, nobody had the strength to cook again after the brisk day they all had. They were all seated in the living room, talking about everything and nothing, making wedding arrangements.
"Sultana you said you don't want any celebration right?" "Yes dad." “Why Sulti you don't want to show them your dancing skills?" Her dad joked. Sultana let out a repressed giggle. “I don't feel up for it Dad." She imagined how she would dance with a man that was nearly sixty, snap out it Sulti, but each time she snapped out of it, it came back hitting her like a boomerang, that she was going to be married to a man that had seven children and a wife.
"But at least you are going to have a bridal shower yeah?” Afrah asked rashly. “Nah, i don’t think so.” Sultana said drawly “Nah Nah, you should start thinking so now, cause whether you like it or not we must celebrate, if it makes you feel better ya Sultana, he is bloody rich, the third most of the richest man in Nigeria, at least you can cry in your Ferrari, you can’t be broke and broken hearted.” Afrah said hotly.
“You guys wouldn’t understand, cause you are not getting married to him, can i buy my happiness with all of his wealth?” She said somberly, assuming indifference even if she was seething with anger, and holding on to the last thread of hope that something magical would just happen and her life would be normal again. Afrah and Nasreen saw how Sultana’s eyes dimmed with fear and anxiety, she was making an ultimate sacrifice for their family, nobody really thought of her happiness, or her feelings, so they had to let her know that they were there for her.
“Look ya Sultana, we are your family and we love you so much, no matter what happens from here, we will always have your back, you don’t have to fret, i strongly believe that who ever is meant to be in your life, will always gravitate to you, no matter how far they are, just be laid back and pray, things are going to fall in the right place, by the grace of God, cheer up, you always told us that we will get what is written for us that no one can take it from us, that we shouldn’t stress ourselves, where is that person that said this to us?” Afrah said gingerly. Sultana couldn’t help as she burst out with tears, “I love you guys so much, thank you for everything.” At that moment all three of them were in a warm hug. Shedding tears. Their mum looked at them, and wiped the lone tear that escaped her eyes and left. “Please excuse me.” Sultana said and went to her room. “Does this mean we can carry out the budget of the bridal shower?” They both called out. “What ever you like, i am getting married to a freaking billionaire any ways.” Sultana’s reply echoed across the hall.
Nasreen and Afrah giggled happily, since she is getting married to money, don’t you think this bridal shower should be held at that private resort in Bahamas, or Bora Bora, Mykonos, or Maldives...” Afrah said thoughtfully. “That would be an awesome idea if the husband is not my best friend’s dad, what ever happened to loyalty!!” Nasreen said hotly. She needed to talk to her friend, Asap, if at all there was anything she could do to stop the wedding.
“Hey big head.” Nasreen said to Khaddy.
“Hey fish howdy?” Khaddy said spiritedly. Nasreen was shocked by Khaddy’s mien, for someone, whose sister was about to break girl code, and she was this normal. “How is everything, am sure you must have heard?” Nasreen said mildly.
“Yes that my dad is getting married to ya Sultana?”
“Yeah, and you are not mad.” Nasreen said.
“Mad about what? he can get married again if he wills, i know he has other plans, he told ya Sultan to come back from Liverpool, and he came back two days ago, i think he has another motive, if you can read between the line.” Nasreen’s eyes popped out in bewilderment, “Get outtt!!” “I am serious, hold up, i will talk to you later, love you.” Khaddy whispered and hung up the call. Nasreen was quiet for a while, could it be what she was thinking... she hoped it was, cause she was already loving the feeling... But she had to keep her hope to herself, and not tell Sultana what Khaddy had said, She wouldn’t want to be that girl that would get her sisters hope high and only to crush it once more.
The following morning after fajr prayers her mom came to her room, informing her that the groom's family were going to bring her Kayan lefe(gifts for the bride) and it will be in their family house and they were also going to fix the date of the wedding.
Sultana was dazed, everything was happening so fast. She looked at her mom, from the look of things an outburst of tears was imminent. Her mum cupped her face in her hands and said soberly. “I am not happy about this marriage, you know i would never force you to do such a thing, i tried reasoning with your dad but he asked me if i had the money to pay the debt, that there is nothing we can do but pray to God, that he gives you a happy home, Duk abun da Allah ya yi daidai ne. What ever God does it is right.”
