I couldn’t sleep. My mother’s voice, insisting that we were surrounded by werewolves instead of wolves, taunted me every time I closed my eyes and started to doze. I mean… wolves I could understand. We’d moved to the country on property that bordered a nature reserve, but werewolves? Frustrated, I climbed out of bed, slipped into a lightweight robe and slippers and headed downstairs.
With no close neighbors to worry about, mom rarely closed the blinds on the back door leading to the patio. The brilliance of the moon illuminated the kitchen to the point I didn’t find a need to turn on the light.Helping myself to a tall glass of milk and a few homemade peanut butter cookies, I went out onto the patio to enjoy my snack and the beautiful night sky.
I must have been so lost in thought that I didn’t hear Kenton approaching. It wasn’t until he said, “Hello” that I saw him standing in the shadows at the far side of the patio.
I gave an involuntary jump and threw my hand over my heart.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he said, apologetically, while continuing to stand in the shadows.
“I’m not used to voices coming at me in the middle of the night,” I said good naturedly.
“That could prove nerve-wracking,” he admitted.
“Are you going to remain in the shadows?” I asked.
He chuckled. “I didn’t want to assume that I was welcome on your patio.”
I pointed to the chair next to me. “I’ve been enjoying the moon tonight. Want to join me?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” he said with humor as he took his seat in the chair next to mine. My body shivered with delight and my breath caught for a second at the impact of him being so near. Terrified of the humiliation my reaction would cause me, I was glad when he seemed not to notice as he asked in a casual tone, “What are you snacking on?”
“Peanut butter cookies and milk. The cookies are homemade. Do you want some?” I asked with probably more zeal than was necessary.
“Not my thing,” he said with a lazy shake of his head. “I’d take something stronger, if you’ve got it.”
I thought for a moment. “I’m not much of a drinker, but mom usually has wine and bourbon in the house.” I knit my brows together. “Although, she gave me wine tonight because she said that was all there was. I can see if there’s any left.”
“I thought you said you didn’t drink?” he mused.
“I said that I’m not much of a drinker,” I replied, defensively. “I had a glass with mom tonight because she wanted company. Wine’s not so bad, anyway. Not like the hard stuff.”
“I never could tolerate wine,” he said with quiet politeness. “I guess I’m more of a hard stuff guy.”
“I’m sorry,” I said with genuine feeling. I wanted so badly to impress this guy. It was my luck that we’d be out of liquor at just that time. “Normally we’re up to our ears in Jack Daniels. It figures we’d be out tonight.”
I could see his perfectly straight teeth as he smiled at me. It was so sexy. His teeth looked so beautiful in the moonlight. They almost glowed. “Don’t worry. I’m fine without it. Maybe next time.”
My heart skipped a beat at his reference to future visits. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. Back in Chicago, I would have never attracted a hunk such as this guy. My boyfriends were cute, but not gorgeous. That was probably because I was merely cute. And barely at that. I was about three inches too tall. My hair was unruly and since I was a tomboy by nature, I rarely fussed with it. My chin was too long, and I maintained a weight that as about fifteen pounds too light for someone of my height and build no matter how hard I tried to rectify it. Someone who looked like Kenton was the dream of every girl who looked like me. I thanked my lucky stars that I’d moved to an area where the girls must be either uglier than me or in short supply. Whatever the reason, I felt like the luckiest girl alive, just then.
A cool breeze blew across the patio and I shivered.
“Are you cold? Do you want to go inside?” he asked with concern.
“I’m fine,” I said. I was in no hurry to part company. “The night’s just a little chillier than I’m used to. Summer in Chicago is hot and muggy most days.”
“You’re in the mountains now,” he said sweetly. “The air is thinner and dryer.”
“And cooler,” I said as I secured my robe around me. “I will have to get a thicker robe.”
He looked at me through the corner of his eye. “I like you in that one.”
My face burned, and I was suddenly very aware that I was in my robe and pajamas.
He must have realized the change in mood because he stood up and said, “I should let you go back inside.”
“You only just got here,” I said. “Were you walking again?”
“The truth?” he asked. When I nodded, he continued. “I was out walking and then I remembered your beautiful face and my feet just headed here. It seems they like you just as much as I do.”
I giggled at his corny flattery. “Well, I guess I should thank your feet, then.” I leaned my head back to admire the moon. “It’s lucky you found me awake and outside, though. What time is it, anyway? Do you know?”
“I don’t have a watch,” he said. “If your clock is easy to see from the patio, I’ll go check for you.”
Feeling lazy and satisfied that I’d managed to stall his leaving, I murmured, “It’s on the wall to the right of the door. You might have to step inside to get a good look.”
“So, I have your permission to enter your house?” he asked with a tone that made me chuckle.
“You sound like a vampire asking for an invitation.” When he smiled broadly at me, but said nothing, I added in a tone that sounded mockingly spooky, “Well, if stepping inside the door to check the time needs my permission, the, yes, you have my permission to enter my house.”
I giggled at my own silliness.
When he stood and bowed low, I couldn’t help admiring the way his jet-black hair glistened in the moonlight. An earthy, musky scent wafted at me as he stood upright. I gave a silent gasp while every part of my body either stood at attention or contracted with desire. Thankfully, he was oblivious to it all.
“Well, then, Miss Missy, I shall enter thy home and check thy clock for the correct time,” he said teasingly as he headed toward the door to the kitchen.
“Try to do it quietly if you can,” I said softly. “I’d hate to wake my family.”
He stopped in his tracks. “Your family?”
“My mother and my brother,” I explained.
“Hmm. They’re light sleepers, then? Perhaps I shouldn’t check the time.”
“No. Go on in,” I insisted. “Just try to be as quiet and as fast as you can.”
“Will do,” he replied. True to his word, he was as silent as a mouse and just as quick. “It is one-twenty in the morning.”
“I can’t believe you walk this late at night,” I said with surprise.
“I can’t believe you sit outside in your pajamas this late either,” he said good-naturedly.
“I don’t,” I said. “This was my first time.”
His tone was soft and seductive as he said, “Lucky me.”
I felt an overwhelming longing as my body contracted from my throat all the way to my groin. I wanted nothing more than for him to take me into his arms and kiss me silly. I was still a virgin, but the idea of going all the way with this guy was mighty tempting. If he started something, I was fairly sure I wouldn’t be the one to stop it.
To my frustration and disappointment, he did nothing but chat about unromantic topics for another twenty minutes before saying goodnight and heading off across the field. They were topics of interest, such as the horses, the reserve, and the history of the mountain folk, but they were topics I would have preferred to discuss at another time. A time when I wasn’t longing to be swept into his arms like I was in some romantic movie.
I stayed outside and admired him in the moonlit night as best I could from afar until the night consumed him.
I went to bed with such a tortuous longing for him that I was actually feverish. I reasoned with myself that it was simply my body’s developing hormones coming into bloom and I’d behave this way no matter who the guy was. The sun was peeking over the horizon before my body finally relaxed and gave in to sleep.