They were both in tears, Sultana engulfed her mom in a warm hug and assured her that she will be fine, for her parents, she had to be strong, and if this is what she would do to repay her parents for all they had done for her, she would do it in a heartbeat. She had a heart to heart talk already with her dad. He said he knew happiness wasn’t waiting at her door step, but should try to make it work, and if things didn’t work out she was free to walk away, he knew marriage wasn’t a bed of roses, but it shouldn’t be a bed of thorns either. With this Sultana made up her mind to leave everything in God’s hands, she had her family which were her greatest support, she knew she wasn’t in this marriage alone.
Later that day, when het sisters came back from their family home, they couldn't stop talking about the gifts, saying things like how can such an old man have such an incredible taste in fashion, they talked about the gold, rubies, pearls, and diamond jewelries, and all the luxury she had. It was concluded among the family members that the wedding fathia will be held by the next friday, no wedding events just a wedding fathia. After all the gist, and teasing about the famous Alico family. Her sisters even took pictures of the gifts, and showed it to her she was stupefied, and speechless, you couldn't expect less from the Alico family. She was still thinking about how her life would change soon, when she heard a knock on the door.
“Come in, the door is open.” She knew it was Imran her elder brother he always knocked before he came in, unlike the rest of her siblings. “Hey sis sis.” Imran said and punched her arm playfully. “Ouch ya Imran...” “Hope i am safe?” Sultana said scanning her brother’s appearance, he looked happy, unlike the last few days when he looked gloomy. “You are more than safe, dad wants to see you.”
“Okay!!” she said looking at him skeptically, wondering why his smile won’t flatter.. This better be good she thought.
“Dad i’m here.” She sat quietly in front of her dad, her head lowered, as she fidgeted with her fingers. “My dear Sultana, may Allah bless you and reward you, may he grant you abundant bliss, and grant you children that will be the coolness of your eyes as you have been the coolness of our eyes.”
“Ameen dad.” Something was up, she knew it. “I just got a visit from Mr Alico." And then her heart skipped a bit.. oh lord, let this be good. She knew the moment her dad started praying like that, something was up. Sulyman cleared his throat, thinking of how to break the news to his beloved daughter.
"Mr Alico informed me earlier, saying it is his son he wants you to get married to, that he has no interest in adding a second wife, it was all based on our agreement he came like that at me, you know his son Sultan right? He asked calmly He said i should ask if you are okay with him being your husband."
"Ya Salam why did her life have to be like this, she wasn't yet acustomed to this marriage thingy, and now again they were telling her that her husband had been changed. “Dad.” She looked up at her dad to be sure of what she just heard. “Excuse me please.” She didn't even know how to feel at that point, She reached her room locked the door, sliding down slowly against the door. What kind of life was this, why do they have to keep playing with her emotions like a yoyo.
She felt stupid thinking for how she had mended her broken heart, and only for it to be shattered over again... She rummaged for her phone on the bed, dialed her best friend Halima, who she needed more than ever now.
"Hey Susu how have you been all this days? i've been trying to reach you but your pho....." Sultana cut her off. “Hal where are you, i need to see you.” She said in broken sobs. “Oh my God Sultana you are not alright, i am on my way.” Halima said. What could possibly make her best friend cry like this.
“Sultana how are you i came as soon as i could, why are you crying.” Halima said hugging her broken friend and rubbed her back soothingly. “It is okay Susu, i am going to need you to calm down okay, what is the problem.” Halima asked, they were still in a hug. Sultana said lightly. “I am getting married.” Sultana’s mild tone made Halima wonder if she was serious or not. “Wait What!!” Halima pulled apart the hug..
“Why, when, who, how, did all of this happen, you were gone for two weeks and this happened, there has to be a reason.” Halima was beyond shocked. After Sultana had narrated the whole story to her. “This boggles my mind Sultana, Are you really sure you want to do this?” “Yes Hal, what can i do, everything is happening so fast, everything is already planned, and my dad needs this, our family needs this, and i don’t want to be that child that would crush my father’s hopes.” “What about your happiness Sultana is it planned? you have to put yourself first, it is you who is going to be living with him, you have to be sure about this.” “I know right, i have talked to ya Imran, and he says if it is Sultan there is nothing to worry about that he is in fact a cool guy, i want to give it a try and see where this goes, i know it is a test from God.” “Yes Sultana, i wish you the best of everything, and i will always be here Susu, cheer up, girl you are getting married to one hottie, on the bright side..”
“Woooow! i don’t even remember what he looks like now, and thank you Hal, for always being a shoulder to lean on...” “It is okay Susu, if you want to cry my shoulder is always here to lean on.” “Awww, so we can be this responsible.” Hal said and they both burst out with laughter.
Sultan still couldn’t fathom the fact that he was getting married, he thought it was all a joke, until he saw how serious the wedding preps were been made in their house. He was getting married in the next three days wonderful! three weeks ago he was a free guy, never thought about marriage, now he was forced to ponder about his life, he asked himself, if he would be a good husband, if he would love her and treat her right, he did not want to be forced into a loveless marriage, where the both of them would be bereft.
He hoped it was going to be for the best, He was one of the most eligible, and handsome bachelors, who always had girls drooling after him, and he still loved that liberty he had being single, now he had to get his acts right and be responsible, it had always been his plan, once he found the love of his life. His was bubble was burst suddenly. Speaking of which, he didn’t know who he had to be responsible for. He was getting married to his brother’s friend’s sister, he did not even know who was going to be his wife among Imran’s sisters. Thinking of Imran, he needed to pay that dude a visit, he left him hanging the last time.
“Are you even listening to me Hal?”
"To be very honest i wasn't listening to you." She said blandly looking at Sultana deep in the eyes with a serious expression. “Remind me again why we are friends." Sultana said.
"Dallacan, i was busy searching up your future husband."Hal said bringing the phone close to Sultana's face. When Sultana saw his picture for a moment she was speechless, she looked at his wonderful face that stared back at her. Above the picture, his name was written Sultan Bashir Alico, son of multi billionaire Bashir Alico, The Nigerian sweetheart is said to have had multiple relationships with numerous girls, and is said to be one of Naija's play boys, we have not heard if he is in any serious relationship now, but we are sure when he is we would know, we love Sultan so much. He is one of Nigeria's most handsome, eligible, responsible and successful multi millionaire at his young age. other searches related to Sultan Bashir Alico is Irfan Bashir Alico who is also hottie himself.. click here...
After reading the trivia, they were speechless and the only thing they could do was to burst out with laughter.
"So am getting married go one of naija's play boys." Sultana said in a soft whimper, as she thought of how her life would be, and all the hurdles she would have to go through if he was actually a play boy, as the internet depicted him to be. Hal enveloped her in a warm hug. "If it makes you feel any better, at least you are not marrying his dad.” Hal said and Sultana let out a repressed giggle. “How is that supposed to make me feel better.” Sultana said. “Power to you,” Hal said “To be sincere he is freaking handsome, and hot, take a good look at him damn."
"Oh please spare me, what would his beauty add to my life, i am not one of those girls that drool over guys, but anyways allow me to feast my eyes again.” Halima cleared her throat “mhhhhmm, I don't drool over guys!!" Halima mimicked Sultana's voice. She dropped the phone on her bed and opened Sultana's fridge, she took the temptation ice cream and went to sit on the chaise chair attached to the window side, She let out another scream, that made sultana's ears almost bleed.
"What the freaking hell!! google pictures didn't do him justice at all." She didn't realize she was screaming, so loud as she saw Sultan from the window. Sultana went to see why Hal was screaming, she almost went bananas, when she saw his organic structure from afar, her eyes roamed over the image of an absolute masculine contentment, and he was talking to her beloved brother. “Holy son of a biscuit!! damn dude was handsome. she had to admit.
Imran and Sultan were at the patio talking, When the next thing they heard was a faint scream, they both looked up toward where they heard the sound from. The moment Sultan looked up and saw two girls standing by the window side, his world froze, when he saw the girl, his heart beat increased.. but then they continued with their discussion. Sultan's mind wasn't on the gist any more, it was on the svelte, and tall girl with dangerous long legs standing by the window,unaware of his gaze on her..
"Are you listening?" Imran asked “Oh yes i am listening what were we saying again."
"Give me a minute." Imran said. He called some body on the phone. Sultan was still looking at the girl by the window, but she left, and never came back to the window again. Sultan heard Imran saying stuff like. leave the window side you are not properly dressed. Sultan was hoping he would say her name but he didn’t. They went inside the house to eat, Imran had bribed one of his sisters to cook for them, she looked a little like the one he saw by the window. Since the time he saw her he couldn't stop thinking about her. He had been begging Imran to tell him who was going to be his wife, Imran told him to wait it was only a few days left.
Halima and Sultana were still standing by the window side, they hadn't gotten enough of his beauty, but it was high time they stopped stalking him clandestinely.. They wouldn't want to be caught. They wanted to stalk him on instagram but he didn't have a page, only different fan pages. Until they were interrupted by her brothers call. “Sultana you guys should leave the window side you are not properly dressed." “Oh lord, of course they weren’t properly dressed, she was wearing a skinny sky blue denim jeans and a top with spagetti straps at least her hair was covered, and Hal was wearing only a body con, and her hair was tied in a messy bun. Hal bugged Sultana that it was getting late, and she was trying to beat traffic that should walk her to her car. She knew Hal had other motives.. "Hal you are not getting late you do know you don't have curfew when you are in this house." “What ever, you know this is not Abuja, this is Kano.” She only wanted Sultan and Sultana to meet.
She grabbed her hijab from her bed and put it on, and she escorted her out. By the time they went outside Imran and Sultan weren't there. Sultana was a little disappointed she wanted to see her husband to be face to face. hey sulti what is wrong with you why are you disappointed her subconcious mind said.
As if Halima noticed the way her facial expression changed. “Aww, sad already cause you didn't see your dear Sultan, omg !omg!!
“What is it again werido.” Sultana said. “How did i not notice earlier that you both have matching names, this shit keeps getting interesting." “Hal i thought you said you were trying to beat traffic." "Who says I don't have some few minutes for gossip." Sultana smacked her back "stupid kawai.." “What ever, please my regards to mom when she comes back."
"I sure will, love you, thanks for always being there." “Always Sultana.” Halima said igniting her car to life.
"Bye Hal drive safe." Sultana called out, but the crazy girl had already turned the music on. She was certain she didin't hear her. After some minutes she texted "I will mumu, i didn't know you cared." Sultana read the text and rolled her eyes, she was scrolling for a channel to watch, before she put in on E! and was watching KUWTK. She soon drifted off to sleep.
Imran and Sultan went to the masjid for Asr prayers, and by the time they came back to Imran's house the first person Sultan saw in the living room made his emotions go haywire. That same window girl, there she was laying on the couch sleeping soundlessly. He fell in love with the image in front of him, she was such a cute person while asleep. Sleeping beauty he thought, the way her hair splattered all over her face, and back, she had long and shapely legs, she could have been a model but she wasn’t. He tried to lower his gaze. He wish he could continue watching her sleep like that.
She stirred from her sleep, when the door creaked open quietly, she opened her eyes and looked drowsily at them. “Hi bro bro’s!!” She drawled and was about to close her eyes again when it dawned on her that the other person was nobody other than Sultan. Her eyes widened in realization and shock, she thought it was Sudais her younger brother, she picked her hijab up, and didn’t have the time to put it on properly, She just placed it on her head and ran out of the living room, like a mad dog, she almost missed her step.
She heard Imran laughing saying this girl will not change. He still didn’t say a name, It was pure torture to Sultan, Albeit he had a feeling that she was Sultana. cause that's all he was told, that his would be wife's name was Sultana, His sisters and Imran refused to tell him even with all his pleadings and bribing of his sisters. Imran told him to have patience, that in three days he would know, well to him three days felt like three years.
She ran to Afrah's room, on a norm she would have gone to Nasreen's room but she wasn't around she went with out with mom and dad, and of course Sudais went to play basket ball obviously.
She barged into Afrah's room which made her startled, Afrah looked at her with a deathly glare and continued doing what she was doing on her phone and didnt even pay attention to her.
"Why are you breathing like as if you saw your village people." “You won't understand." Now Afrah was listening and with utmost attention the girl liked to hear gossips.. “Tell me already what is it?”
Sultana narrated what happened. Afrah was quiet for a while and the next thing was a roaring sound of laughter from her. “Kutumar burauban chan, wait so you mean Sultan saw you dressed in this tiny top, he has seen more than he is supposed to see before time." Afrah said teasingly. “Afrahh!!” Sultana bawled out. She cringed thinking of the fact that Sultan would see her in less than a top, don’t think about this now Sultana. She said in her mind. Afrah continued laughing, until Sultana shot her a glare so she stopped. Sultana knew she was still laughing cause she could hear her sniffling her laughter. “I know its embarrassing, sha sorry, and you are getting married to him in the next three days and believe me there are going to be more embarrassing encounters."
Sultana took the little throw pillow by her side and threw it at her, and her phone almost fell from her hand. “Yaya hmmmn, if my phone breaks ehn, even if i sell you, you won't be enough to buy me another one."
"Whatever, i dont even know why i came here self ... ehen were is that malteasers sef.”
She said walking towards her mini fridge. "Nooo not my malteasers please it is the last one.” She was going to miss her sisters and all their banters, so she had to cherish these moments .....